Which Fall TV Are You Excited About?
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What fall TV is everyone excited about? What shows do you think are smart, or make good TV for smart women? Which old friends are you happy to see return, and which new shows are you psyched about? (Any other shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime worth binge watching?)
For my $.02 — we've finally gotten around to binge watching season 2 of Orange is the New Black, but beyond that it's felt a bit quiet on the TV front. So far I have my TiVo set for
- Galavant — My brother convinced me to add this to the list after showing me this trailer.
- Shark Tank — as I mentioned on CorporetteMoms, I only got into this show during my maternity leave, but I'm totally obsessed with it… I feel like there are a lot of great business lessons to learn, as well as lessons about great presentations as well as negotiations.
- Selfie — I don't even truly understand the premise, but John Cho and Karen Gillan? Sign me up.
- How to Get Away With Murder — looks ridiculous, but hey, sometimes ridiculous is good
- Forever — I only added it after seeing approximately 10 billion commercials for it during the Shark Tank marathon. (My almost-4-month-old is apparently teething and having sleep regression issues already, so I've been watching a ton of TV while trying to nurse him and rock him to sleep.)
We're still watching Masters of Sex, but I've been underwhelmed by the second season. I realllly want to see Outlander… but not enough to sign up for Starz. I have no idea when The Americans comes back on, but I'm totally obsessed with the show. (And, annoyingly, everyone I know has had a Keri Russell sighting in my neighborhood except me — grumble!)
In terms of old favorites, I guess I'm excited for Modern Family, Hannibal (how are they going to get out of that season finale?), The Mindy Project (ooh, I always forget about this show but love it), Castle, and Game of Thrones (although, like The Americans, I have no idea when that's coming back on). (Ditto for Mad Men, although for some reason I am preparing myself to be disappointed in the final season.) For binge watching, I highly recommend Veep, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Silicon Valley.
Ladies, let's hear from you — what are you looking forward to? Any new shows I should definitely add to my TiVo wish list? Any old favorites I'm not watching? (Another Q: how much tv do you watch? Do you take advantage of the ability to watch wherever and watch at the gym, the office on your lunch hour, or other places that are not your couch?)
I am excited for the (not-necessarily-in-the-fall) return of:
The Americans
Sleepy Hollow
House of Cards
Orange is the New Black
Downton Abbey
Mr. Selfridge
Call the Midwife
and I am really mad that there is no more Luther.
Yes, Call the Midwife! I just discovered and binge-watched both seasons available on Netflix. Can’t wait for more (hoping for longer seasons, too)!
And I’ve also just discovered Hell on Wheels via Netflix, which is already in the middle of its season now. Love it, as well.
Totally agree on Luther!
After a sad incident with Flashfoward, I no longer watch shows until they’ve been renewed for a second season! But I don’t remember if there were any interesting shows that launched last year. I’m most excited about:
The Americans
The Good Wife
Game of Thrones
Outlander (yum!)
House of Cards
Covert Affairs
I will still watch, somewhat out of obligation:
Hawaii Five-O (happy to see some of the most recent cast changes, hoping for some writing changes)
Orange Is The New Black (loved season 1, season 2 – meh)
White Collar – last season, but I still enjoy it.
I quit watching Grey’s Anatomy last year – just too lame, and I really disliked the last 2, no 3 seasons. I never finished Private Practice for the same reason.
We don’t have cable – we got rid of it several years ago – so I watch shows online, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. I buy some shows on iTunes, and then those I can’t buy or view, I download/watch/delete. Originally we got rid of cable for budget reasons, but now it’s that we really don’t like commercial TV. I don’t like all of the channels you are obligated to get, I don’t like DVRs that don’t permit me to hide channels, or to change access for my kids vs. us. Also the ads on the kids’ shows are AWFUL! I also dislike having to watch TV in our family room – I’d rather watch it on my laptop or iPad or on the big screen in my home office. My kids only watch Netflix, and I love being able to see everything they’ve watched and that they have their own profile.
Galavant looks amazing. I think it is delayed to a mid-season release – I’ve been following it since the upfronts.
The Voice and Black List. Also Scandal.
+1 the voice, scandal, glad SOA is back already! ETA: and Nashville!
I watch on my ipad when I run on the treadmill at the gym. Am on Season 2 of the Americans but it’s so good sometimes I watch it without running. Watched Scandal that way and also the Blacklist and Nashville. I am not a huge fan of running and this way I get it in and really enjoy it.
That’s what I do too! I try to save the best shows for the gym – Sons of Anarchy, the Americans, Orphan Black. The only one I purposely watch at home is the Good Wife because it’s on regular tv and is on before 10.
