Thursday’s TPS Report: Seamed V-Neck Ponte Sheath Dress


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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. Halogen Seamed V-Neck Ponte Sheath DressAll right ladies, it's on: the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is here, with early access to cardholders. For those of you unfamiliar with it, this is their big sale of the year where they mark down NEXT season's merchandise, now — prices will go back up after the sale ends. You need a Nordstrom card to put anything in your bag, but I think you can browse the site at will. I'll do a full roundup a little later this morning, but for the first pick of the day I'm liking this lovely seamed Halogen sheath dress in ponte. Sleeves, high V, work appropriate length — check, check, check. This saturated teal is calling my name, but it's also available in black, burgundy, and gray for both regulars and petites. It will be $99 after the sale ends, but at the moment it's marked to $65. Halogen Seamed V-Neck Ponte Sheath Dress A few other quick picks for you guys: this Karen Kane dress is a hall of famer (now $71), I'm obsessed with this Classiques Entier dress as well as this one (also in plus sizes, which I haven't seen for Classiques before), and as always the few Hugo Boss pieces in the sale all look fabulous. Seen a great piece you’d like to recommend? Please e-mail (L-all)

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. Yay Kat, I think Nordstom’s was created for peeople like you and me who LOVE quality clotheing at an afordable price! I wish some times that the White Plains’ store had the stock that is online, but then it would be so big that I could NEVER get thru it w/o goeing bankrup. FOOEY!

    Sheketovit’s mother called my mother to try and push us together again. I said we were DONE, and I do NOT want to have that guy in my life any more b/c I will NEVER find a decent guy to marry me if he is in the picture. FOOEY on him for asking his mom to do that dirty work for HIM. FOOEY! I want a guy with a good job making good money who can buy a house in Chapaqua. Sheketovits would have me barfoot and pregenent in a 5 story walkup apartement in Queens with no a/c. No way HOZE. There are plenty of looser’s looking to do exacteley that with me who work construction and say so on 3rd Ave. I ignore them, so why would I treat Sheketovits any different? The fact that I used to sleep with him and alot more is irelevent now that I am a law firm partner. DOUBEL FOOEY!

    The intern and I are goeing shopping at lunch today. The manageing partner wants me to be her freind tho she seem’s so flakey! I supose I need to do this so that the Judge keep’s us at a 95% win level. YAY!!!!

    1. Ellen, you’re back! We missed you. I agree that you should not get back with your ex. Whoever he winds up will not be happy in the long run, so it may as well not be you.

  2. Forgot to mention yesterday that I saw a woman on the T wearing the dress I recommended 2 weeks ago. I almost asked her if she reads Corporette…

  3. At first I thought, “I need that dress in every color!!”…and then I saw the zipper. Why the heck did Halogen go and ruin a perfectly good work dress with that awful zipper?

    1. ACK! You weren’t kidding! At first I thought “Oh, I don’t mind short exposed zippers. This dress looks awesome!” but umm…TOP TO BOTTOM exposed zipper?! No thank you, not for work.

      1. Ugh. And with two zipper pulls even. Totally ruins an awesome, flattering and likely very comfortable dress.

    2. Oh noooo. It was in my cart until I saw your post and went back to look. Nope.

      Let’s hope someone from Nordstrom follows this s*te, sees these repeated comments and finally lets go of this trend.

      1. It is my secret dream that folks from J Crew, Banana, Nordstrom, et al follow this site and respond to our commands…. if only.

        1. ME TOO!. In case they are listening…. I will buy this dress in multiple colors, at full price (and probably annually because the original one will wear out from my loving it so much) if they’d just get rid if the ridiculous exposed zipper.

    3. I immediately wanted to purchase the dress, but now I won’t. So disappointing. I love the green!

    4. I’m in the minority here, but I don’t think it looks that bad. I wouldn’t wear it to something super-formal but I’d be fine with it for a normal day in the office.

      1. I have the dress and I wear it. I’ve gotten tons of compliments. I picked up an altered version at Off the Rack for about $30. Worth it.

