Weekend Open Thread
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Nov. 2024 Update: The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is over for the year, and we don't yet know when the 2025 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale will be. Stay tuned for their Half-Yearly Sale, which usually starts around Dec. 23. (Unfamiliar with the NAS? Check out this page for more info on why it's the best sale of the year.) Sign up for our newsletter to stay on top of all the major workwear sales, or check out our roundup of the latest sales on workwear!
The below content is about the 2020 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.
Something on your mind? Chat about it here.
If you're looking for sleek flats or low heels to replace higher heels (which may have an adjustment period if you haven't worn them in a while!), these skimmer flats from Cole Haan look great. They come in a black leather, navy suede, and leopard calf hair.
They're temporarily marked to $79.90 in the 2020 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (where a new tier opened up today!). After the sale, they'll go back up to $150–$160.
Two random notes while I was scrolling around this morning: 1) Readers used to love the brand Fraiche by J (I particularly remember a shrunken cardigan that I can't find now), but it's been gone for years — it's back! Lots of cute, slightly sexy dresses, rompers, jumpsuits, all mostly under $100. 2) I'm not a fan of the color of this dress, but I don't believe I've ever seen a t-shirt dress styled with a button-front layered underneath it. Interesting — I applaud the attempt but am not sure it worked with this pairing. FYI, kids.
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Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!
Some of our latest threadjacks include:
- My workload is vastly exceeding my capability — what should I do?
- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
- What colors should I wear with a deep green sweater dress?
- How do you celebrate milestone birthdays?
- How do you account for one-time expenses in your monthly budget?
- If I'm just starting to feel sick from the flu, do I want Tamilfu?
- when to toss old clothes of a different size
- a list of political actions to take right now
- ways to increase your intelligence
- what to wear when getting sworn in as a judge (congrats, reader!)
- how to break into teaching as a second career
I just got a special off-cycle performance bonus (yay! Such a nice boost right now and a nice confirmation that I’m not at imminent risk of being fired for asking to WFH for longer). My question is about how the amount hitting my account is less than half of the amount of the bonus. I get that there’s some nuance about supplemental income and taxes, but why is it adding up to an over 50% tax rate?? That’s the part I don’t get when my partner and I are in the 24% tax bracket…
Is it a giant chunk going into your 401K perhaps?
Actually, you’re right – a chunk is going into the 401K. That makes it slightly better, but now isn’t that going to push me over the contribution limit for the year? I was set to max out the 401k based on salary and now there’s this extra bonus money going there too…it’s only about $600 extra, but still.
Yes, you may very well hit your 401 and SS deduction amounts for the rest of the year based off the bonus, which means you don’t see THIS money but your paychecks may now go up a bit for the rest of the year! Also bonuses are usually taxed at a higher rate that straight salary.
Will they go up without me doing anything? Sorry to be a bit dim about this – this is the first year I’ve ever been able to max anything out.
Normally your employer stops withholding 401k contributions from your paycheck when you hit the IRS limit but I would confirm with them. I have worked for an employer that didn’t and it was a giant mess dealing with the excess contributions.
All employers of mine have just turned off the contributions automatically, 401k and SS.
It depends on your employer, so you will have to check with your benefits rep. Many do automatically cut off at the limit, but not all.
Figuring out if front-loading works for you may also be a good idea. Some companies contribute their match only if you portion your money evenly throughout the year, so dumping the max into your 401k come January to “get it over with” may leave employer match on the table.
If it makes you feel better, I just calculated that my OT rate after taxes is less than my straight rate.
My OT is hard fought tropical storm recovery work (including 18+ hr days, being outside in the weather, etc). It was such a bummer to finally calculate what the net is.
It won’t work out that way when you actually file taxes for the year.
I am not an expert, but I think that your bonus is also taxed at a higher rate initially, and then when you do your taxes if that amount is inappropriate vis a vis your actual tax rate, then you are eligible for a larger refund. This turbotax article sort of clarifies? https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/jobs-and-career/how-bonuses-are-taxed/L7UjtAZbh
Dad thinks that you need to tell your company that you are filing joint returns with your partner, which may not have been evident when you filled out your W-4 form. Now that you have someone, you are eligible for a lower tax rate (at least this year, Dad says, b/c of the likelihood that Biden will raise taxes), so get that money refunded to you now, b/f the tax rate goes up. If they give it back to you next year after you file your IRS 1040, and there is a new administration, you will surely loose even more of the money. Call HR Bloch if you need verification of the tax rates for single vs joint returns, and you will see. But do it NOW, he says, as Dad reminds me that he is always right when it comes to taxes. YAY!!!!
Wondering if anyone here has had the Excel V laser treatment for Rosacea? I had a dermatologist appointment a couple of weeks ago for something that absolutely could not be put off any longer, and while I was there the doctor did a full body check, and mentioned that I have Rosacea on my cheeks. It isn’t very bad, no pimples or bumps with it, just redness, and I can see small broken blood vessels under the skin, and I get very flushed with even one glass of wine. She suggested the laser treatment, which can be done at the same time as my follow-up on the other issue. Mine is mild, and is easily covered with light makeup (and now with a mask), but I am very fair and so any flushing on me is noticeable. I feel like if it was less red maybe I would be less inclined to wear any makeup at all. Just looking to see if anyone has had experience with it?
No experience with laser, just with Rosacea. I had doctor diagnosed rosacea and it went away when I was diagnosed with celiac and went gluten free. My derm said I’m not the only person that she’s had this happen to. Mine bothered me a lot, so I’m happy. Just a thought for you…
Interesting. I have been screened for celiac with those blood tests that can tell if you have certain antibodies or whatever as part of diagnostics for a GI condition, but didn’t have the antibodies for celiac. I wonder if other GI conditions can cause the same thing.
