Weekly News Update

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  • In the autumn/winter 2018 edition of The Fashion, The Guardian addressed how and why skirt suits are making a comeback, even out of the office.
  • MSN asked, is the advice in The Woman’s Dress for Success Book, authored by John T. Molloy 40 years ago, still relevant?
  • Fashionista shared that Khloe Kardashian and Emma Grede's brand Good American has launched a size 15 for jeans as a way to bridge the gap between sizes 14 and 16, which has been an industry-wide issue.
  • InStyle explained why women in television news all have eerily similar hairstyles.
  • Harvard Business Review examined whether a longer maternity leave can hurt a woman's career, even in other countries that offer and tend to encourage longer maternity leaves than in the U.S.
  • The Washington Post reported that not only is there a wage gap, but also a significant gap in stock options — in other words, equity — between men and women working for start-ups.
  • ProPublica reported that Facebook has been letting job advertisers target only men.
  • The Goods by Vox explained why the “homebody economy” is doing so well right now. (Anyone else planning a Friday night of staying in?)
  • In breaking news, CBS News reported this morning that attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have offered their conditions for testimony regarding SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
  • The Cut shared an excerpt from Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, by Rebecca Traister, explaining that recent — and not so recent — events in politics and culture are showing that women won't be backing down any time soon.
  • Similarly, The Washington Post offered a satirical piece by Alexandra Petri about why every man should be worried.
  • For Your Non-Political LOL of the Week: Buzzfeed shared 18 hilarious tweets about classic literature, including: “Dante followed Virgil down, past killers and adulterers. ‘And here,' Virgil said ‘are the makers of websites that automatically play audio.'”
On CorporetteMoms Recently… Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms


  1. All, would love any suggestions on how to style an odd assymetrical wall that is the focal point wall.

    have any of you seen any articles or websites that speak to this?

  2. Is a 40 year old book written by a man about style for a woman still relevant? I’m gonna go ahead and say no.

    1. I would read the book, first, THEN make a decision. It is onley fair, b/c men read book’s by women all the time, and I read the book review every Sunday in the NY Times. We must not be sexist even tho so many men are when it comes to us. Remember, we as a HIVE are far stronger then we ever could be individueally. Therefore, if we all agree to do something and do it collectively, we will be more powerful as a HIVE! YAY!!!!!!

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