Open Thread: How Do You Fit Exercise In When You Work Long Hours?
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How do you fit exercise into your life, readers? If you're doing something like 75 Hard with multiple workouts a day, do you do them back to back? Do you do some exercises every day, such as situps before bed? If you strive for a certain step count on top of exercise, how do you find time to get your steps? If your work situation has changed (e.g., remote to in-office, or the reverse), have you changed when/how/where you do your exercise?
Lots of questions!
(Here's a long ago post from a guest poster/lawyer who shared her tips on finding time to exercise when you hate to exercise…)
My Tips on How to Fit Exercise In When You Work Long Hours
In the past, some of the ideas we've discussed include:
Combine your commute and your exercise. Try walking to work or biking to work.
Take exercise snacks. Get small, 5-10 minute bursts of exercise, such as a quick lunchtime walk, some bodyweight exercises throughout the day, and more. The New York Times has reported that even 20 seconds of exercise can improve your fitness.
Stack your habits. Tie an “exercise snack” to something you already do, such as doing planks the second you get out of bed, or doing squats between layers of skincare (e.g., serum, squats, Vitamin D, squats, moisturizer, squats, sunscreen, squats).
{related: how to build good habits}
Commit money, such as buying a pack of aerobic classes or hiring a personal trainer for a few times a week.
{related: how much do you spend on fitness?}
Do low-sweat activities for lunch workouts, such as strength training or yoga.
Schedule it, or make it social. As one reader noted, “Find friends at work who love working out too and make it an appointment!”
Make it easy. One reader noted that she loves CrossFit because, for her, the key is taking out as much “in the moment” decision-making as possible. I won’t exercise if I have to decide the workout myself so going to CrossFit classes is really helpful — I just have to show up and do the listed workout.”
Make it fun. Whether your workout is your hobby (e.g., hiking), you enjoy seeing yourself be able to lift heavier weights, or you love the music and vibe of the class — make it fun!
{related: the best hiking gear for women}
Readers, what are your tips on how to fit exercise in when you work long hours? What's working for you?
Stock photo via Stencil.
Dumb semi-related question: is there a way to save YouTube videos you want to do for a later date? I know everyone suggests some great YouTubers but I can never find a specific video I want to do when I have the time and wherewithall.
If you’re on the homepage, click on the 3 dots next to the video title and click “save to watch later”. If you’re already on the video, click the 3 dots just below the bottom right corner of the video and click “save”.
This is a Google question.
Don’t let perfection be your enemy. It’s ok if you can only do real workouts on the weekends and in between just sneak in some stretching and a few crunches. Always take workout togs on business travel so you can sneak in a run or a few laps if a meeting gets canceled.
My husband and I take walks around the neighborhood after dinner. However, given that we don’t usually eat dinner until 8 because work, this means we’re walking at 9 or 10 at night. I’m sure the neighborhood thinks we’re crazy, but it’s when we can fit it in (we have Noxgear vests and sidewalks)
Transportation is my exercise – walk and bike where I need to go. That way, even when I’m time crunched I still get a workout in.
I do squats and pushups in the middle of the kitchen while my pour over brews. This is less awkward at home than at the coffee shop.
I found the most important thing was finding an exercise I actually wanted to do. I was trying for years to get into yoga or HIIT classes, and realized I kept finding excuses to skip them because I don’t like them! I commit to going to exercise class on Tuesday morning first thing and then one time during the weekend.
Walk during lunch and lunch at desk
When in an office with a gym, exercise during lunch and eat lunch at desk
HIIT in the morning (20 minutes) before work
“Real workouts” on the weekends
I like the gym with a mix of classes and machines. When doing the machines, I start a Netflix (or similar) series (e.g. Godless, Derry Girls, Kim’s Convenience…) that I only watch at the gym on a machine. It is a satisfying mix of zoning out and getting exercise. I still wish I could get there more, but this is a small compelling thing that can sometimes get me the kick I need.
I am a busy surgeon in an academic hospital and work at least 60 hours a week. I also train for ironman triathlons so I work out a LOT. a few things:
1) Do it in the AM. The day gets busy, things come up and if you’ve still got an hour workout after, it’s hard to get the motivation to do it. So get up early, get it done and feel accomplished at 5am ALREADY! (Admittedly it took me YEARS to get good at this so I get it’s not for everyone – yet.)
2) If you can’t do the whole workout (or are feeling unmotivated) just do some. I say to myself “just start with 15 minutes of it and then it you’re still really tired or feel bad (or out of time) then you can stop” – I rarely stop.
3) Be efficient. I know it’s not an option for everyone, but I converted our basement to a home gym during the pandemic and it was the best move – super easy to get weights, treadmill run and bike workout done. Or find a gym that’s on your way to work or right next to your house so it’s easy to get there. Keep a separate bag for ALL YOUR GYM AND SHOWER THINGS that is separate from your home stuff (and travel stuff if you travel a lot) – then you can just put in the cloths you want to wear (for work or the workout) in the bag, but all your shower things, heart rate monitor, gym shoes, nutrition/gels, etc are already in the bag and you don’t have to shuffle things around and try to remember stuff. I buy triplicate make-up everytime for this very reason and it all gets restocked when one needs it. I have a separate bag for swimming and one for yoga. It makes it SUPER easy to just grab the bag you need and go.
4) Your best tomorrow starts today – plan your workout into your calendar in advance. pack your gym bag (and your lunch) the night before. One less thing to think about at 4am.
5) GET A COACH or a personal trainer. They will just tell you what to do so you don’t have to plan it – takes a LOT of the decision fatigue out of the picture. Also, have a frank discussion about how much time you can exercise, and when it best fits your schedule and your coach can help you coordinate that. And the accountability helps with success too :)
Feel free to email if anyone wants any other ideas -I have lots and always interested in spreading the “movement is medicine” philosophy :)
Dude, you’re an inspiration. What’s your weekly workout schedule?
I do lunges to knee lifts while I brush my teeth. 5 on my right leg while I brush my right bottom teeth, 5 more on my right leg while I brush my left bottom teeth, 5 on my left leg while I brush my top left teeth, and 5 more on my left leg while I brush my top right teeth. Easy way for me to get some legs/core stabilization in while also making sure I brush my teeth long enough!
I eliminated the things I hated about working out – sensory overload and crowds. I go to a small gym that’s for personal training only. I also work out at night. I’m an insomniac and working out before work was ruining my life (jk, but really). I can’t lie awake from 2am to 5am then go work out when I’m just getting sleepy again, or when I’m on the edge from multiple sleepless nights. I now go at 7:30 pm after I’ve eaten dinner, and I get the stress of the day out. This may not work for heavy cardio, but I only strength train on week days.
Home office kettle bells, yoga bricks, weighted balls, resistance bands, Sunny spin bike.