Perhaps other food intolerances might. Worth an elimination diet, perhaps.
However, the celiac blood test has a high false negative result profile, so people (like me, my brother and my son) can test negative with blood but test positive with the definitive biopsy. The blood test is not the gold standard test, the biopsy of the duodenum is the gold standard. So it’s possible that you do have celiac.
Very interesting; I didn’t know that about the blood test. I’m going to do some investigation to see if I have had the biopsy; I’ve had all the scopes and they did biopsies of the stomach and esophagus for sure, so it’s possible, but I don’t know for sure.
Well, if you had an endoscopy, they should have taken a biopsy for celiac. That’s how mine was found, looking for another issue. So maybe you don’t have celiac if they did the biopsy.
I’ve had laser for broken capillaries related to Rosacea. I don’t know if it was the specific laser you mentioned, but it was a real laser and not IPL.
It worked but for me there was a lot of down time. It created “bruises” which were pockets of blood under the skin where the capillaries had burst. So I had purple dots on my nose, chin, and cheeks. And for me, they faded very gradually. I could cover them with makeup pretty well, but not completely.
I did three sessions and had similar bruising each time. I tried to time the session for when I knew I didn’t have a conference or speaking engagement or even something like a business lunch with someone who wasn’t one of my besties.
Quarantine seems like the perfect time to do it. But I don’t know how many zoom calls you have.
Good to know. This is what I’m wondering about, I think I’ll need to be able to WFH right after (we’re back in the office). Did it hurt?
They describe it as like a rubber band snapping. It was in fact like that. Very quick zaps. I had an eye mask on for protection, but when it zapped me, I saw bright light behind my closed eyelids.
Being zapped on the chin hurt the least, on the cheeks slightly more, on the nose and under the nose was almost intolerable. The nurse who administered the laser knew this so she did a limited number right around my nose and told me to tell her when I couldn’t take it any more, which I did.
I also want to make sure you know that some capillaries will come back. Nothing is forever, unfortunately, but it’s so disappointing when you see the first ones regrow! But I’m still much better off than I was to begin with.
Thank you for sharing. I am kinda a scaredy cat when it comes to stuff like this, but it’s very helpful to know. I’m going to think about it a bit before I decide. I probably should get it, but it makes me nervous. (So sad that they come back over time!)
I do the Clear and Brilliant laser treatment which pretty much eliminates my very mild rosacea.
I have had Rosacea for years. My derm prescribed oral doxycycline and metronidazole cream. It works well for me. I tried laser for the small broken veins around my nose, but it hurt so I quit. It didn’t seem to make much difference anyway, but maybe that’s because I didn’t go through the whole course of treatment. Good luck!
How long has your iPhone lasted? I buy mine outright and pay for my plan separately, so I never have a payment included in my phone plan. I’m planning on buying a new SE when this phone (Old SE, about 2.5 years old) bites the dust. My phone company (from whom I buy the phone outright) is having a sale of $100 off, which means I’ll be able to get the 256 GB phone for less than $500.
My phone is functional but not great. I’ve never had an iPhone last this long so can’t tell if the death is imminent or if I can eek out a few more months. It seems like it’s probably a good move to buy a new phone now with the discount, but it pains me to buy a new phone while mine is still serviceable.
FWIW, I use a lifeproof case on my phone and that saves me on the regular (I’m very hard on my things). No cracks in my screen or other major issues, just minor malfunctions that are becoming increasingly frequent.
I bought my SE when it first came out – April of 2016, I believe. Still going strong. The thing I’m most excited about with the new ones when this one gives up the ghost (or Apple stops supporting it) is more storage – I have to manage my storage pretty closely on the 16 GB phone!
I have two SEs (personal and work) – purchased in November 2016 and in August 2017. Both going strong.
Although I envy the photo quality of newer models, I do not like big phones.
I’m amazed yours are still working after 3-4 years! I’ve always had my iPhones die right at the 2-2.5 year mark
I have had three iPhone and they all lasted at least 4 years (one of them was passed along to a family member and she is still using it; it must be at least 8 years old). And my daughter has one that is 4 years old. I have never had one die at less than 4 years old (and that one did not die so much as become vaguely unreliable).
I find that using at Otterbox case greatly extends the life expectancy of iPhones!
Me too. I had a Iphone 5S that I got rid of after about 2 years or so, but ONLY b/c the screen was tiny, and I couldn’t read it easily. So I replaced it with a iphone 7, which was slightly bigger. That phone got really burning hot for no reason, and was also difficult to charge so I replaced it last year with an iphone 11. So far so good, but it is so darn big and heavy that I need to use both hands to hold and operate it. My next iphone will be smaller b/c I have small hands and really do NOT like to have to hold the iphone with 2 hands just to operate it! How dumb is that? PTOOEY on Apple! We don’t all have man hands like Steve Yobs, and I do NOT want to buy an Android b/c of the securities issues!
Usually right around 2 years for me, although I’m at 2 years with the two I have now and they’re both still going strong.
I do the installment plan because it’s basically interest free. I buy a new one when the installments are paid on my old phone. I use my phone constantly and I am also bad about dropping it, though I’ve never broken the screen, so it just kind of wears out. Also the battery life starts to be sub-optimal around 1.5 years.
I like a new phone with all the updates. What can I say?
Same. I don’t understand buying it outright when you don’t have to make that big outlay all at once. It is interest free. You also have the option to pay it off so if you decide you want to switch carriers you can pay it off then. I also like having the best camera I can get.
I like to keep my month to month costs low – so I pay $25/mo for unlimited talk/text/data. Even if it’s interest free, it kills me to have a monthly payment on a depreciating asset.