Me too, only way I let myself watch certain shows is on the treadmill. Really excited for call the midwife, Sleepy Hollow, and Scandal!
How do you watch shows on your iPad? Through iTunes or Netflix or?
I watch shows through Amazon on my kindle fire. I subscribe to my favorite cable shows, so then I can download them and watch them at the gym. I know my bf can watch his satellite tv from his ipad.
I am super excited for the return of The Mindy Project tomorrow! I think it’s one of the funniest shows on television right now. I am also looking forward to How to Get Away With Murder, given that I worship at the cult of Shonda. Also can’t wait for The Walking Dead to start back up – I think they really struggle with pacing problems but I still love the show.
I didn’t know it was tomorrow!
I’m a big fan of Shark Tank too. As an added bonus, my parents watch it too, so it gives us something to talk about if I go visit. Other than that, I think Castle is the only returning show I’m looking forward to. I will probably give How to Get Away With Murder a try.
+1 to Shark Tank. Barbara is on my fantasy list of “women I want to invite to a dinner party”. See also: Sheryl Sandberg, Kirsten Gillebrand, RBG, Sonia Sotomayor, and Billie Jean King.
I just finished Kristen Gillibrand’s and enjoyed it. I definitely recommend it.
That should say “Kristen Gillibrand’s book”
Good! I love the things I’ve been seeing on the news that she’s been saying but so often politicans’ books are so vapid.
The only shows I’ve watched live for the past few years are The Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who. I usually wait for Netflix/Amazon Prime for everything else. I recently binge watched Haven though and it’s on my list of shows to watch weekly now. The season premiere was last week and it’s so interesting that I’ll probably keep up with it instead of waiting.
What do you think of the new doctor? I was on the fence but am really starting to like Peter Capaldi.
I don’t know. I was open minded at first but I feel like I’m not quite watching Doctor Who in a way. I think I just need to give him more time.
I always dislike the new doctor at first and then eventually I love him enough that I don’t like the next one, haha.
I’m the same way. When David Tennant died and we saw Matt Smith for the first time, I threw my tissues at the tv and called him some names that would definitely put me in moderation.
BUT Peter Capaldi has grown on me faster than DT or MS did. He’s a very compelling figure to watch. And Saturday’s episode was AMAZING.
Interesting. I’ve had the toughest time switching to Peter Capaldi. The others were tough for the first episode but then I was pretty much on board.
I was blown away by this week’s episode. LOVE.
I have been super excited about Capaldi from the beginning — loved him from “The Thick of It,” also he’s age-appropriate for me! LOL And he has not disappointed. Like, at all.
The Mindy Project
Brooklyn 99
The Goldbergs
House of Cards
Orange is the New Black
Mad Men
Yes to Brooklyn 99. I also love that the Captain is a black homosexual. They do a good job (in my opinion) of having a lot of minority characters in a non-token non-stereotypical way. The Captain is not at all “flamboyant” or any of the other stereotypes TV likes to attach to gay characters in comedies.
Totally agree about Broolyn 99! Props to Andy Samberg for having 2-3 Latino/a (not sure if Peralta is supposed to be Latino) characters, all with totally different and wonderful personalities. Ditto for the women of the show!
We DVR Brooklyn 99 and get the tail end of The Goldbergs. That show looks really dumb. What do you like about it, and should we give it another chance?
Looking forward to the return of:
Sleepy Hollow (last fall’s surprising favorite. Based solely on the premise, I thought there was no way it could possibly be good. Oh how wrong I was).
Once Upon a Time
Hart of Dixie
The Newsroom (shortened final season is airing starting I think in November?)
Downton Abbey
Brooklyn 99
Currently enjoying Outlander and debating how I feel about the new doctor on Doctor Who. I’ll probably also watch Agents of Shield, New Girl, and Big Bang Theory.
Off of the list is Vampire Diaries, which just sort of went downhill to me. I also gave up on Mad Men last season. I’m excited for Agent Carter, but that doesn’t start until January. Same with the new season of House of Cards (that is the problem with Netflix series–I tend to finish them in like a week, and then wait impatiently for the rest of the year). And sadly, Kat, Game of Thrones doesn’t come back until the Spring. I think Sherlock is also next Spring.
Yea, I watch a lot of T.V.
the news room is coming back?
Yep, but only 6 episodes.
Last season, I believe.
Hart of Dixie is still on? I loved that show… except for Rachel Bilson. Everyone else was wonderful, but she really brought it all down for me.
