Coffee Break: Buffy Leather Shoulder Bag
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Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
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- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!
Some of our latest threadjacks include:
- My workload is vastly exceeding my capability — what should I do?
- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
- What colors should I wear with a deep green sweater dress?
- How do you celebrate milestone birthdays?
- How do you account for one-time expenses in your monthly budget?
- If I'm just starting to feel sick from the flu, do I want Tamilfu?
- when to toss old clothes of a different size
- a list of political actions to take right now
- ways to increase your intelligence
- what to wear when getting sworn in as a judge (congrats, reader!)
- how to break into teaching as a second career
Kind of piggy-backing off of the not attracted can we be friends dating question from the morning thread . . .
I met a guy who spoke on a panel that I was moderating about two weeks ago. He seemed interesting and works in a completely different area of the law than I do/did. I am genuinely interested in hearing more about it and he seems like he would be fun to have as a friend and I’d like to get him involved in our alumni association (we went to the same law school). When the program concluded, we exchanged business cards and he said, “Let me know if you want to grab drinks some time!” He is my age – mid 30s.
I would like to grab drinks because he seems interesting; however, my FWB situation is exclusive and I don’t want to give him the impression that I pursuing him romantically. Do I just let it die and never grab drinks? I think it’s presumptuous of me to think he meant grabbing drinks as anything other than a friendly gesture. However, I have been in a situation where I have assumed something like this is a friendly request and it has turned out to be quite the opposite.
I think the easiest way to address something like that is to invite him to drinks, with a group of friends of yours that you’d think he would mesh well with. Perhaps more alums from your law school? That way it’s very clear it’s a social-not-a-date invitation.
Yes but if he’s cute don’t play hard to get. If you are fairly casual about it, you could get him into the sack in a week!
You must have missed the part where she said she is in a COMMITTED non-relationship.
Get drinks but keeping the talk focused on alumni stuff and drop in a mention of your boyfriend. I know a FWB isn’t a boyfriend but for these purposes, it’s the easier and quickest way to make it clear that you’re only interested in friendship.
I would assume an exchange of business cards and a “lets grab drinks” from someone you met at a professional event is more of a networking thing than a friends thing even, and certainly not a romantic thing. I think it’s fine to get drinks and if/when he says or does something that indicates he’s interested romantically than you can say you’re not interested.
Yeah, this doesn’t fall into the same category as the morning poster. You met in a professional setting, which makes it pretty different. If you want to head things off at the pass, though, ask him, “would you want to grab drinks with a few other friends in our alumni association? They’d love to hear about your practice” or something like that.
Eh, I’ve had it happen to me in reverse where someone asks me to get drinks, I assume it’s professional, and he’s actually asking me out. Super super awkward.
It’s hard to wait until someone “says something indicating he’s interested romantically” for you to rebuff him because human communication is more subtle than that. He’s not going to show up and immediately ask you what you’re looking for in a relationship, but he might ask you personal questions or behave in a flirty manner. You gonna stop the conversation and just preemptively tell him you’re not interested? Which will embarrass him and be awkward for you?
No, what you’re going to do is, within the first 5 minutes of seeing this guy, work your boyfriend (upgrade him for the moment) into the conversation. When you ask him to hang out, you’ll say “let’s grab a drink friday, would love to discuss [xyz work thing]!”
Why is this strategy less awkward than just saying, when and if he asks, that you really appreciate the invite/proposition/whatever, but you’re not available? I would think it is more awkward to lie to a potential networking contact.
I make similar offers to grab coffee/drinks/dinner with people I meet professionally and would be surprised to learn that they all thought I was asking them out. I’d take him up on his offer, and keep your messaging clear by letting him know that you’d love to chat with him about work/alumni association, etc. and then avoiding overly personal topics during your meeting.
Go out with him. If it turns out it’s feeling like he has a romantic interest reevaluate whether it makes any sense to be in an exclusive FWB situation that neither provides you with a real relationship not gives you the freedom to find one.
Yes, I completely do not understand what an exclusive FWB situation means. Talk about cow milk for free.