I have about 8 savings accounts (like the envelope method but separate accounts), one of which is a technology replacement fund. I put $50/month into it and then use that money to pay for my new phones / computers. By the time I need a new phone, it’s been fully funded, and then some. The account earns interest (its ally bank – the rate used to be more but oh well).
I can buy a new phone every few years for $450 and then pay $25/mo for service which is perfect for me.
So you pay $1,000 bucks up front for an immediately depreciating asset instead? I’m not trying to change your mind here, we all get to have our own preferences, but your logic doesn’t make much sense to me.
+1 I also always buy mine outright.
I buy cheap/older models so my last two phones have been less than $400, this new phone is $450. I’m morally opposed to spending that much on a phone. I can afford a $1000 phone now but couldn’t afford that until recently (Im young for this board but I was the only kid in my high school without a smartphone, I started college with a flip phone) and I just refuse to spend that much on a phone.
The money for the phone sits in a HYSA so at least it earns a little interest? (Even now with the 1% rate at Ally I’ll earn ~$10/year in this account)
Idk I think it’s a mental thing for me that I don’t like to do recurring payments on depreciating assets (I bought my used car in cash too)
Mathematically, you’re better off buying on interest free installments because the money you didn’t pay up front can continue earning interest or other investment gains for you. That’s why people say interest free installments are a no brainer.
In my case, it’s why my mortgage isn’t worth paying off – the low interest rate and interest being tax deductible makes it a no-brainer for me (my effective rate is somewhere around 1.5% and my investments have always done better than that even weathering the worst markets)
But if you don’t like installments then don’t pay them. I just wanted to point out why many financially saavy people are fine with low or no interest installments.
Hi, who is your $25/mo provider? I assume you’re happy with the service? I would love to break up with AT&T…
I also don’t think my plan has an option to pay in installments – when you pay $25/mo for unlimited talk/text/data you don’t get many bells and whistles!
Boost! I had Virgin but it switched to Boost when Sprint and T-Mobile merged.
I’ve had it since Feb and really enjoy it. I had one hiccup when I switched over but otherwise things have been great (no one else on my plan had an error)! It’s $25 for my portion of the family plan – we have 4 lines for $100/month, unlimited everything. The rest of my family loves it as well. I could not recommend breaking up with the major carriers more!!!
Thank you! I’m in a mostly rural state so I’ll have to check on coverage, but it sounds awesome!
I buy the phone up front so I can have a prepaid plan instead of a contract. Right now I’m paying $25 per line for 5GB (I think?) data per line per month plus unlimited talk and text. I can change carriers whenever I want, and when the carrier comes out with a better or cheaper plan I can switch plans. I’ve gotten much better customer service with the prepaid plan than I’ve ever gotten with a contract.
Also I am not paying $1000 up front for an immediately depreciating asset. I buy the cheapest iPhone model and keep it until it dies. The new SE has a great camera, by the way.
Everyone has different reasons, but I always buy my phone outright because I travel a lot internationally for work (or at least I did in the before-times) and with a fully paid-off phone I can immediately unlock my SIM card. Then when I arrive wherever I am going I can buy a local SIM and buy prepaid phone credit there. If you are still on a contract payment plan, you can’t do this (without paying off your remainder). Obviously this isn’t relevant for everyone, but a big factor if you travel a lot, especially to places that don’t have good roaming coverage on T-Mobile’s free global data plan.
Have a first gen SE purchased in June 2016 for $200 new outright (it was a Father’s Day sale). Still going strong and I’m going to run it to the ground. Hoping for another year or two at least. Always have a case and a screen protector on it. Physical damage isn’t much of a problem but storage is quite full and I can tell that an increasing number of websites and apps are designing for larger screens and sometimes things are weirdly cut off in mine. Really hope that Apple gets the memo that some of us wants smaller phones that we can hold comfortably in one hand or fit in a wallet. In general, my expectation is 4+ years for a cellphone
Same here, except no case and no screen protector. I don’t see replacing it any time soon – battery life is still good and it suits my needs. I don’t like the bigger phones.
You can eke out a few more months. my last two phones gave me some trouble right around the two year mark, and I just pushed through, ignored it, and then it sort of magically stopped. That said, in both cases, I then upgraded around 2.5 years. But I bet you can get 3+ out of it.
My iphone 8 is almost 3 years old and it’s working perfectly. The iphone 6 I had for 2 years before that is being used by my son, and aside from having the battery replaced over a year ago, is also working perfectly. Iphones are lasting longer now.
I’ve had my X since January 2018. The battery life has declined a bit but it’s in great shape otherwise.
My SE is 4+ years old- I got it when it first came out. I did get a new battery a few years ago when they were replacing them for $30. I’d sort of like to have a nicer camera, but I have very small hands and I’m really sad they’re not making small phones anymore, so I’m holding on to this one as long as I can!
I’m using an iPhone 6 purchased sometime in 2015. I have had the battery replaced, but it works fine.
Yeah, I’m really surprised to hear 2 years being so common. I just upgraded from my 6, which I think I got in ’15 (maybe ’16), and it was having a few issues (mostly battery life), but still definitely working. And I sort of thought that that length of time, considering the prices, is pretty outrageous.
I had an iPhone 6 until the SE 2020 came out. My only complaint about the 6 was the battery performance (even after replacement) was degraded, and it was just a bit slow. I held out for upgrading so long because I didn’t want a big phone, and I wasn’t interested in a steep learning curve (gestures, etc.). The SE 2020 fit my needs perfectly… It is an iPhone 8 body with the newer SW. The only thing I wasn’t getting from a new phone was night mode, and it’s not a big deal.
I’m still using my 6s – no case so there’s a few scratches but nothing annoying. The battery life is not amazing but you can get it replaced (I’ve never bothered). For a bit it was having trouble charging and someone at Verizon went in the charging port with a paper clip end and cleaned out a bunch of fluff (facepalm) and since then it’s been fine.