      2. i totally wear them too — and just ordered this one. I just don’t see the issue with them

      3. I don’t think it looks bad, but I do think it would be uncomfortable to sit on all day.

    5. I am so sick of exposed zippers – it cheapens the look of dresses, and it is unnecessary. Ugh!

    6. Noooooo. I was so excited about the color and the price and now just no :-(

      1. The alternate pick with the cap sleeves also has a zipper all the way down the back as a word of warning.

    7. ARRRGHHH! Already having a frustrating day due to difficult opp counsel, and was so excited about the dress because it actually has sleeves, the zipper ruins it for me. At that price though, do you think it would be worth it to buy a size up and then get a tailor to remove the zipper, sew a seam, and insert a smaller, hidden zipper? Honestly aside from inserting a new zipper I could do the sewing myself. …

      1. That sounds like pretty expensive tailoring. You can go to the store and ask their alterations people. I find that they’re generally very reasonable. Also, if it doesn’t come out right, you won’t have to pay for the dress.

      2. If you have a sewing machine, it’s really quite easy to learn to insert an invisible zipper. I wouldn’t bother because I don’t like the idea of buying something new that I have to significantly change (vs. shorten or hem). I’d rather just wait for a better dress.

        1. Ponte might be kind of thick for an invisible zipper. Those work better with thinner fabrics.

    8. And its not just the look – I have a dress that I bought despite the chunky zipper (and its only at the top, not all the way down) and whenever it touches my skin is is so darn cold! I jump every time like someone laid icy fingers on my neck. I can’t imagine sitting on that zipper would be comfortable at all either.

      Can someone please come up with a different design concept if they really don’t want the dress to be “plain and boring”? Personally, I’m ok with plain and boring, but there are plenty of other things you can do – maybe a ribbon down the length, or some other kind of decorative element. Chunky zippers on work dresses need to go!

    9. I was going to buy the Classiques Entier dress until I saw the zipper.

      I am convinced that the purpose of exposed zippers is to make otherwise classic garments look trendy so they will have to be replaced sooner.

  4. I placed an order this morning. The Halogen flats that are Rockstud knockoffs – I’ve been looking at them for a while. I like the new black with black so I pulled the trigger. Also, the Ivanka Trump Tenice pumps in the gray suede. Ordered 2 teddy bear coats to try them (Kenneth Cole and Kensie) and see which one I like. Also ordered a long drapey cashmere cardigan because it’s beautiful. I don’t need it (I have many sweaters in that color) but we’ll see.

    1. Can you post a link to the cashmere cardigan you ordered? I have been looking for some but haven’t settled on any yet!

  5. I don’t think I handled a networking situation the best way. Yesterday I talked on the phone to a friend of a friend who worked at a place (government) I am applying to for 10 years (left a few months ago) and he knows the hiring people pretty well. It was a good convo and he gave me great info about the job, but didn’t offer to call the place or put in a word for me, we mostly talked about his experiences there and not much about what I do. In my thank you email, should I straight up ask him if he would feel comfortable doing this? Or ask him if we could talk futher about my experiences and then if he would feel comfortable doing it? I feel like this chance (knowing someone who knows someone- finally) will not come up again. I want this job very badly, so I feel like maybe I should be risker.

    1. Is your only exposure to this person your phone call? I’m not sure that he knows you well enough to put in a word for you. Yeah, she seems nice and all, but I have no idea of her work product. He no longer works there so his input might not really matter that much (although he may have less risk making a recommendation). His biggest value to you is giving you an insiders view of what it is like to work there and the personalities you will encounter. Others may disagree.

      1. It is my only exposure to him. I don’t want or expect him to go to bat for me, but even him just saying hey “my friend’s friend is applying” I think would help me stand out from the pack. I know if my former coworker said that I would spend a few extra seconds looking at that person’s resume. he gave me great insight into the actual job, which I really appreciate it. I don’t want to look pushy or ungrateful for that.

        1. Based upon your limited contact, I would not do what you would like him to do. At most, you can write in your cover letter that you have spoken to someone at X (without naming him) and are excited about the job for Y reason.

    2. My perspective from being on the other side of this type of call pretty frequently – I have as a rule stopped offering to place calls or put in words for people. But I will often do so if asked. Too many times I offered to help someone take a next step, they totally flaked, and I was left looking bad. Now, if I’m going to help someone, I want to be sure that they will follow through. A threshold issue for whether someone will follow through is whether the followup is their idea.
      Given the stakes here (a job you really want, your only in to the workplace, and a friend of a friend), I’d definitely recommend to ask. As long as it’s phrased gently, there’s little to lose and a lot to gain.

      1. I agree with this. It doesn’t hurt to ask if he can pass your resume directly to the hiring people
        (presumably they will get it through HR, but this way yours will be familiar/they’ll look for it). As long as you express your thanks for his time, and phrase it nicely, why not ask?