Slow your roll. I can totally see why people do this- risk of STDs, etc. If both parties agree then why is it so wrong to have an exclusively FWB situation?
It means neither of us want to be in a relationship right now, but like not having to source out to randoms for LGPs. It also means we are adults, talked about all of this when we met and figured out we were attracted to each other, and decided that neither of us wanted to sleep with someone who is also sleeping with other people. Not sure what’s complicated about it. It’s a great situation for me right now, works for him right now, and that we agreed to speak up when this situation (that we agreed upon as adults) no longer works for us.
I am very happy with it. I don’t want to be in a relationship – I’m too busy doing other stuff that I don’t want to give up and I like my freedom and space. I don’t care if I get married. I don’t want kids. You do you, I’ll do me. *Shrug*
Keep telling yourself that.
Then enjoy! It just seemed like you were interested in this guy. If you’re not, go out and if he makes anything romantic tell him you aren’t single.
Bless your heart.
too busy commenting/seeking support daily on this site?
I’m not sure why other people care so much about your FWB, like Anon @ 3:31. It sounds great.
Agreed. 2 consenting adults should be able to bang each other’s crotches out without the rest of us being so judgmental.
Wow anon, you nailed it!! *This site* > relationship. BOOM! All my problems have been solved. HAHA
This situation would never in a million years work for me, but I think it’s great if it works for you and I don’t understand the judginess. “Good for you, not for me” and all that.
She constantly mentions the FWB here, much like people do when they first meet a guy and feel the need to work him into every conversation. I’m happy for her if this is actually what she wants, but it sounds like an actual relationship (possibly a relationship between at least one, if not two, avoidant personalities) not a FWB situation.
I appreciate your concern!
CountC, how lucky you are that anonymous internet commenters know your relationships better than you do!
Eugh, Anon let me just guess that you’re one of the killjoys who had lots of bitter thoughts about others celebrating Halloween too? Find another hobby besides judging strangers on the internet.
Whatever works for you is great! Just be careful as far as STDs go despite the exclusivity.
this is like Elaine on Seinfeld. with “my FIANCEE”. Sigh. I doubt he would put this much thought into getting drinks with another woman.
This phrase is so f’ing s*xist.
I can totally understand the appeal of this arrangement (and don’t understand the judgment). What I’m confused about is why the FWB has anything to do with OP hesitating to go on a maybe-but-probably-not-date that she’s approaching as definitely-not-a-date. Like, he’s a FWB, not a BF, you don’t need to avoid the appearance of impropriety, you just need to not actually LGP.
My interpretation is not that she’s worried about the appearance of impropriety to her FWB, but that she’s worried the invite for drinks might give the wrong impression to the other dude.
What Nati said. I’d rather avoidthe awkwardness (and sometimes anger) that I’ve encountered when one party’s expectations are different than the other’s. It’s not that big of a deal to not meet for drinks in the near term and wait for an alumni event. I can have fun keeping myself busy posting here instead!
Ok I get that, thanks for the clarification. I think maybe the FWB mention is throwing people (including me) off – you’re not interested in dating (regardless of the reason) but you’d like to network.
Imo lunch or a coffee break reads as less date-y than drinks. If your offices are close enough, you could suggest meeting mid-day. I’ve also had luck meeting for coffee first thing in the morning.
I was similarly confused, but I like anon at 4:16’s advice – if you want to get together, definitely suggest coffee.
To the extent she is concerned about propriety on the first date, she should not wear crotchless panties. Otherwise, if anything happens, she should be free to do what she wants.
Well presumably, since she doesn’t want to sleep with this new guy, she feels it would be leading him on to go on a date without making it clear that she just seems him as a friend/professional acquaintance. I think the concern is for this guy’s feelings, not the FWB’s feelings. It makes sense to me.
Thanks to everyone who provided helpful comments. I feel like I have arrived now that I have been targeted by a troll for needing the validation and support of this site commenters!!
Invite him to an Alumni Association event? Not as open to mis-interpretation as a drinks “date”, gets you a chance to talk to him, and gets him involved w/ Alumni Assn.