I plan to get a new SE sometime soon, just because I want to grab another small, not too pricey phone before it’s not available anymore.
I had my 6 for 4.5 years. It was doing OK (had replaced the battery once), but I wanted the nicer camera, so finally switched to the 11 Pro. Love it.
iPhone 7, will be 4 years old next month. Still in great shape and works well, although battery life has declined somewhat. Hoping for another year or two.
I would get a newer model than the SE. Apple keeps updating their software and eventually your phone won’t be able to support the software, plus the battery on older phones is much crappier. I have the XR and love it.
The new SE is the newest iPhone model
I had an iPhone 6 before I upgraded to the SE about a month ago.
First off the SE is awesome! Great camera. Fast processor. It’s just smaller than the 11, but the brains are basically the same. I think the camera is slightly less capable, but only slightly. So glad they made a lower price point phone for people who don’t need the latest and greatest device.
My phones typically last 3-4 years. I keep them in an otter box and have literally thrown it down the grocery store aisle on accident (dropped it, went to catch it, and managed to fling it further in the process), and not even a scratch. Only downside to keeping a phone so long is Apple or the carriers won’t give you any account credit and buy back the phone.
Typically I notice major lags in the processing before I physically need a new phone. Apps load slowly, crash frequently, etc. You can probably stretch the life of the phone out more, but after several years is it really worth it investment wise? I’m sure you’ve gotten your money’s worth by now.
Maybe we should start a small joys thread (as a follow up on the minor annoyances thread earlier today). Any little wins lately? Any new favorite lounge clothes or household items that are carrying you through extra time at home? Best small treats or new routines?
I’m happy to have lost the inconvenience of eating dinner super late due to commuting …
We are having a warm spell in the Bay Area so I’m wearing all the linen. Well washed and broken in linen is Joyful for me.
Ooh my new linen sheets are just starting to soften up and it’s magical. I’m so excited to get into bed tonight!
I like this small joys topic! My kids are back in school (yay!) and my husband and I are both working from home, so we get to eat lunch together every day. Including today when we walked to an irish pub and ate on the patio. It was lovely.
7.5 ounce mini coca colas. They come in a 10 pack. I love real Coca Cola and appreciate the portion control.
Ooh, yes, that size sounds just right. It’s just never as satisfying after you’ve covered half the can and put it back in the fridge.
We are slowly but surely taking care of some house issues that had needed some attention. Got the leaky hot tub fixed, got a new outside sofa, cleared out the clutter in the laundry room, and are doing much better at keeping the kitchen counters cleared off.
Just bought half a dozen pairs of pajamas/house clothes and have stocked the DVR with reality TV … Married at First Sight here I come lol
My small joy this week is that I’ve been really happy since I found out earlier in the week that the orca whale who lost her calf a couple of years ago, and carried him for 17 days while she mourned, is pregnant again, and in her final stages of her pregnancy. I legit got choked up reading about it, but it made me very happy.
I remember that story, and I’m so happy to hear this update!
I heard about that mama orca too, and was so happy!
Oh my God I hope to heaven we can keep this new baby fed and healthy this time. The salmon are in such bad shape but we’ve worked really hard to make changes.
This spring when I saw that DH and I were going to be jammed up in the house together for some time without our usual outings and distractions, I thought it possible that the best case scenario was divorce and the worst case scenario was one of us smothering the other with a pillow. (Just kidding! Sort of.) I would say prior to the pandemic, he would have said the marriage as “fine” but I was annoying, and I fantasized about being single and living by myself. Five months of tight togetherness has done our relationship a world of good. We get along better and are more patient with each other.
And I know overall it’s not a small joy it’s a huge one. But it is a small joy on a day to day basis to not be stressed about the state of a marriage that is…fine.
Wow, that’s awesome. And I think you’re the only person I know who said this time has improved a struggling relationship, so kudos to you both.
I would have said ours was good not great. I’d say it’s pretty great now. I think both of us are so buried in work the past few months, that it’s been such a bright spot in otherwise hard days to stop at 6 o’clock and spend an hour walking the dog together. We talk about so much. It’s been a good reminder about all of the things I like about him. We’re normally takeout and restaurant folks. And he’s really come through on making dinner most nights (at least right away when things were so shut down and we weren’t as knowledgeable about risk level associated with surfaces). I never really appreciated just how much he looks out for us. And we always talk politics and are in agreement, but the last few months have been so crazy locally and nationally that it’s also been such a huge comfort to have a constant reminder that we share the same values and views. Sometimes it feels like we’re in our private place of calm in a world of chaos. I’m really surprised. But it’s like the love has always been there and now the friendship is even stronger.
That’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
I feel like it could go either way. My husband and I bicker a lot and I thought it would be worse during quarantine but we’re also, surprisingly, much closer. We still bicker but it’s like my husband has a new appreciation for me, and tells me a lot, which I’m really enjoying.
My next door neighbors, who seem to think their backyard is totally private (it’s not), I think might be on the verge of divorce. I unfortunately hear them fighting a lot and they are in the full-on contempt phase. That is never a good sign. I believe the husband took off and was unaccounted for for a day or so – sorry, I can’t help hearing your phone calls when you’re in the back yard, lady. I feel bad for their elementary school age kids.
I had a beer and a bowl of ice cream in bed last night while watching TV on my laptop
You’re very close to Doc’s beer milkshake territory (from Cannery Row)
I don’t even like beer but that sounds amazing, I may have to copy with my beverage of choice
My 18 year old rescue mutt is so happy to have a houseful of his people, and that makes me happy.
Our dogs are so happy. Our border collie gets to be outside all day in our pasture watching our horses. And our daughter is an ER nurse and working lots of overtime so we are dog-sitting for her two small rescue pups. I get dog cuddles all day long. I’m sure the dogs would revolt if we had to go to the office again (we won’t, ever, probably).