        1. Agreed. I would express your enthusiasm about the opportunity and ask if his specific recommendations to get your application noticed ‘or even’ pass your application on directly

    3. Is this a thing? I would never ask someone I didn’t know personally to make a call for me, but I’ve also been trying to break into a new market for some time now with little success. I’m interested in the answers….

    4. I work in government. In my area, this would be met with a “so what?” We have very, very specific hiring practices – applicants are screened in based on predetermined criteria, some absolutely required and some nice to have. Then we generate a pool and proceed with interviews. In all my time here, I’ve never screened someone into a pool based on a recommendation. Similarly, while I’ve helped friends with applications (for example, pointing out that you need to explictly demonstrate that you have a required degree or what have you), I would never mention it to the hiring manager. It simply wouldn’t matter. But this could just be where I work – we must not only hire fairly, we must be seen to hire fairly.

      1. I am in the excepted service, so I don’t have those requirements. But point very well taken- I think that he would know best whether they would say so what or not, so I think I will ask and he can shoot me down if he doesn’t feel comfortable. Thank you all for your advice- I think I will ask very politely and see what happens.

      2. But… do you look at every resume? This is a big question for me, as I’ve worked in government for a long time but recently changed locality. Several times lately, I’ve seen people with significantly less experience but local connections getting hired when I don’t even get an interview. (& I know the people who have been hired, so this isn’t just self-aggrandizement). I guess I’m trying to figure out if, in situations like this, it helps to have someone make sure your resume gets noticed. Because when a position gets 300 resumes, I find it hard to believe every one is read.

    5. I would feel strange, asking someone who didn’t know me or my work product to go that extra step for me. In the past, in a similar situation (except my friend of a friend was a current employee), I did reference the connection and conversation in my cover letter. Ex: “I have spoken with an acquaintance, [your employee X], who stated […] was an important part of the position. I will be a strong asset to your office because I have done [these things] related to […].” Etc. I figured at least that way my cover letter might stand out a little bit, and if the people that make the final decision wanted to know more, they could always ask X what she/he thought.

      1. I’ve been job searching and have had two similar phone calls with friends of friends who work at companies I am applying to. One offered to pass on my resume. I asked the other one if she would be comfortable passing along my resume at the end of our phone call. She agreed. I didn’t get an interview at either organization. I think these kind of connections are usually not worth that much since they don’t really know you at all. Who knows if they even passed on my resume or only agreed to be nice and not turn me down explicitly. It’s worth trying, of course. I was surprised and grateful both of these strangers agreed to talk to me. But I don’t know if this kind of networking will necessarily make that much of a difference.

  6. I’ve lost two people very dear to me in the recent past, one of them as recently as 3 weeks ago. But I’m feeling more calm, at peace, and happy in the past couple of weeks than I think I’ve ever been. Is this abnormal? I feel like on some level, maybe I didn’t love them enough if that’s the case. I think about them all the time and while I’m sad they’re gone, I feel an overwhelming sense of fulfillment and happiness that I had such wonderful people be such a big part of my life. Their deaths were sudden and unexpected, so there was no long period of decline or illness. Am I a horrible person, or just moving on in a healthy way?

    1. I don’t think you are a horrible person. Everyone reacts to loss differently. If you can find peace in the memories, then I think that is good thing. You may have other more distressing feelings in the future or you may not, but I wouldn’t let that bother you. The stages of grief aren’t linear. I’m sorry for your losses.

    2. I’m sorry for your losses. There’s nothing wrong with you – people grieve in different ways.

      Check out the book No Longer Awkward by Amy Florian. She’s a grief specialist, and although the book is aimed at professionals who work with clients dealing with loss, she also recommends the best books for people dealing with specific situations (e.g., a book for someone who lost a spouse, one for someone grieving their own loss of independence after an accident, etc.)

    3. I think this is an excellent way to handle it! Death happens, despite the fact that we love to avoid talking/thinking about, preparing for, or acknowledging it in a meaning way in our society. Appreciating the time you had with these individuals, as opposed to focusing on the negative aspect (their sudden deaths), seems like a very healthy approach.

      I also cringed when I read the maybe I didn’t love them enough sentence. No one gets to tell you if you loved someone enough. Whatever your level of caring is/was and your expression of it is completely fine! Unless you were a total A-hole. Love is not a competition and there is no measuring stick. If you are happy and at peace with this, there is nothing wrong with how you are handling it.

