Which Trends Are You Totally Sick Of?


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2019 Update: Check out our latest discussion on the 2019 fashion trends we hate.

There was a lot of interesting discussion on the weekend open thread about the wedge sneakers — it feels great to know I'm not the only one who isn't totally on board with them. I thought today we might have a discussion about which trends we're totally sick of, and which trends we're actually liking/looking forward to. For my own $.02, here's my list:

Sick Of:
– Leggings/skinny jeans (although a friend once argued they were staying because “people have spent way too much on boots,” which I agree with — but I'll still be surprised if they stay.)
– Boxy blouses
– Crazy nails (pictured)
– Sequins for day
– Short suits (pictured)

– Bold lip color
– Jewel tones
– Braids (pictured)
– Graphic prints
– Quilted details
– Lucite details on heels (pictured)

 So let's hear it, ladies — what trends are you sick of? Which ones are you liking?


    1. I will cop to owning a pair of high-heeled Timberlands and I can’t bring myself to get rid of them, I love them so. I don’t wear them, I just keep them in my closet like a little shrine to my lack of fashion sense, next to my playing-card platform heels that I wear only when gambling :)

  1. Still into:
    Lace everything (with appropriate lining)
    Leggings as leggings
    Exposed zippers (on certain items of clothing)
    Jewel tones (super flattering on my skintones)
    Brights on lips and clothing (but not neon!)
    Skirts at or below the knee

    So over/were never into:
    Leggings as pants
    Lucite heels (will always be stripper heels to me)
    Boxy blouses (so unflattering on almost everyone)
    Wedge sneakers
    Short suits (those were really a thing outside the magazines?)
    Nail art
    Cutout clothing
    Trendy leather clothing (shorts, dresses, etc)
    Crop tops
    Not really a trend but I’m also over seeing pregnant bellies everywhere. I’m certainly not suggesting that we return to the muumuu, but could we keep it covered with some type of clothing/fabric? And don’t get me started on the facebook overshare.

  2. I don’t like ombre hair because without my colorist this is what my hair does on its own, and I’m blonde and a swimmer so I eventually fall prey to a sort of “green ombre” look. I love leggings but hate them worn with anything but tunic-length stuff over them.

    Male fashion I don’t like:
    Untended male feet (not a trend, but even worse than untended female feet)
    Short-sleeved collared shirts (also not a trend, I just hate them)
    Jean jackets–cute on us, not on them.
    Skinny ties.
    Oh, and all those Lucky Brand embellished pseudo-dress shirts. You all look like Jon Gosselin. And don’t even get me started on Affliction t-shirts, typically worn by people who have never set foot inside an octagon and would likely p e e themselves if they did.

    1. Nothing makes me laugh as consistently as the word “jorts.” Awful.

  3. Trends that I think are over but have yet to die:

    Platform stilletos (esp. on young women who can’t walk in heels. They make my knees hurt!)
    Barbie curls a la most of the real housewives (esp. Bev Hills)

    Trends that I wish would go the heck away:
    Exposed zippers
    Black /dark nail polish
    Anything with something written on the butt
    Pajamas in public

    Things that are trendy that I love but will soon hate
    Boat shoes

    Things I wish would come back –
    A line professional skirts

  4. Also can we add Toms slippers to the please go away list? They are truly fugly!

  5. I do not get the flatform trend. It just looks weird to me! I don’t get it, I feel like it makes even the slimest, most toned legs look clunky. Also wedge, platform flip flops. STOP.

    I am loving the smoking slipper trend. Cute, casual and easy to walk in! I saw some cute ones at RogansShoes.com and I think they just started a 20% off all womens shoes sale!

  6. Lucite details make me think of one and only one thing.


    They always will.

    Tacky, cheap, and taking away from the beauty and class of a shoe, these need to go away or stay on a stage with a pole.

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