My small joy this week is that I actually ordered super cute workout clothes from Target and was pleasantly surprised by their quality when they came. I’m working out at home so it’s not like anyone else sees them, but it just makes me feel good to have a cute workout outfit. For anyone interested, it was All in Motion brand.
I have settled on an All In Motion brand jumpsuit as my pandemic summer wear. I would not want anyone to see me in this thing (though it might be quite cute on someone else), having a single piece of clothing, plus one that does not collect dog hair and creates tan lines similar to a bathing suit (I work outside a lot and get quite dark) has meant everything. I have it in multiples now.
I had an epiphany the other day – one of my favorite little indulgences in the Before Times was swinging by the grocery store after yoga and getting a coconut water. It somehow only JUST occurred to me that I can buy those on my regular grocery trips and then drink them after I’ve done a yoga class at home. Last night I sat on the porch to enjoy mine. It was fantastic.
Maybe more of a mid-sized joy, but I got a raise and bonus this week… and have promptly spent a good chunk of it on a fancy new pair of DPS skis with tech bindings so I can get out and ski this winter, regardless of whether the lifts are spinning!
Which bindings? I’m in the market.
I went with the Fritschi Tecton 12s, at the recommendation of the people at DPS. I got the special edition Yvette 112 RPs, and the plan is that they’ll be both my touring skis and powder day resort skis, so I wanted the alpine style heel since they’re not purely for touring.
Thank you! Going to check them out. My good friend (that I was supposed to ski with in March, sigh) got the famous Salomon Shift bindings, but was disappointed and I decided to check out other stuff.
I’m living with my parents instead of being alone and my dog gets to spend every day outside romping with his best friend, my parents’ dog.
This is the sweetest thing. Glad you have company, Sloan!
My practice has gotten busier and my new-ish assistant (hired in Feb.) has improved so much that I can now delegate a lot to her. So I’m making more money (small firm money, that is) and working less!
I have lost 5 lbs. since working from home starting in March. As a food addict, working feet away from her drug of choice, this is a joy for me. And a miracle to boot.
I realized I had a four pack of beer in the fridge I had forgotten about :)
A big joy: our kids (toddler and young elementary) have gotten really good at playing together, including resolving small conflicts and the older one kissing the younger one’s minor injuries to make them better.
I walked over 3 miles for the first time in 6 months (recovering from foot surgery). And my fiancee found my favorite local beer at our liquor store – they haven’t had it for months!
A substantial bonus! We almost never get them, so it was exciting.
I love this topic. I learned from an Indian friend how to make authentic chai using Assam black tea plus masala spices plus some ground ginger and bought myself a tea strainer to go with it to make it an early afternoon treat. At night, I try to avoid caffeine, so I discovered and love bengal spice from celestial seasonings, which is caffeine free and tastes a lot like the big red chewing gum due to the high cinnamon content. I always hated herbal teas since they are too bland, but bengal spice is awesome and has helped me cut down on my evening wine.
I didn’t get any responses in the morning thread – hoping for some this afternoon:
I seem to have issues with sulfates. I just switched to the Pantene shampoo and conditioner many of you recommended for color treated hair, and I notice every time I use the shampoo, my forehead kind of burns. Then it’s a bit red and mildly itchy well into then next day.
The shampoo I was using before was sulfate free and I didn’t experience this so I’m assuming the new shampoo is the culprit.
Any recommendations for drugstore or drugstore priced (or not $25 for a small bottle) sulfate free shampoos good for color treated hair? I was eyeing the OGX coconut milk line.
Haven’t tried it personally, but L’Oreal Paris EverPure?
I love this line and can recommend it. My scalp is very sensitive. There’s one version that is coconuty that has a little zinc in it, which is soothing.
ooh I love coconuty. That’s why I zeroed in on the OGX when I was searching sulfate free shampoos. I will check it out.
you guys, my hairline/forehead is BURNING right now.
Tried it and absolutely love it!
I think just about everything from Shea Moisture or Love, Beauty, Planet should fit the bill.
The Kirkland shampoo from Costco.
Loreal Professional Vitamin AOX for colored hair is SLS-free (just make sure it is the AOX version and/or check the ingredients list). I have been using Wella Professional Elements for the past 5-6y (I repurchase their 1 litre pack each year), it has excellent formula and is cheap.
If you are sensitive to SLS, I would recommend switching to cleansers (cleansing gels, shower gels, hand soaps) without SLS as well (you may notice your skin is not dry and scaly once you switch). If you wash some dishes by hand, there are soaps without SLS, too. I think Unilever’s Dove brand is now adding more SLS-free body care products (at least in Europe), many La Roche Possay products are SLS-free as well, as are many products targeting atopic eczema or rosacea. Worth looking into.
Thank you. That is such a good point. I will check all my items for the sodium laurel sulfate (and sodium laureth sulfate too?) ingredient.
Fortunately all my skin care items are already ok for rosacea sufferers as I am one, and I love La Roche Posay Toleraine gentle cleanser like it’s my own baby child.
I think that is individual- if you are sensitive to SLS, you may be sensitive to SLES as well. I have switched to Ecover cleaners (dishwashing gel, laundry detergent and softener and have no issues).
If it isn’t the SLS, it may be the artificial fragrance. My head burns if I use a drugstore shampoo like Pantene or L’Oreal that has fragrance. Nexxus has a fragrance free line available at Target.
I am usually WFH but I am getting one day in the office to load up on things and use the good printer before homeschooling starts again on Monday.
At lunch, I saw a woman wearing a sheath dress (!) and heels (!!). I haven’t seen both together since Before Times. I’d expect the dress + something like statement sneakers these days (since you can get away with a lot).