I may indeed wait and do that, thanks!
I second the other commentators who said that coffee/lunch = networking. Drinks sometimes = date. Do a coffee or lunch meetup from work to make it less ambiguous!
PSA: The cashmere at AT for the fall season is really nice! Nice quality, and in colours and styles that will get a lot of wear.
I talk about red bags the way Kat talks about purple shoes. Love them!
Me, too!
Love my red bag!
My favorite shade of bag is wine / burgundy – so much more fun than black (and suits my navy / black / jewel tone / gray work wardrobe)
I want to up my lipstick game but I have no idea what color to even start with. What’s the best way to experiment with different shades to find something new? Or is there some sort of color chart I can look at to see what might look good with my coloring? I’ve tended towards neutral/rose colors but I would love to find a “signature” color that looks great for every day.
The Sephora iPhone app has a lipstick try on thing. It uses your front facing camera and shows what the various shades of a ton of brands looks like. It’s not perfect but did help me narrow down the choices to try in person.
Yes, that sounds perfect! Thanks!
Go to Sephora! They will take your foundation shade and match it with colors that work best with your coloring. I believe they will break it out in nude, red, pink, etc. SUPER easy.
Agh! Anyone in NY ever had lead paint abatement work done on their building? My apt building is currently having work done and I’m worried about my young daughter’s exposure (she already tested a bit high for lead exposure once before). They aren’t following EPA regs, but the EPA said that the city should enforce, and when I called the city they were basically like ‘eh, those violations sound pretty minor so we’re not going to do anything about it, and also we don’t enforce federal law.’ I’ve complained a ton to the management company and they hate me for it, is there anything to be done? Admittedly, they are doing better than most contractors (in part because I made a fuss after the first day and they fixed a couple obvious problems), but lead exposure is super serious and I don’t really want to overlook issues because they’re just mostly following the rules. I think I’ve probably hit a wall, but don’t want to give up.
Are the issues serious enough that you should talk to a lawyer?
Probably not – and the work is being done NOW so I care more about immediate impact versus fines after the fact. It’s just frustrating – I’m a lawyer at a big firm myself, and am used to all the rules being followed to to the letter – so it’s frustrating to come up against lax enforcement of environmental regulations (which I think are way more important than what I spend time working on).
I’d push back with the city. Send a letter, ask for a supervisor, don’t take no for an answer.
I did manage to get a supervisor on the phone today – I just got the feeling that after reading through the relevant regs I’m more well versed on what’s legally required than they are. I was actually reading from the regulations on the phone to people today and it seemed to be new info to them.
I would keep complaining to the management company of your building, and continue to follow up with the city. I’m not sure there’s much you can do to enforce the regulations without contacting a lawyer, but squeaky wheels and all that…
Not sure if you will see this, but the mayor is on the Brian Lehrer show to take calls every Friday morning (show starts at 10). Call in. The city looks bad right now b/c they are doing a terrible job of dealing with lead in water in schools.
I have some interviews coming up and my typical stockings don’t keep me warm outside. Any suggestions for suit appropriate cold weather legwear? Thanks!
Give the Nordstrom brand sheer hose a try. Commando are super comfy but pricier. Depending on the suit/ interview, you might want to just go with opaque black tights–that really opens up your warmth options. Black opaque in the winter has become almost a uniform at this point!
I love this so much.®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
I LOVE red bags and almost always carry one. I do consider it my perfect neutral. I think it goes with almost everything and it’s a nice “pop” of color against my relatively neutral black/gray wardrobe.
Team Red Bag 100%
I recently tried to get a turquoise bag, but it sold out, so I went with red as my fallback (will be Red Bag #2).
My palette is heavy on black, white, gray, tan, and light blue or turquoise; small amounts of royal purple and burgundy (fall/winter/cold months) and/or hot pink and orange (summer); and always red as accent, hot pink as accent.
That said, I don’t love this red bag. A red bag, IMO, is a total statement pice (so my #1 red bag is a pre-Rockstud studded small top-handle bag; not McQueen, but with a McQueen vibe; red bag #2 is more of a cross between an MZ Wallace and a top-handle leather bag), so should not be vanilla.
