Coffee Break: Oversized Sunglasses

Coffee Break: Oversized Sunglasses

I forget where I read it (Fashionista maybe?) but somewhere, a while ago, I read about how great Old Navy sunglasses are. I happened to notice these while hunting for classic sheath dresses today, and they struck me because the red ones look so similar to my MIL’s fancier designer sunglasses. Either way: it’s hard to…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city

Coffee Break – Butterfly Sunglasses

Without opining on the celebrity or her brand (I’ve actually never watched The Hills!), I like the look of these butterfly sunglasses from LC Lauren Conrad. An oversized shade s always a fast way to add glamour to a summer outfit, and for the inexpensive price point plus ultraviolet protection, these don’t disappoint. Were $30,…

Coffee Break – Round Metal-Hardware Sunglasses

Call me cheap, but I hate spending money on sunglasses. It was one thing when I was a lifeguard (as a teenager) — but these days I just am not outside often enough to warrant a pricey, fancy pair of sunglasses. These simple ones from Old Navy have 100% UVA protection, and are $9.50 — plus an extra…