Previously, on Corporette…
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Travel back in the Corporette® time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago.
20 Years Ago…
- How Short Is Too Short: The Ally McBeal Fingertip Test
- The Hunt: The Best Chokers To Wear With Blazers
- Emergency Reader Electronic Mail: Help, My Colleague Just Got the Same “Rachel” Haircut As Me!
- Tales from the Wallet: How To Spend Your Equal Wages (Coming Super Soon!)
40 Years Ago…
- The Professional Girl's Guide to Burning Your Bra
- New Trend Alert: Shoulder Pads
- How the Equal Rights Amendment Will Affect You Once It's Ratified (Three More States to Go!)
- Emergency Reader Fax: My Boss Invited Me to a Key Party!
70 Years Ago…
- Husband at War? Take Charge of Your Own Destiny
- It's Up to Women: Interview with Eleanor!
- How to Get a Midday Workout on the Trampoline
- Emergency Reader Telephone Call: I've Just Been Appointed The First Woman Cabinet Member and I Have No Idea What To Wear To My First Meeting!
100 Years Ago (Wow!)…
- Work Appropriate Corsets
- Suffragette City: Tell President Wilson Why YOU Want the Vote
- Tales From the Wallet: How Buying One Less Egg a Week Will Make Your Allowance Go Farther
- Steal Her Style: Margaret Sanger's Tips on Hatwear
- Emergency Reader Telegram: How Can I Hide My Sixth Baby Bump Until It's Time to Tell My Boss?
Readers, do you remember any favorite stories from the past 20, 40, 70, or 100 years (or heck, ANY time in the history of the world)? Please add 'em below.
Clever! I like it.
Tiny detail, working out wasn’t a thing 70 years ago. But if it was about to become one I’m sure you we would have heard about it on Corporette first.
Actually I based that on something I thought I remembered about Elsie de Wolfe and how she had a trampoline workout. (from this book:
This is all I can find on the web, though: Interior designer Elsie de Wolfe was famous for her morning exercises. She wrote in her 1935 autobiography that her daily regimen at age seventy included yoga, standing on her head, and walking on her hands. ”
Wow, I had NO idea that Corporete was even around 70 year’s ago. We women onley got the vote in about 1920, so it is great that there was a Corporete back then. Who was running it, Kat’s mother or grandmother even? I also did NOT even know there was an INTERNET back then b/c AL GORE INVENTED THE INTERNET and he is mabye less then 70 year’s old. I kind of like Tipper Gore, but I think they are not together, which if true is sad b/c they KISSED in front of everyone when Clinton was President and he was getting Kissed by More then his wife. I watched Monica Louinskey on TED Talks. She is a real trooper for putting up with all of the stuff she went thru with DC and all. She is older then me but a real role model for all of us women. YAY!!!
Was Grandma Leyeh/Trudy a commenter back when this blog first started up? I always did wonder how you found us, Ellen…
175 years ago: Tired of Working for Free? Harriet Tubman’s guide to moving north.
Brill. You won the internet for me today.
How to Get a Midday Workout on the Trampoline.
How I wish this were a real story.
please no trolling–I need an eye cream. I don’t need to worry about wrinkles yet, but I DO need to deal with puffy & dark. Don’t want to spend a fortune, but tired of throwing away money for stuff that doesn’t work.
Try the one by Origins:
Timewise firming eye cream by Mary Kay. It’s a family favorite, and works better than others tried.
These are great, Kat!
Love this.
Good stuff!
How Much Ankle is Too Much? Navigating the uncharted territories of shorter petticoats
20 years ago… Which shade of brown lipstick for the office?
I so needed a laugh. These are great!
Emergency Reader Fax: My Boss Invited Me to a Key Party! — this one is my favorite.
Love these — very clever.
100 years ago: Women collectively agree that makeup is no longer sinful and immoral and thus it becomes fashionable
This made my day a whole lot better – thank you!