      1. Thanks. Maybe some of it is that I really feel like both these individuals taught me to live in the moment and truly enjoy the good things in my life, whereas I used to be really negative and anxious. Both of them left me so much better than they found me and taught me so much about positivity and accepting the things I can’t change. I just didn’t expect it to stick so much, especially at such a bad time.

        1. It sounds like they would think your approach is also a great one based on that additional information. Personally, when I die, I don’t want people being sad, I want them to remember the times we had together and things such as the memories you have of your friends. It sounds like the relationships were wonderful and you absolutely should be grateful for them being in your life even if for a short time.

    4. I had a sh!t day at work on Monday and then spent the night at the ER for my SO, and it really put my other stuff in perspective (SO is fine – just stitches) so I’ve felt more at peace this week – less dragged down by the everyday bullssh!t. Maybe your experience is similar – putting things into perspective and being grateful for what you have/had.

  7. Okay I am desperate. Anyone want to help me shop? I am looking for 2 dresses: a maxi I can wear to a relatively casual bridal shower along with a spa day bachelorette (2 different friends), plus a dress for the weddings of each friend (summer, city wedding, some time outdoors, fairly dressy). I have looked everywhere! Help!

    1. What are you looking for? Straps, strapless, colors, defined waist, etc. There are a million maxi dresses out there. Target is a great place to look for cheap casual ones. If you let us know some more requirements we will help!

      1. Budget- $200 for each dress, but if one is cheaper the other can be more. Would obviously prefer to spend less. Prefer V necks to high necks.

        Size- 8, hourglass, tall

        Everything I am seeing is pretty generic, nothing special- lace seems a bit too frou frou. Too many white dresses out there which I can’t wear to wedding events.

          1. I love all of these! Thank you!! Although I will gladly take more suggestions- especially for the dress for the wedding :)

  8. I have an interview tomorrow at an urban university known for being alternative and artsy. Thoughts on the outfit?
    1. Black blazer, black short-sleeved top, and a skirt with a print in muted, professional colors (think black/forest green). The skirt does make a statement, but the statement is “I look like I can relate to art students, while still looking like a professional.”
    2. Black blazer and black sheath dress, possibly with some snappier shoes since I don’t want to come across as a total square.

  9. I’m currently interning at a very large multinational company with several divisions. I have a “midpoint checkup” call with a recruiter later today. This is a place where most interns get offers, and I have had excellent reviews so far. Would it be alright to tell the recruiter that although I love the company, my team, and all the people I’m with, I feel that the work is not at all challenging, or would that mess up my chances of getting an offer?

    1. Absolutely do not say that. If you must bring it up, wait until you have an offer and are discussing where you will be placed. Even then, be careful about how you word it. Are you coming from college? Most first jobs out of college aren’t particularly challenging; you need to show your abilities to move into those.

      1. Yeah I think I’m spoiled because of a previous internship where I was working at a smaller company and really did a lot of meaningful work. I’ve seen a lot of complaints about interns here, but I am really not like that – most people I work with do not realize I’m an intern.

        So should I just say everything’s great during the call today?

        1. Yes, you should restate your interest in the company and that tell them that you have enjoyed your time there so far.

    2. What is your goal here? To get an offer? If you got an offer, would you take it? I see nothing to be gained from saying anything negative to the recruiter if you want a future at this company. If you want more challenging work, then volunteer for it with your supervisor. Keep in mind though that interns don’t generally get the most interesting work assigned to them.

      1. I don’t think I’m going to accept an offer in this department. There is another department I may be interested in, but I know that for that you have to decline this offer and then reapply.

        The reason I’m concerned is because I am actually doing the same work as the 1st and 2nd years as my team. So that’s why I probably will not be accepting this offer.

        1. OK your original phrasing (“messing up my chance of an offer”) was misleading if you know you won’t accept.

          If you want an offer only to get you goodwill that you can hopefully translate to department #2, don’t dwell on the negatives of department #1. Instead, state the positives that you mentioned above, but then explain your desire to switch with something like “but the XYZ aspect of department #2 is ultimately better aligned with my goals.”

          All that being said, junior level employees at huge companies don’t generally get the super interesting work, regardless of department – so be careful that you don’t lose the goodwill from department #1 only to discover that the junior level employees in department #2 have a similar role. Is there a way for you to talk to the recruiter about also experiencing other areas of the organization to confirm your preference / leave the offer open for a little while you try department #2?

