Weekly News Update
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- The Atlantic talks about why designers are reluctant to include pockets in women's clothes — and how it affects women at work.
- Pinterest Told Me To rounds up a selection of tunics that are long enough to pair well with leggings.
- Fashionista presents “14 Beautiful Bras for Full-Chested Women.”
- Fortune reports on a study that examined the ways your spouse/partner can influence your job performance. Also recently in Fortune: the word “kiddo” and women whistleblowers.
- The New York Times' You're the Boss blog asks, “Can a female boss successfully manage a chauvinist?”
- A Harvard Business Review blogger looks into a study that showed women may be more likely to negotiate salary at a new job when they've been told the pay is negotiable; if not, they may actually negotiate downward (h/t to The Broadsheet).
- Above the Law talks about judges who tweet.
- Road Warriorette tackles deplaning etiquette.
Did we miss anything? Add ‘em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms.
Ha- my old boss calls me “kid” but I take zero offense to it; in fact, I’m very fond of it. He calls pretty much everyone he likes kid, including people in their 60s and 70s. It’s actually when I knew I “made” it in his book.
Now, “hon” is a whole ‘nother story. I worked with a secretary who called me (and every other woman she worked with) “hon” and I hated it.
Oops–good to know. I have sweet associations with “hon” from growing up in Maine; it was only women who cared deeply for me who called me hon and so now, occasionally, I use it for a younger woman when I want her to know I value her and have her back. I really should have known people have different associations for these things.
Do Not call me any word with “kid” in it at work, or if you are in any position of power over me other than my own parent, and then only when you are referring to me to others. I will hold it against you and think horrible thoughts and lose interest in ever working with you again.
I had a new associate call me kiddo. (I was staff, and looked fairly young). I’m sure he meant it with affection, but I was sort of baffled/amused, and kind of called him out on it (did you just call me kiddo?! I think I’m older than you. How old are you? Yup, I’m older.)
The Atlantic.
It’s interview season, and two days in a row, I’ve had this conversation:
Male MBA: Why don’t you just take a picture of this business card with your phone? (Or, do X with your phone)
Me: I don’t have my phone on me. There’s no pockets on women’s suits.
Male MBA: Mind. Blown.
You don’t bring your purse to interviews? Where is your wallet (and your phone…)?
This is for on campus stuff, so I leave my overstuffed backpack, etc, in the master’s lounge and just take my padfolio.
Hmm. I also realized my suits do have pockets. I actually wear my suit jackets when I want more pockets since they have jacket pockets in addition to my (often) skirt pockets. I don’t have the iphone 6 plus but I can fit my regular sized phones in my pockets pretty easily.
where on earth did you find quality skirt suits with pockets on the skirt???? All my jackets have tiny little pockets that are sewn shut anyway. I know I could take out the seam, but I wouldn’t want to ruin the structure.
Mine are JCrew.
I keep my phone in my bra, but I’m busty enough (and thus wear very serious bras) so it doesn’t show through shirt + suit jacket. I’ve also practiced taking it out of my bra in front of a mirror so that it looks very much like I am taking it from a pocket on the inside of my suit jacket, where men have a pocket.
Also bless j. crew for actually putting a pocket there in many of their blazers.
The tunics are cute, but man, that Pinterest Told Me To person is annoying.
I’m sure that smile is charming in person, but by the 3rd set of pictures, all I could see was “deranged.”
I think the Pinterest lady needs thicker leggings. Her tops are cute, but some of them look like she’s wearing a shirt with tights, though maybe that’s just the photography. Athletic brands like Zella, Athleta, lululemon, etc all have a crotch gusset thing so that it doesn’t look weird when you wear them with normal shirts.
I have the same Hue leggings and I don’t think they are thick enough to pass the “are these pants?” test. Love them with dresses or long tunics, though.