Otherwise, my city’s skyscraper district is a ghost town b/c tall buildings don’t work if you are limited to 3 people in an elevator at a time (the rule in many of our buildings). Many buildings that are tall and have giant floor footprints are now WFH for the rest of the year due to elevator concerns (how to you get eveyone in and then leave for lunch without running out the clock on productive work time and having long non-distanced lines at each end?). City eateries, which rely on a dense-ness of office workers, are hurting. :(
Ha. I forgot I needed to go into the office the other day and had to get dressed in a rush. I threw on a dress and heels because that was easiest. The three people who walked by as I was leaving my house all did double takes and two of them smiled/snickered, I assume at the novelty. I felt great all day, I must say.
The fact that there were 250+ hilarious responses on my pet peeve thread this morning has given me strength to get through the weekend. Happy weekend all!
We should do that more often. I complained a lot about things I’ve been needing to complain about, so thank you!
(I am the relentlessly positive person in my relationship because my husband is a constant complainer.)
A lot of you are wrong about a lot of things! ;) It was very nice to get some of those complaints off my chest.
I am glad to know I’m not the only one cringing at influencer speak. I figured I was just a bitter cynic who gets turned off by other people expressing ~*~*good vibes*~*~
I missed it but UGH. Influencer speak makes me want to scream.
I missed it but just enjoyed going back.
One I need to add. People who call a red outfit a pop of color. Pop of color means one bright spot on an otherwise neutral outfit. Otherwise it’s just color, no pop.
ha, but maybe the whole person is a pop of color in a larger context.
One word….blouse
Do you mean button up shirt?
I want to add a new complaint about food bloggers and social media accounts – about the Instant Pot.
I am not a fan! of overhyped! overjoyed! proclamations that the Instant Pot (or InstaPot as many of them incorrectly call it) will save you OMG so much time. I would also like you to shut up and get to the recipe, as others mentioned this morning.
The truth is, I have an Instant Pot, and just like other appliances, it’s good at some things and not good at others. If you’re making dried beans or a pot roast, it might save you some time. But mostly it’s just a convenience thing. Making rice in the Instant Pot will not save any time, in fact it might add some time, but you don’t have to stand over the stove and hit the right moment to turn down the heat to keep it from boiling over. You don’t have to set a timer and simmer it for the exact 15-25 minutes it takes. It does not heat up the whole kitchen. Those are good reasons to use the Instant Pot but it is not a literal lifesaver.
Food blogging generally.
Twenty eight paragraphs about their life and their kids and their relationship and travel and grocery shopping.
Then the recipe. In small font.
+1 on the uselessness of the insta pot – I do not get the hype
I loved that thread too. It was great that everyone could vent in one thread and people could read or not.
And I appreciated how positive and accepting everyone was of people’s petty annoyances. Someone one time tried to start a thread like that on the Ask A Manager weekend open forum and it turned toxic pretty fast, and Alison had to shut it down.
My big one is all the odd entitled behaviour coming from men (and esp spouses) who served in the military. Yes WWI, WWII the sacrifices were very real- absolutley but Afghanistan and other “wars” of recent time – it’s a different type of war/fighting/sacrifice. I’m from an EU country if this places the curisity.
Also…army camo wedding dresses! ugly
Wow, I’m not military but that’s pretty offensive. You can think a war is immoral (and I agree about Vietnam and Iraq) and still recognize that the soldiers who served in it were making a huge sacrifice, including in some cases their life. Also just because death counts are lower than WWII doesn’t mean soldiers haven’t sacrificed. Lots of people who served in Afghanistan or Iraq lost limbs or developed PTSD – these are life-changing sacrifices.
Nah, she’s got a point. (Source: I am retired from the military, spent 21 years on active duty). After 9-11, the “Thank you for your service” turned into Hero Worship (is that kid who served 3 years a “hero”….depends on the job, not just the fact he served) and it’s really gotten over the top. But if you are an 18-20 year old and kept getting told how amazing you are for joining instead of going to college, you’re going to believe it.
For the vast majority of today’s US Armed Forces, it’s a 9-5, M-F, job that gives you the GI Bill when you move on 4 years later. Nobody is gone for 3-5 years, living in a flooded trench or flying 25 combat missions only to find out the new requirement is 30 missions. But this is part of social media and woke signaling; right now, it’s trendy to Hero Worship those that served. But some veteran (hey, maybe me, right now) will offend someone and all veterans will get cancelled.
And please make no mistake; the pay and benefits are really, really good. But yes, there is a sense of entitlement. Vets have to remind everyone that they served every Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, and when upset at Target or the Gap, say “are you going to treat a Veteran this way”? We call it “Thank me for my service”.
Huh. Maybe I need to post this on the Pet Peeve thread.
My nephew is almost two years into a marines desk job stateside and he acts just like this.
Just read the earlier post and have to add “fur baby”. I hate it with a hate that is hateful.
How about “grandpuppy” ? Someone’s grown offspring are not having kids for Reasons and they get a puppy~ so they call the darn dog their “grandpuppy”!! Makes me cringe and grit my teeth.
“Furbaby” is just awful. I generally really dislike being referred to as a “mom” of my household pets. I don’t think of them as babies, and when they were babies, they had their own mom of their own species. 10x the cringe if someone says something along these lines like this is some kind of concession for infertility or implies I have household pets because I’m childfree–just no.
Is it too late for me to add GrandBoss to the list?
Any Words with Friends players here? I used to play a lot back when it was a thing close to 10 years ago.
My brother in law recently found my account and challenged me. So I signed in again because quarantine/why not.
I keep getting asked to play by strangers, which is generally ok (my profile is very anonymous) but since my first name is on there and and it’s a common female first name, I’m getting all these requests from guys who then want to chat and start out with “hey cutie” or something along those lines. Mind you, I don’t use a photo so they have no idea whether I’m cute or not.