        2. I am a little confused – I think you should be happy you are doing work that full-time perm employees are doing! You are an intern, you would not generally be getting substantive or terribly meaningful projects. I work for a large international company and while there are some projects that the interns get to work on that are interesting, they are not getting full-time perm employee work. If you are made an offer, you will be a 1st year. Therefore, you will get 1st year work. You have to work up to doing higher-level work. But perhaps I am misunderstanding your statement . . .

          1. Need Career Advice, I read your comments the same way that CountC does.

            When you’re thinking about how to approach this, consider that many senior people today have the impression that millennials in the workplace are entitled and think they should be immediately given advanced duties without having to take the time to prove themselves first. Whether or not that’s true, it’s how many people feel. You can get farther if you keep this in mind and avoid acting in ways that advance this perception.

    3. no definitely do not say that. With an internship (ETA – particularly at a large company where they’re presumably not using interns for pressing, interesting work), people are not going to give you the most challenging assignments. They’re evaluating whether you do a good, thorough job on the boring stuff with a good attitude. When you’re hired, you can work on obtaining “reach” projects to grow your skills.

    4. Internships generally aren’t challenging because it takes substantial time to prove yourself as a capable worker, AND, even then, most real projects aren’t going to a temporary worker. If you want a full-time offer, say nothing about the work unless asked, and even then, be as complimentary as possible. (I.e. “The work I’ve been doing has given me a broad overview of what dept does, and I’d be thrilled to take on more challenging projects as they arise”).

    5. Yes, you will mess up your chance of getting an offer. That statement comes off as naïve and tone-deaf. The assignments you are given as an intern are not representative of how challenged you will be as an actual employee. Further, what will you gain from saying this? They aren’t going to give you harder work as a result of this comment. Nor will you improve your chance of getting an offer.

  10. Argh! I am not generally one to have pet peeves, but… in my office we often have people come through for a few days to be trained by my assistant. I will show up for work (where I am the senior person in the office) and there will be someone I’ve never seen before camped out in her office. And they almost never introduce themselves! I have to say “Hi, I’m Senior Attorney!” If I’m lucky they will respond with their name, but all too often (this morning, for instance) the person will just say “Hi!” and I have to say, “And you are…?” Drives. me. nuts.

    In the Marine Corps everybody is required to give The Greeting of the Day (good morning, good afternoon, or good evening) to anyone of higher rank. I think that would be a great idea in business, too. Me personally, I give the Greeting of the Day to everybody.

    Please, please, younger people… when you are meeting people for the first time, especially people above you at work, for heaven’s sake introduce yourself!!


    1. ugh, totally agree. Once, we had an intern who started working with a colleague while I was out on vacation. On my first day back, he walked up to me and asked me to help him with some problem… without even introducing himself. I had no idea who he was or why he was there. (He knew me because it was a small group with only a few senior members).

    2. I recently heard something about the fact that many kids – for a variety of reasons – now never hold a job before they finish college. I’ve seen the effects of that lack of very basic work experience in more than one intern or new hire. Answering their office phone with: “Hello?”, etc.

        1. Hello, this is First Name Last Name.

          This is First Name Last Name.

          First Name Last Name speaking.

          The above all work for external calls or calls of unknown origin. If it is an internal call and I don’t know the caller, I’ll drop the last name but keep the rest the same. If I know the caller, and am friendly with him/her, I might just answer with “Hello Caller’s Name”.

          1. Yes to all of that, and here’s one of my pet peeves — if you work in an office with caller ID, and someone is calling you who you work for frequently, please do not answer the phone “This is First Name Last Name” as if you can’t see who is calling you! It’s much easier to say “Hi Caller’s Name” and it’s really jarring when someone answers the phone as if they don’t know who you are. It happens mainly with junior associates, I think because they were taking the advice you give here – which is great if it’s external or you don’t know the person.

          2. Is it weird to answer with “this is firstname”? My first and last names are both long and a mouthful, plus my last name is foreign and very confusing to people and my first name is also uncommon.

          3. I think first name only is fine if you are dealing with mostly internal calls, or its a more informal environment. FirstName LastName tends to be more appropriate for more formal external calls. Though, if the last name is going to be a distraction and there’s no chance of mixing you up with someone else based on first name only, I’d say it would be fine to use just the First Name.

          4. I never add my last name when I answer. I always give my full name and firm when placing a call, but when someone calls my direct line, they know who they’re calling. The first name serves to tell them they’ve successfully reached me and not my assistant, but anything more than that is awkward overkill.

