Suit of the Week


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For busy working women, the suit is often the easiest outfit to throw on in the morning. In general, this feature is not about interview suits, which should be as classic and basic as you get — instead, this feature is about the slightly different suit that is fashionable, yet professional.

We're liking this basic gray pants suit by Tahari. We like the high single button, the straight-cut pants, and the general color of it — as we've said before, gray suits can be so much friendlier than black or navy suits. Lovely! With Macy's current promotion (code SUMMER gets you 15-20% off, plus free shipping if you spend $99), it comes down to $291 (originally $320). Tahari Suit, Single Button Jacket & Straight Leg Pants



  1. Nice. I have been OD’ing on ruffles, short jackets, three-quarter sleeves, ruching, etc. I just bought a dark gray Calvin Klein suit at Macy’s last week that is shaped very similarly to this one, and I have to admit it was kind of refreshing to wear a clean, classic shape!

    1. There’s something so sleek about a nicely fitted and un-embellished suit! Love Tahari — they make gorgeous basic separates as well.

      Side note: Went to a major tax conference in NYC today, and took note of who wore what — women in suits, separates, and some unfortunately short skirts in strangely bright colors. If you’re a young tax chick take note: Black pants = good, black hot pants = disaster. As a rule us tax folk are a conservative bunch ;-)

    2. Agreed, it’s great to see classic, un-embellished suits on the market. Ruffles are fun, but like Ang eluded to, there is certainly a time and a place for everything. Unfortunately in the professional business world, girly clothing can cause women to be taken less seriously.

  2. With you on the ruffle overdose. Macy’s has a couple of other simple, ruffle and rick rack free Tahari suits on sale for even less than this one, which I really like. I just ordered this one and another, can’t wait to see how they are.

  3. Nice basic option — but note to Tahari/Macy’s: I clicked through to investigate and possibly purchase, but was most annoyed to discover it comes as a set rather than separates. I’m willing to nip a jacket here and there (in fact like to, so it fits perfectly) but a jacket that’s a full size or two too big means the tailoring budget negates the discounted price!

    1. Yes, please. Also, this helps because then you can choose between jacket + pants, jacket + skirt, or jacket + skirt + pants.

    2. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tahari sold as separates. It would be nice, as my bottom half is definitely bigger than my top.

  4. Very nice. Light gray is my favorite color for suits, especially in the summer– formal, but less severe than black, which tends to wash me out. I’ve had bad luck with department-store sizing, though. Even the smallest size tends to swim on me. Maybe they’re supposed to look like that? I don’t know, I still feel like I’m playing dress-up when I put on a pantsuit. All that fabric! Skirt suits feel better, somehow.

    I also got a catalog from Brooks Brothers in the mail today– their semi-annual sale starts next Monday. I see some new button-front shirts in my future…

    1. Really? I’ve found the Tahari suits tend to run small compared to the other department store brands. The others I’ve tried do seem to be a bit bigger. Overall this looks like a decent basic, but I’m not sure I’d spend $291 on it. It seems like most suits at Macy’s eventually end up in the $150 or under range during a sale.

      1. I swim in dept store Tahari, too.
        I have officially given up on the dept store sets. Will still try them on (to be disappointed) when I see them on a big discount at, say, TJ’s or Filene’s, but it never works out. Wish it did — suiting is way to expensive otherwise.

      2. Tahari suits/dresses seem to be cut for someone who’s got a pretty large chest. I bought a dress recently, fits fine on the bottom, HUGE on the top. And I’m not all that disproportionate. Same with a suit I’ve got; the shell that came with is huge. Somehow the sizing doesn’t seem quite as off on the jacket, though.

          1. Wait, what size are you? I’m not sure I remember from the 100 previous times you’ve mentioned it.

          2. Probably why I don’t care for Tahari. I hate feeling like my thighs are too big for the rest of me…I do that enough in my own head without some manufacturer throwing mismatched sizing in to boot.