WTF. Is words with friends a dating app now?
I get the same thing on Scrabble Go. I started usually not accepting games from men because it annoys me. Women never do it.
Yes! I’m only accepting randos who are clearly women from here on out.
I asked my brother in law (who is a good looking man, and uses his Facebook profile photo) if he ever gets that and he had no idea what I was talking about.
Men think that all women with a feminine name (i.e., Betty or Sue or Betty Sue, but not “Bertha” or “Beulah” — sorry) are cute, even if in real life they turn out to not to be. It is funny b/c my name is not a name that men salivate over like Betty Sue, but once they start ooogeling me, they are happy with whatever name I tell them I have. You need to be careful on the web b/c of all of the ooogeling, especially if you Facetime with them, b/c even if you are NOT cute, these homely jerks will find beauty in any woman that Facetimes them. FOOEY on these Internet schmucks!
I know these questions have been asked 100 times but I’m interested in anyone’s experience that has flown domestically recently. I have a situation where I’m considering possibly traveling, not for fun, but for a friend going through a really rough time. She left a job in the state she had lived for over 10 years to take a job in new state. New state has tabled her start date for a month for pandemic reasons. She sold all of her stuff prior to the move and she is now in a new place where she knows nobody and has no stuff. She’s currently waiting for her internet to be set up. Her new job is not allowing her to leave the state. I’m not sure that’s exactly legal but it is a condition of being able to start in a month. Her family all lives in New England and is high risk so they are not going to see her.
I’d be leaving a state with extremely low COVID cases to go to NC which has moderate number of cases. We would either stay at her place the entire time and do outdoor hikes and the like, or rent a beach house and do the same. I know this sounds just fun but the couple of times I have talked to her she has sounded really depressed and asked if I could work from home from her place for a bit.
My options would be an 11.5 hour drive or a flight with a layover. My friend’s other friend recently flew Delta and was saying it was super safe. Everyone in masks, middle seats empty, every other row. From social media posts, I know that is not universal though.
I have not yet decided if I am going and if I do go, whether I will drive or fly. Leaning towards driving but open to hearing about other people’s experiences that have had to fly.
Drive. A pain but flying is not worth the risk. I know someone who tested positive for COVID-19 last week, following his commercial flight of less than 2 hours the preceding week. He has been working from home, staying home, etc., but traveled to see an aging parent. Fortunately, the parent seems to be ok. I would go to help your friend, but I would drive with 2 bathroom breaks and carrying food with you.
Same. I’m due soon with our first baby, and my parents are a 10 hour drive away. They’ll quarantine strictly for 14 days at home, and then drive up in one day with the same protocol (bring all food/beverages from home, 1-2 breaks for fuel and bathroom with gloves and masks).
For what it’s worth, we just drove to and from a cabin last weekend for a short getaway. We stopped on the way there at a gas station for gas and a bathroom break, and the way back at a starbucks. Starbucks has a mask requirement and we were the only people in it (the drive-thru was full, but we also had to potty). And same with the gas station. We were the only ones in it and there was a plexiglass barrier between us and the clerk. I felt safer during those stops than I do at the grocery store. Which is a long way of saying, don’t make yourself miserable on the drive. So long as you’re stopping at reasonable places, your risks are really low.
I would drive, personally. Get some good audiobooks. If you do fly, I would definitely choose Delta over United or American because they’re the only one of the big 3 still blocking middle seats. I know some people say it’s just a PR move, but there have been studies that it significantly reduces the odds of getting sick. I would feel safer on Delta, plus I want to give my $$ to a company that is taking safety measures even at the expense of their own profits.
I mean, I might be in the minority, but this seems very important and needed. Assuming your friend is comfortable with it and you adhere to any state and local guidance (quarantining when you get back, or testing negative) I see no issues here. I’d fly, but that’s because I dislike long drives. I had to fly for a family emergency and the plane was almost empty and everyone was wearing masks, but YMMV.
I am going to disagree with the other posters here. Neither option is risk free but if you drive for 11,5 hours you are going to have to stop for gas, to eat, and to use the restroom (and good luck with that last one given how many are closed right now). Add that to the fact that that auto accidents are still a thing and assuming you are not at unusually high risk for COVID, I would fly on an airline with good policies. (And Delta is one of them.) I flew Alaska back in June for work and felt reasonably safe (my flight was only about 1/2 full).
Wear a mask and get a face shield though. And bring a water bottle with a straw so you can drink without taking your mask off.
It highly depends on the airline. I flew American to my sister’s wedding. It was crowded and they didn’t make people keep their masks on. Alaska and Delta are the only two I’d trust (and even then, I don’t plan to fly again until there’s a vaccine, daily testing, and contact tracing).
Sometimes you really need to be there for someone, and that wins. I think you need to go. But I’d drive.
I drove last month on a 950 mile trip (1900 round trip). The rest stops were not only open, but rigorously cleaned. My state has mandatory out-door masking, and the only towns that didn’t really do so were small, “back-woods” types. I felt perfectly safe on the drive.
I have quite a few friends who have flown recently. They were impressed with the safety precautions the airlines have been taking and said the airports were uncrowded and fairly easy to socially distance.
I wouldn’t personally do it. But if I had to, and it sounds like you do have to, I would choose an airline that has blocked middle seats at a minimum.
Usually I would say throw some money at it and fly first class, but I think maybe economy with empty middle seat is better than first class spacing, at least width-wise.
If you could fly one of those smaller aircraft with only one seat on one side and two seats on the other side, snag a one seat side for sure.
oohhhh I like the smaller airline idea. I do have a small regional airline near me. I’ll look into this and good point about risks of car accidents.