          5. I have a different view. I always answer by identifying myself, even when I have caller ID. I believe it shows (1) you dialed the right number and (2) the person you were calling actually picked up the phone. It also feels abrupt to me to simply greet the person with “hi, *caller*.” However, if it is internal, and I know the person calling, I will answer with “Hello, this is Pippit” as opposed to “Pippit McPippit” (but I work in a formal environment, and my surname is necessary for outside callers).

    3. Agreed! Also, introducing yourself is sometimes more than saying your name; you need to say your position or your purpose. If I don’t know why you’re lurking outside my office, saying “I’m Beth” does not tell me anything.

      1. No kidding! How about, “Good morning, Senior Attorney. I’m Beth Brown and I’ll be training with your assistant this week.”

        Srsly. It’s not that hard.

        Oh, and bonus points for a nice firm handshake.

        1. Why doesn’t your assistant handle this introduction? Especially if the trainee is new but this happens with your assistant all the time, she could learn what you want and then orchestrate it every time.

          1. I generally come in before my assistant and sometimes the trainees get here even before I do. And I run into them because the coffee pot is in the assistant’s office. When the timing falls into place, my assistant is the Introductions Queen.

      2. Yup. Super awkward moment a few weeks ago: someone I didn’t recognize came up to my office and walked in and said “Hi, I’m Matt,” and nothing else. After a few moments of awkwardness I said “… and you are?” Turns out he was a new summer associate on my floor making the rounds and introducing himself. We have over 100 summers. Great initiative to say hi, but please explain who you are when you walk in my door…

  11. I’m planning a weekend trip to Chicago with my boyfriend. Any suggestions for hotels/good areas to stay?

    And any recommendations for things to do and restaurants or shopping would be much appreciated!

    Thanks ladies!

    1. I just read a great review of the new Virgin hotel in Chicago- its on yahoo today

      1. The Virgin looks awesome. I had a drink there last week, and it’s a great location and cool vibe!

    2. Architecture boat tour. If you can time it for early sunset/evening light, even better.

      1. Ditto. Architecture is great. The architecture and lake tour is great too. You get the best of both worlds. We just went to Chicago last week and stayed at the James Hotel. Very nice, would recommend. Other things to do: get a hot dog, go to a cubs game, go to millenium park, and get drinks at the aviary.

      2. As a Chicago resident, I do this with all of my visitors. It is still by far and away the best. Make sure to do the Architecture Foundation tour. It is my preference. It is 90 minutes.

    3. I assume you’re taking Porter – it’s so easy to take the El from the airport so try and find a hotel close by to a stop (pretty easy to do in the downtown). See above for a brunch recommendation. We also did drinks on the top of the Hancock building and at a rooftop hotel bar (I think it was the George). Got doughnuts at the doughnut vault not too far from the Magnificent Mile – there’s a line but it’s worth it.

      Just walk around! For shopping, I didn’t find a lot of stuff hugely different from what you get in Toronto and unfortunately the dollar makes it tough to find deals. But go into the Ralph Lauren store on the magnificent mile – it looks like a fancy old mansion.

    4. I did a girl’s weekend recently and we saw one of the shows at Second City and it was the highlight of our trip! They did three “acts” – 2 were scripted vignettes and the last was just improv games. We also went to the Goose Island brewery for flights, which I recommend. If the weather is nice, the Lincoln Park zoo is a lovely way to spend some time outdoors.

  12. I’ve gone through the entire women’s section of the NAS and am feeling very meh about it. I only have two potential items in my cart and I’m thinking I’ll pass even on those. I was going to shop to fulfill emotional needs, but it looks like I’ll be hitting the candy drawer later instead ;)

    1. I know. I’ve been stalking a dress at Nordstrom for months and, of course, it’s not in the sale.

      1. Only new, Fall items are in the sale. Pre-exisiting merchandise isn’t included in the NAS.

    2. Agreed. Very underwhelmed by the plus size selection. The dress listed in this post is pretty much the only really interesting work-appropriate piece. There were a few jackets that were ok, but I don’t need a new one. I always look forward to this sale and it was a big disappointment *sigh*

  13. Can anyone speak to the quality of Ellen Tracy dresses? I’ve got my eye on a couple in the sale.

    1. I have a couple that I got last year that I love (Knot Waist Stretch Crepe Sheath ). Incredibly comfortable and they are machine washable.

    2. Pretty decent, akin to maybe Eliza J or Karen Kane. I have one that’s a great shape, has actual short (not cap!) sleeves, and an interesting, figure-flattering knot at the waist. Picked it up on Amazon for a song, so I’d suggest looking there too. Often better prices than the NAS.

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