I’m on my second dark teal/turquoise bag. To me it’s the perfect neutral!
Agree — it’s not my alpha bag, but the right bag could be my beta bag. I can’t do green, but a blue with slight hints of yellow would be just dreamy. It’s hard to find, no? Like it’s so easy to get dark colors (wine, hunter green, even kelly green, red; but no teal/turquoise).
Have you seen any great Kelly green bags lately? I’m always on the lookout for that color.
There is a lovely dark green that Frank Clegg offers. Pricey (but would be the only dark green bag I’d need for the rest of my life). No teal though :( only navy.
How about this one?
Cute! Thanks. This might wind up on my Christmas list.
You could be me, although I’ve got more deep pinks and purples year found and stay with navy or turquoise. Love my red bags. I also love the navy or a berry handbag. Using the berry in the summer months helps my office wear feel more summery as the office climate doesn’t allow for summer wear per se. I’m finding it hard to find other red bags to add, although the deeper red Brahmin and more fire engine Furla satchels are doing great and in regular rotation!
My summer colors are more gray-white (so yes to red) or gray-white-red accent or tan-white (yes again to red) or black-white (think — pattered dresses with 50% white) or blue-white. My office is an icebox, so it’s often my winter clothes or 3-season wool items with different blouses. Mostly the same dresses (but sans tights, so I can also wear more colorful or at least non-black shoes).
I carried a turquoise (almost robin egg blue) Kate Spade tote all summer and loved it. Switched to a darker blue more structured purse, but I just bought a Kate Spade dark red tote in the recent sale. I’m loving it and it’s a good fall/winter version of the turquoise bad I had. The only downside is that it is a little floppier than the other one. But I am excited about having a red bag again and a tote. My favorite red bag was a polished calf barrel bag I bought in Florence. So gorgeous. I need to get it out again.
Has anyone bought a printer recently? I know I want color, but beyond that am a bit uncertain. It will be chiefly used by my kids to print things out for school (often includes pictures) and the occasional document for me. We also have a balcj and white printer/scanner/copier.
Check the Wirecutter
Pick whatever costco has in Stock. Then if it isn’t working for you return it in three months. I just returned a printer after 6 months because the quality turned to crap and no amount of troubleshooting would help.
+1. See what Costco has because they have a great return policy. Same with Amazon (although to a much lesser extent sometimes). I recently bought an Epson printer/scanner/copier combo for less than $100 and it’s working great so far. Last printer I had was also an Epson and no issues with it – and the color ink cartridges are sold individually which can save $.
No recommendation as to a printer, but when you are shopping look at these 2 cost factors:
1) How much does a replacement ink cartridge cost?
2) Can you replace just one color or do you need to replace all of the cartridges at the same time?
I have a Brother color printer at home, and I love it. Pros – small size, wireless works seamlessly, cheap ink refills, decent print quality, prints double-sided, about $100, also functions as a copier/scanner. Cons – doesn’t hold much paper, prints slowly, paper intake sometimes malfunctions. So it’s great for printing recipes, resumes, personal paperwork, but not great for printing that 50-page document that I forgot to print at work. I think it would work for school assignments as well.
I have a very specific clothing request I’m hoping someone can help with!
I’m looking for neutral (black, ivory, maybe gray or taupe) long-sleeved fitted scoopneck tops to tuck into midi skirts or shorter pleated skirts. I’m 5’3″ and have very narrow shoulders. Any brands or item suggestions?
LBH / Lily Beverly Hills shirts
I adore the 32 degree long sleeve scoopnecks I bought at Costco, which are less than $15. I have very narrow shoulders and they fit perfectly. Arms not too tight or too loose, scoop high enough that I don’t worry about cleavage, lots of stretch to be comfortable. Most people size up sionce they run small (or are intended to be VERY fitted).
Go for a petite size. The sleeves may be a bit short for you, because you’re on the border of petite and regular, height-wise, but the scoop will fit you better in the shoulders. I have several Lands End ones that I love. They’re even on sale this week with the 40% off Friends and Family sale (promotion code BUDDY40 and PIN 8871).