Big Bang Theory
Black List
Shark Tank
Hive help, please. I am looking for a new padfolio to use for meetings. I would prefer leather, but anything that will hold up for a long time will work, too. What is your favorite brand/style? Thank you!
I have a great dark blue embossed one from Jonathan Adler’s line at Barnes and Noble. They have an excellent selection, from the serious black leather to the whimsical printed, and everything in between. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/?sort=SA&size=30&category_id=1022627&store=gift
Walking Dead. And I confess, Survivor.
I am excited about:
The Walking Dead
Hell on Wheels
Mad Men
The Mindy Project
The Americans
Orange Is the New Black
Once Upon a Time – I love this show because the actors are so over-the-top/campy
Survivor – but I wait a month or so before I start watching, there are just too many people at the start to care about any of them
Survivor might be easier to keep track of everyone this season, since it’s the Blood-vs-Water theme again (everyone’s out there with a loved one). I find having the pairs helps me keep them straight a little more :)
I just caught up on The Musketeers on BBC America. Ladies, it is AMAZING. So much eye candy and sword fighting. I am in love. You should all watch it, like, right now.
I haven’t heard of Galavant but will definitely be watching it (esp. now that I am out of musketeers). Awesome trailer.
Kat: maybe this is a bit like cheating, but my plan for Outlander was to wait till the season is done and then order Starz so I can binge watch it and then cancel. The cable company pro-rates it, so you don’t even have to do the whole month. FYI.
I’ve done that before! I used to be friendly with one of the lawyers for a cable company (0ne of Starz’s competitors) and she said a lot of people do that.
Good to know!
I’m excited for:
– Castle
– Law and Order SVU
– How to get away with Murder
– Big Bang theory
Whether I’ll get to watch any of these before like Christmas is another story…yay being a 2L -.-
Mindy Project!
Saw the pilot of Selfie, and it was pretty good. It is basically Pygmalion, with cell phones.
Poll: what do you do and how many shows do you watch consistently?
I’m a lawyer and I struggle to keep up with even two shows. I used to watch television nightly. I love TV and plan to watch so much TV when I retire, lol.
lawyer. generally don’t watch weekly shows that require you to watch in order, because I’m forever behind. exceptions made for Mad Men (I’m ready for that one to end, though) and Downton. Weeknight tv is usually a Jeopardy and then something that’s gentle / informative / doesn’t require super alert attention, like Ken Burns documentaries.
Granted I don’t have kids so maybe that makes things easier but I never watch TV unless I’m watching one of my shows. I usually watch an hour or so before I go to bed (usually while I’m already in my bed) or occasionally will binge watch a few episodes on a weekend morning
Lawyer. I do my best to watch The Big Bang Theory live with my fiancé (or we catch up on the weekend from the CBS website) and watch Doctor Who every weekend. Aside from those, I tend to watch a single show at a time all the way through on Netflix.
I work a pretty stable 9-5 and I think I generally keep up with 2-3 shows at a time. We do have Tivo so I just record them all and watch them later if they come on at an inconvenient time. I’ve gotten into semi-hate-watching Big Brother this summer and, with three episodes per week, it’s been tough to stay up on.
Lawyer. I only watch one show in real time. I watch a bunch of others online at the gym.
I’m a lawyer, but leave work no later than 5:30 most days and have no kids so basically when I’m not working on my side-project I’m watching TV.
I watch Mad Men, Scandal, Modern Family, Brooklyn 99, House of Cards, and Parks and Recs. And I want to start watching How to Get Away with Murder (just because Shonda’s shows are crazy) and Cristela (not excited about a laugh track, but excited for there to be a Latina on TV in law school).
Lawyer. DVR. No kids.
Hubby and I come home around 6, make dinner together and clean up/do chores, then about 8pm we settle in on the couch to watch shows on our DVR. If we are all out of shows, we watch shows on Netflix. He likes finishing an entire season before we move on, I like mixing them up.
I think we are in a golden age of tv. We hardly ever watch movies anymore.
I am a TV addict so I try to pare it down but am usually unsuccessful. I am most looking forward to:
-The Good Wife
-How To Get Away with Murder
-State of Affairs
I really need to start watching while I’m on the treadmill so I can multi-task.
Also FWIW, I used to have a hard time keeping up with the shows I liked and knowing when they were on so I got an app for my iPhone that tracks all the shows I like.
Ooh what’s the app called? Sounds like what I’m looking for–I basically want a Netflix queue kind of thing that organizes shows I want to watch (since they’re spread out over hulu, netflix and amazon prime).
