Are Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches Office-Appropriate?

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Are Fitness Trackers and Smart Watches Appropriate for the Office? | Corporette

Can you wear Fitbits, Jawbone Up bands, and Nike Fuelbands to the office? Are there types of wearable tech that you shouldn't wear to work? Reader C wonders:

I've been wondering lately about wearable gadgets and which ones are appropriate for the office, specifically in big law. I've recently fallen in love with my Nike Fuelband (in tangerine) for keeping track of my running or walking stats, but I don't really wear it in the office for fear that it's too sporty looking. Thoughts? Additionally my boyfriend (also a lawyer) has been considering the Samsung Smartwatch. Is there a category of wearable tech that is more work-appropriate?

Interesting question! I know many of the readers have talked about Fitbits, and we've mentioned some of the jewelry you can buy to “jazz up” your Fitbit.

We've talked before about how watches are still a good thing to wear because they imply that you're a responsible, time-sensitive person — I would even go so far as to say that a Fitbit is a good thing because it suggests you're interested in health and, to a certain extent, data and analytics. (The WSJ even recently noted that CEOs were wearing them because it was part of their competitive nature.)

Psst: stay tuned for our latest favorite watches for work!

{related: how to build a tasteful jewelry collection}

So here's my $.02:

  • Wearable tech isn't inherently unprofessional. Is it the most fashionable look? Nope — but there's nothing unprofessional about it.
  • Watch out for crazy colors. A black or dark blue wristband is one thing — a neon pink one is another thing entirely.
  • If the wristband is getting grubby, invest in a new one. This is totally hypothetical, but I've had enough sports watches over the years to know that they do eventually start to show wear — so keep your rubber wristband in good shape.

Readers, what is your take on wearable tech at the office? Do you think Fitbits and the like are unprofessional — or do they silently convey good qualities?

Psst: here are Kat's latest favorite ways to store jewelry…


  1. Have any of you tried the Tory Burch bracelet for fitbit? I have large wrists and wondering if it will fit.

    1. I’m also curious. I have a nickel allergy, so I want to get one of the bracelets or necklace, but I’m afraid I will react to it.

    2. I was very excited when I saw the TB bracelet coming out, especially since I wear my fitbit to the office daily. However, I’ve heard from others and read the reviews online that they are terrible- poor quality, the clasp is impossible to open, etc. Saving my money.

  2. These are incredible popular at my current office and were also popular at my employer I left about a year ago.

  3. Several partners in my group (DC, Biglaw) wear Fitbit wristbands. I avoid the visibility issue and have a Fitbit One (tiny, clip on) that I wear on my bra.

  4. If it’s part of your office culture, i.e. you get insurance discounts for keeping your steps up or having a health program or something, then you SHOULD wear one!

    1. +1. A whole bunch of people in my office got FitBits on discounts as part of our wellness plan. (Cue the inevitable mass emails when someone’s fell off around the office)
      I have a tracker in a bright color. I wouldn’t wear it to a formal event, but around the office it’s no big deal.

  5. Oh god smart watches. In theory I’m fine with them. In practice they just encourage people to be constantly disengaging to check out whatever inane alerts they have set up on them. No. The partner you are talking to doesn’t want to see you just take a quick glance at an email/txt/reminder on your wrist.

  6. I have the Misfit Shine and I LOVE it. I was initially interested in it because it tracks swimming (and is waterproof), but the design is so clean and non-fitness-tracker. I get comments all the time on my “gorgeous watch”. It also tells time, btw. I can’t sing its praises enough!

    I will be honest, the website is not great. Amazon has very thorough descriptions and reviews though. I have the Topaz color with a black band.

    1. I also have and love the Misfit Shine – mine is grey, goes with everything I wear and gets only positive attention if others even notice it isn’t a watch.

      They have a great set of upgrades, including the metal mesh or leather watch bands and the Bloom necklace (a little too pricey for me), or it can be worn on your bra under your shirt for days where the watch doesn’t fit with your style.

    2. I’m intrigued by the Shine but their website sucks. Does it show time in a digitial readout or using the dots?

      1. The dots show you your progress against whatever goal you set. If you want to see actual numbers you go to your app. They update the app all the time to add new features.

  7. Hopefully this is on topic enough- I want an activity tracker,but I don’t know which one. There are SO many. I think the Jawbone is least offensive for design, buI hear that fitbit and vivofit are better quality.

    Which tracker is best???

    1. I’ve had two Jawbones (which are cuter, for sure – but both broke) and now have a Fitbit. I much prefer the Fitbit. The bracelet isn’t terrible and I find the Fitbit app much better than the Jawbone one. Highly recommend.

      Also disagree somewhat with Kat. My Fitbit is pink and that’s much more me than a black one would be. So many people wear them now that I don’t think the color really matters. If you’re a bright colors person, then I think it’s ok.

    2. The Fitbit One works really well. And since it’s tiny (smaller than a pinky finger) and clip on, you can wear it someplace where it’s not visible.

    3. I love my Fitbit One. It’s discreet. I wouldn’t want to wear the same bracelet every day no matter what it looked like.

  8. I have a turquoise/teal color fitbit, and I don’t think anything of wearing it in the office. I think even the brighter colors are fine.

  9. Wearing one now – a black Jawbone.

    Unlike the photo at the top of this article, for work I like to wear the watch on the outside (closest to my hand) and the Jawbone inside of it. That way, my pretty statement watch is visible for sure, and depending on the sleeve length the Jawbone is hidden.

    I see these so much around my office and local companies that I don’t even notice them anymore. Also, sometimes people ask me about it or they show me theirs – so it’s been an occasional icebreaker in meeting or networking event settings.

    I did, however, attend a wedding last weekend, and opted to leave it off, It looked wierd with my dress and jewelry. That’s the only time I purposely left it off for fashion reasons :)

    1. I also wear my watch on the outside (closes to my hand) and my Fitbit inside. If I am wearing a suit jacket, you can’t even see the Fitbit this way.

    1. Google Glass is going to offer normal looking frames that almost make it look seamless except for the small Glass optical portion. The issue I really have with this is everything I work on is confidential. My employer and clients would not appreciate me wearing the google glass.

  10. I have worn a black Nike Fuelband to work every day since I got it in July. I definitely agree that it makes you seem like an athletic person who is focused on your health and well-being. Just today I had a partner (who I don’t work for and only get to interact with rarely), ask me if I liked the Fuelband. We had a great conversation regarding moving during the day and keeping up energy while working to stay focused. I call that a win!

  11. These are all over Silicon Valley, from CEOs down to assistants, in every hue available (both the fitness tracker kind & smart watch type). It’s kind of ridiculous how trendy they are.

  12. Has anyone tried out the new Tory Burch watches? I’m considering getting the Buddy (the smaller size), but wonder if anyone has experience with them.

  13. i’ve found that they are great conversation pieces when you meet other executives with them on. Good icebreakers!

  14. My company’s President wears a black Fitbit. I haven’t noticed if he wears it when he has important meetings like with our bank. I bet not.

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