I have a fairly unambiguous double first name. (Lou Ann, Sue Ellen, Jo Beth, that sort) My email signature has my full name and I type my first name(s) above it to indicate how I’d like to be addressed. And yet: 85% of my inbox, including messages from people with whom I interact regularly, gets it wrong. First first name only predominates. But I also get a weird amount of Ms Second Name, despite the fact I have never once seen or heard of my name as someone’s family name. And, of course, there’s plenty of Mrs Last Name That’s Not My Husband. It bugs the crap out of me.
Do y’all have a standard rule of thumb for issuing corrections when emailers screw up your name? Or advice about how I should approach/clarify this?
I don’t think it is in any way unambiguous that you have two first names not first + middle. If you write two names at the bottom of your email I think it’s any easy mistake to assume the second one is your last name.
I think you should relax a bit, and then when you reply, again sign Sue Ellen and add (it’s a double first name).
IDK, but I love your handle.
You could always moved to the SE US. Half of the women and girls here are Mary Catherine, Mary Kate, Catherine Ruth, Anna Grace (tons of them), Anna SomethingElse, Ella Kate, Bella Fay, Marie-Anne (not sure if the hypen counts).
also the ones with last names in the double first name…even more confusing
Start your reply email with: “Thank you for your email, and please feel free to call me Mary Sue.”
Thoughts on how to support a friend who just told me that she’s separated from her husband? I don’t have a lot of details yet – it was a brief exchange and I had an appointment so I couldn’t talk. We’re supposed to meet up in a few weeks, but is there anything I can be doing in the meantime? Or something that I can do when we meet? We’re good friends but not BFFs, if that affects your opinion.
My biggest tip is to support her while being careful not to trash the husband (unless he has done something really beyond the pale). There’s a good chance they’ll reconcile and she will likely distance herself from you if you’ve made it clear you dislike him, if for no other reason than to save face.
I support not trashing the husband, but for a different reason. Yes, they may reconcile, but they may not–and I think you don’t trash him regardless. Even if he is terrible, or has become terrible, she married the guy. He may be the father of her children. If there’s nothing redeeming about him, that means she was an idiot to fall for him.
Best to simply listen and be very receptive. If you have to comment, comment on his actions and not him as a person.
How are you doing Monday? I’ve been thinking about you and hope you’re doing wel.
Thanks, that’s sweet. I’m doing ok–better than I would have thought. Definitely some sad times, though. My friends and family have been amazing.
I’m glad to hear that Monday. I’ve been thinking about you too.
I don’t know why we’re thinking about Monday, but as a regular reader, I hope things are okay! (and that this doesn’t come across as strangely as it may sound…)
What is a reasonable time frame to adjust to a new team at work…I returned from maternity leave 3 months ago and joined a new team at my company. Admittedly I don’t do well with change, but it has been three months. I hate my envirobment and My only interactions with my new team members are negative. Is three months enough time to say it isn’t working? Or do I need to give it 6 months or a year?
It depends what the issues are. Is there anything you can do to improve the situation? If everything that’s making you miserable is totally out of your control, then don’t stay just for the sake of staying.
What’s the result of saying it isn’t working? Like, does that mean you start looking for a new job or do you have an opportunity to move back within your company?
3 months right after ML is a challenging time since you’re probably going to struggle a bit no matter what position you’re in — and similarly the first 3 months in a job will always be a steep growth period. I’d try to wait until 6 mos to make any irrevocable decisions, but you can always start netowrking/dusting off resume
I would like to seek therapy/treatment for relatively minor but longstanding depression and anxiety type feelings. Undiagnosed as I have never sought help but I am tired of feeling “flat” and stuck. I have an appointment with my PCP and I’m sure he can refer me to mental health professionals; he’s also fairly aggressive/comfortable in general with prescriptions and he may be willing to prescribe an RX based on the standard basic assessment. I am not opposed to pharmaceutical treatment but I would rather try non-pharm treatments first if appropriate and it would be nice to have someone to talk to (therapy) too. Not sure if I should be thinking about starting with someone who could also eventually prescribe meds as well if needed (psychiatrist), or is that overkill? Start with pschycologist or therapist and rely on PCP for meds later if needed? I bet I’m overthinking this but I would really like to try to start off with the right person/team if possible.