            Just evil! :)

          3. Did I miss the part where I should remember who the anonymous readers of this may or may not be? It would be ridiculous to expect anyone to remember something about someone they have never met… and to assume that no one reading this is doing so for the first time. Not sure what your issue is, but please, lose the nastiness!

          4. @Shayna, I know this has come up in the comments before — you do mention your newly-acquired (good for you!) size 4 figure quite often. However, it’s not always relevant to fit (you could have omitted your size in this comment and agreed that Tahari fits better on you because of your relatively high bust:size ratio, while making the same point), which I think is the point where it starts to irritate the group.

            I’m guessing you don’t mean to give the impression that you are writing the ever-enjoyable intro to the Sweet Valley High books with yourself as the Wakefields with their perfect size 6 figures, California good looks and sparkling blue-green eyes, but…

          5. Guys, this isn’t junior high. This is a blog. If you find a particular commenter annoying, its very easy to ignore their comments. Other than for pure trolls (glambassador has finally given up, I noticed), I think its really unnecessary and unbecoming to attack people this way.

        1. I’m large-chested and Tahari doesn’t fit me either! I think the cuts are just…off somehow. (FWIW, I’m a 6 and a DD.)

  5. One button suits are not for me, but other than that, this looks like a good pick.

  6. Very nice suit – and very versatile. Can be boring-button-down-conservative for those of you who have to look that way, and stylishly-accessorized-with-flair for those of us who can show our own style in our workplace.

    1. Yes, exactly. Something basic like this can be kept basic, or jazzed up. You could even keep the jazzy accessories in your tote, deploy them as needed during the day and/or evening.

  7. Threadjack: Anyone have the MARC BY MARC JACOBS ‘Classic Q – Baby Groovee’ Satchel? (the smaller version) What do you think of it? I’m thinking of getting one as my go-to black bag. I know it won’t carry papers or a laptop (I’ll take a tote for that), so this is more of a daily purse type thing.

    1. I think it’s cute and would work with a variety of looks (although somehow I can’t picture it with business formal — maybe the rounded slouchiness of the bottom?)

      Wouldn’t work for me personally (I prefer bags with a shoulder strap rather than the short handle/cross body choice, and I prefer a bag that fits IN my work tote), but if that’s not what you’re looking for, then ignore me :)

    2. MbyMJ makes very good quality bags for the price. I think for me the Baby would be too small, but if that’s the size you want, go for it.

    3. Thanks ladies! I went and looked at it in the store for the 4th time. Now that I was close to buying it, I decided against it (go figure). Even at the Bloomies $244 price (with other purchases), it was too much to pay for what wouldn’t be very versatile for me (it’s a lot smaller inside than it looks). Still a gorgeous bag though, and the quality looked fantastic.

  8. Tahari (not Elie Tahari, which is completely different) clothing isn’t worth the department store price. Cheap wool/poly blend and poor construction, IMHO. These suits can usually be found at your local TJ’s/Marshall’s for around $100.

    I too hate suits that aren’t sold as separates and will only buy them on steep discount.

      1. Agreed. I have 4 Elie Tahari suits that I love and would pay for all over again. The one I’m wearing today is Tahari I picked up at off-rack for $100. I was just thinking how I paid too much for this sucker.

    1. Thanks for the Tahari/Elie Tahari distinction, I’d been wondering.

      Agree about buying things as separates.

    1. Sigh. Now I want both a netbook and an ipad, as well as a back-up laptop for when I need serious computing power.

  9. Threadjack – Anyone recommend some good career / leadership books?

    Finishing up my first year of an MBA program and wanting to get some books for summer reading. I hear mixed things about “Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office.” Definitely getting that to see for myself but in need of recommendations for others.


    1. I bought that one based on recommendations here/on Jezebel, and I don’t love it. It all seems like extremely basic advice without any really good tips for fixing things. YMMV, though.

  10. I love it except for the one button. I feel like that makes the rest of the jacket pouf out weirdly.
    I also agree that $300 is way, way too much for this suit. I’ve got 2 Tahiri suits in my closet that cost ~$70 each. They’re plain and easy to wear, but nothing special.

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