One benefit of driving though is I have more freedom to stay longer if I feel it is needed or come back earlier if I need to as well. Food for thought.
Admittedly, I’m just . . . not that nervous about germs in general. But I flew last month, and I found it pretty good. Everyone was wearing masks and things were very clean. I’ve read that you’re pretty unlikely to catch it on a plane for reasons I don’t specifically remember (but I’ve read a lot of things lately). Since you’re mentioning NC, I’ll note that, while the other two airports were eerily empty, I had a layover in Charlotte and it seemed like that airport was unusually crowded, particularly in the food areas.
But I personally would go by air and feel pretty comfortable. I realize that other people might disagree.
I just got home from a cross-country trip to see a sick parent who ultimately passed away. I flew Alaska and I was impressed. Second the recommendation for a face shield + a mask and I brought wipes to wipe down everything and hand sanitizer to use during the flight. Had to get tested for COVID as per my state’s regulations and I was fine. I was super nervous but the risk was worth it for me.
I’m sorry about losing your parent.
I’m so sorry about your parent. It sounds like from your post you made it there before they passed. I hope that is some consolation. Thank you for your input!
I would drive, going through TSA, and being inside a plane with other people, exposes you to a lot more than you would be exposed to in a quick stop for gas or in a drive through.
Flying is OK now. I just went for 3 days to Minnesota with Mom and Grandma Trudy to deal with her IBS issue at the clinic out there and we had no issues whatsover. Grandma Trudy got a seat near the toilet on the plane and was able to use it in flight w/o any problems. I recommend flying now that the Airlines all have HEPA filtrations.
I had to fly last weekend and chose Delta because it seems to be taking the most precautions – the middle seats were blocked off, the flight attendants were vigilant at making sure masks stayed on, everyone boarding the plane was given individually wrapped packets of disinfectant wipes. I did have someone in the row behind me but if I had paid an extra $57 to upgrade to Comfort+ I could have been the only person for 3+ rows in any direction. (You can check the seating charts when you check in for to see how this is looking for your particular flight). The air in planes is recirculated which makes planes much safer than other shared forms of transportation (like an Uber or a bus). The airport was not comfortable, but there were automatic hand sanitizer stations everywhere and the TSA agents were masked, shielded, and keeping a distance. The scanner flagged a spot on my ankle and rather than pat me down the agent asked for me to smooth out the fabric on my pants and go into the scanner again. The airport felt safer than when I’ve had to stop for gas in rural areas where people act like there isn’t a pandemic – as you weigh the driving option think about what areas of the country you would be driving through and where you would need to refuel (I live out West where you can drive for hours without encountering a city and many states are not requiring face masks outside of their largest urban areas).
Could anyone comment on the sizing of skirts from & Other Stories? I want to order a couple of their skirts but am baffled by their size guide since it doesn’t seem to give measurements that correspond with garment sizes (or am I missing it?).
I have found &Other Stories to run a little on the smaller side compared to the likes of Banana Republic, Ann Taylor. More like true sizing and not vanity. They also have different lines and I feel like the sizing can vary on those even more. It’s definitely a place where I have to try on. A little hard these days, I know. Hopefully they have a good return policy.
Thanks, that’s good to know!
It’s similar to how H&M is sized (same company). If in doubt size up.
The sizing varies, but in my experience I need a Swedish 38 at &OS for bottoms, but use a US 4 in tailored Banana etc.
The cuts are young (-er), and in fashion, so the styles are often loose, so for tops I don’t size up and get my normal Swedish 36/US 4, or Small which is about a UK 10.
Paging Grumpy Cat regarding your date: I always felt like this as online dates approached, and a lot of the time they were a waste of time/not fun/etc., for one reason or another. And then a few years ago I powered through to go to one on a very stormy summer night (I got soaked to the skin on my walk home from it). But the date was fun and totally worth the energy, and a few years later I married the girl. :)
Grumpy cat – post an update this weekend if you can – would love to hear about it! Good luck!
Hello! Thank you for checking in! It went well, I’m so glad I went. And I had a lot of fun, and he mentioned another place we should go to on a future date (another outdoor museum / garden, COVID limiting our date options). It was hard to tell last time since things got cut short by the rain, so I got a much better impression of him this time.
Thanks y’all for encouraging me!
Yay! So glad to see your update and things went well!!
Missed the AM thread, but I really like these pants from Old Navy. They’re a slimmer, cropped cut. I have them in 4 colors. The ivory ones are not see through. https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=551155
Oh- they run small. I usually wear a medium and got a small.
Do you mean they run big then?
This article mentions the airport being riskier than the plane: http://a.msn.com/05/en-us/BB17yiMg?ocid=se The plane you still don’t know until you’re actually there what the set up will be.
I’d drive if I had to do the trip (both public restroom and hotel were relatively low risk). I’d still try to stay at friend’s house over an AirBNB though even with that. Just not worth it to me.
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who recommended this show. There is something so cathartic about folks whose world is turned upside down and are doing their best to figure it out. Thanks for the rec!
It took me forever to watch it but I’m so glad I did now. Glad you enjoyed it too. ewwww David.
Sorry not OP!
Good rec. I have older versions of these shoes and in before times really liked them.
And, I read Hillary’s comment about being willing to serve in a Dem. Admin. Can we nominate her to be Ambassador to Russia? I am looking for some poetic justice.
I’m looking for an insert to add to my Cuyana tall tote. The Cuyana inserts don’t seem to be made to fit the tall tote (plus price is higher than I want to spend) so I’m looking outside the brand. Anyone have one they love or one they hate and I should avoid?
Nylon options seem good for cleaning and light weight but may not provide the structure I want. Felt seems to offer structure but pockets seem hard to use. I’m not sure if felt inserts are heavier. Looking for advice to try to avoid the purchase-return cycle. Thanks!