Be open to medication as you may need medication in order to be in a place to do the work that therapy may require.
I felt like you when I started therapy about a year and a half ago. I started with a great therapist who referred me to a psychiatrist when we decided to try meds. I was open to meds but wanted to really to make a big effort at CBT first. Both together are very helpful. I liked having had a history/relationship with my therapist when I started meds because, even though she can’t prescribe meds, she knows enough about them/how they work/who I am and what my needs are to help me monitor the effects of meds and make recommendations. If I started on meds and then went to see her, it would be harder for her to develop a baseline about me. Plus my psychiatrist doesn’t spend more than 20 minutes with me, so has less of an idea of who I am/what my issues are.
Point is, I think you’re just fine with option 2. It’s harder to find a therapist you really click with than it is to find someone who can write an rX for you, so let that be your first priority.
Good for you for wanting to take control of this. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety on and off for a long time, and I can tell you that finding the right treatment has really, *really* improved my life.
My experience was: I found a therapist I really liked, based on a recommendation from a friend. I’d seen other therapists in the past but never found quite the right fit — lot of it is based on whether your personalities click and whether their approach works for you. If you feel comfortable talking about therapy with friends, you might see if they have recommendations, because you might click with the same type of therapist. (Of course, your PCP may be able to give you a great recommendation, too.)
After getting to know me, my therapist recommended a psychiatrist she thought I’d get along well with. I saw him and discussed medication options. I tried a few things and eventually found a combination that has worked wonders for me.
If you’re just starting to figure all this out, I wouldn’t worry about starting with exactly the right person. One person can lead you to the next as you better understand what works for you.
Also — as anonymous at 4:28 says above, I’d urge you to be open to the possibility of medication. After many years of seeing myself on and off meds, in therapy and out, I’ve realized that my depression/anxiety has a strong biological underpinning. I used to be upset about “depending” on meds, but I’ve come to accept that my brain needs them to be in a place to work on everything else (behavior, thinking patterns, etc.).
I agree with cactus killer on starting with therapy recommendations. FWIW, I had what I called lowgrade depression and was open to meds too but found after a few months of therapy and about two years of my own practice that I feel great–positive, stable, confident, optimistic, hopeful, and excited to be living life. It may just depend on what route you want to take….I don’t think there is a right way or wrong way to do this as long as you are taking steps forward.
Based on personal experience, I would not take a prescription for anxiety/depression meds from your PCP. Much better to get a referral to someone who’s an actual expert in the area. I’d start with therapy and then you can always work with your therapist to get a psychiatrist recommendation if you decide you’d like to try meds.
I get that lots of PCPs are comfortable prescribing these kinds of meds, but there are lot of mental health professionals who feel otherwise. My therapist friend will not see anyone who is on meds and not under the care of a psychiatrist.
It sounds like you might be a great candidate for CBT.
I was one of those people who was so deep in the well that in order to get to a place where therapy could work, I had to be on meds. But maybe just therapy (and doing all the hard work of therapy, oof) will work for you. Sorry this comment isn’t that helpful!
Also if you’r an attorney, the state bar(s) that you pay dues to may have counseling services for free or discount. Mine is wonderful and free.
I’ve been carrying around my large red leather tote recently, and it has handles like the featured purse. I LOATHE these handles. So much so that I’m contemplating switching them out. Has anyone ever done this before? I don’t particularly care if the new handles are red or any other color. I just hate how these dig into my shoulder blades.
A recruiter has reached out to me about an in-house position. I am currently in-house at a company in a somewhat (but not directly) related industry. I am not really looking to make a move right now, but the recruiter seems really excited about the opportunity. Apart from the obvious “what does it pay,” does anyone have advice about questions I should ask the recruiter before deciding to either submit my resume or pass?