I use hulu to keep the hulu list, Amazon emails me when there is a new episode of my amazon subscriptions, and Netflix has shows so infrequently that I hear through the gossip grapevine – only OINTB and House of Cards that I binge watch in a weekend.
The app I use is called iTV shows which would probably work perfectly for your purposes. If I remember correctly, I did have to pay for it (I think $1.99) but it was worth it.
There are definitely other ones though – I just haven’t tried anything because I’ve been happy with mine.
I believe Parenthood is over?
I think this is the last season!
Fantastic news! The final season is set to premiere on September 25, 2014
Returning Shows…
Hart of Dixie
The Good Wife
New Shows…
The Affair
How to Get Away with Murder
Madam Secretary
So excited to learn there is a season 2 of Broadchurch. Not sure I will watch Gracepoint, though.
+1. Big fan of British mysteries. I am way behind on Waking the Dead, but it is one of my favorites. I do not watch much TV in the summer.
LOVE Scandal, Homeland, House of Cards and The Blacklist. That’s really it. And ever since the invention of the DVR I can’t stand to watch anything in real time. Amazon Prime and Netflix!
I feel like the odd one out here. We don’t watch any current TV. I’m not even caught up on OITNB or Portlandia, or Arrested Development. Those are really the only things we’ve watched in recent history. We got rid of cable a while back, and to be honest, the only thing I miss is college football. (Ok, and SVU, and anything on Food network–but that is really IT!)
Sadly, the rest of our screen time is usually Sesame Street or Magic School Bus. Such is life.
SVU is on Hulu but I find it much harder to watch on purpose than as background noise.
Downton Abbey
Hell on Wheels
Shark Tank
The Blacklist
Fun topic! I watch way too much tv. I tend to DVR everything and then watch it as I have time, which usually means late at night or on cold winter weekends when I feel like hibernating. Setting these series to record:
The Americans
Parks & Rec
White Collar
Covert Affairs
Gracepoint (and Broadchurch whenever S2 airs)
Mindy Project
New shows I plan to check out:
A to Z
State of Affairs
Madam Secretary
How to Get Away with Murder (not sure I can get through this one – it looks SO ridiculous)
Other shows I will definitely watch whenever they return: Sherlock, Veep, OITNB, The Fall, Downton Abbey, Fargo
+1 to prior posters who will miss Luther. I loved that show, though I’m not sure I would want another season without Justin!
In no particular order:
–Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter (they’re going to switch back and forth. If you tried SHIELD last season, but were “meh,” give it until the Captain America 2 movie, then watch the episode immediately following that movie. It’ll change your opinion!)
–Family Guy
–Halt and Catch Fire (and watch the episodes currently on my DVR)
And this doesn’t even begin to scratch the long (long) list of DVDs and Netflix things we need to watch. I like the idea of running while watching the iPad!
Saw the first couple eps of “Outlander” & was not impressed — historical fiction romance that plays fast & loose with the history part. Fluffy fun, if you want that kind of thing, but purists will get annoyed. Fans of the book seems to love the heck out of it, according to the Internet.
I can’t wait for “The Newsroom,” though I’m sad it’s the last season. Too short a run for such brilliant writing & political commentary!
I know it’s crazy because I’m living it (house is a total construction zone and I’m camped out in the guest room), but my list is:
House Hunters (all the versions)
Love it or List it (both versions)
Property Brothers (all their shows)
Flip or Flop
Flipping the Block (just ended)
Fixer Upper
It’s a sickness…Also love the BBC/BBC-ish shows like Masterpiece, Doctor Who, Outlander, and so on.
And for some strange reason my very very fave shows are Master Chef and Master Chef Canada.
all of the tv
mad men
downton abbey
mindy project
big bang theory
house of cards
orange is the new black
single me
greys (although kinda ready to let go)
law and order svu
Scandal, The Mindy Project…and Keeping up with the Kardashians (in the Hamptons).
Anyone think this thread is going to be very helpful in deciding which ads we see on these shows? This request from Kat gave me a funny feeling. Like Kat is interested in our preferences about as much as Marc Zuckerberg is when our facebook profiles ask our favorite shows/movies/books. We are the perfect market: smart, stylish women with money in our pockets. We are the product here, ladies, not the customers.
Glad to see I’m not the only one who is bored with this season of Masters of Sex. Jumps in time, weird clients, and impotence do not a great season make.
I’m most excited about the new Doctor Who, Outlander and Sleepy Hollow, and strangely enough I’m really liking The Knick, even though it can get pretty gross at times (but hey, who doesn’t like Clive Owen?).