Coffee Break: Classic Hardcover 17-Month Agenda

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ban do agendaLadies who use paper agendas, which are your favorites? I spent way too much last year on pricey one from Erin Condren, and while it's really cute and makes me happy when I look at it — it also reminds me every time I look at it that I spent a whopping $80 on a planner. Particularly when you can get just as cute ones for as little as $12, like this fun agenda from BAN.DO. I like the lay-flat design, the pocket on the inside, and yes, FINE, I'll admit it: I like the stickers too. It's $12 during the anniversary sale, but will go back up to $20 afterwards. BAN.DO ‘Classic – One Day At A Time' Hardcover 17-Month Agenda (L-all)

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

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  1. This is such a random problem but I’m hoping someone here can help.

    We have Xfinity, and I know that the ESPN OJ documentary is supposed to be offered on Xfinity On Demand. I have other friends who have watched it that way. But it isn’t on our list of shows! I have sorted by channel, by TV show, and nothing ever helps. It’s so weird and so frustrating!

    Anyone had something like this happen? Is there a cure?

    1. Try going to You can stream it online by logging in to your provider if you have ESPN on your cable or satellite subscription. That’s how I watched it.

      1. That’s helpful; I will try that. I am so curious about this problem though. I thought maybe I was crazy, despite having looked for it several times, but my hubs confirmed it wasn’t on the lists. So weird.

    2. I Googled it and found that the ESPN OJ documentary is only available on Xfinity On Demand online. So I watched it on my iPad (in a single weekend, but who’s counting?).

    3. I have a similar problem on Dish Network. There’s a show On-Demand that comes up, both seasons. But when I select a show to watch, nothing happens! I searched for it and it’s there, and all of the episodes come up for each season, I just can’t get any further than that.

    4. Calling Comcast for an explanation is probably more trouble than it’s worth, but I’ve had luck getting help from cable/internet companies via Twitter.

  2. I personally would not use Erin Condren at work. Too twee and SAHM. I like Circa by Levenger and some of the Day Designer covers.

    1. Eh. I have an Erin Condren with a prism cover. It’s black with white lines and my initials. I figure if anyone is judging it, they have too little of their own work to do.

      1. I wouldn’t, for a second, think someone with an Erin Condren planner was twee or SAHM-ish.

        That being said, those planners are way too think for me, making carrying them around nearly impossible. And if I can’t carry it around, I’m less likely to use it.

  3. Is it a myth that you need to change up your workout or your body gets used to it? I have been doing spin and loving it, but I’m wondering if I need to mix in something else.

    1. Not a myth. By always going to spin you utilize the same muscles over and over but there may be muscle groups that are not as worked during your spin routine. Depending on the results you are looking for, you can add in strength training or other types of cardio or a combo (a barre class, TRX, etc.).

    2. You’re always going to burn calories when you’re spinning (or running, or whatever). But your muscles/body do get accustomed to the same exercises over and over. If you’re going for a major body transformation, it’s better to change up your routine every so often. If you’re exercising for maintenance or not looking to make drastic changes, I wouldn’t think it makes that much difference if you truly enjoy it.

    3. It’s a myth that doing the same kind of workout will lead to diminishing returns. What is not a myth is that as you get in better and better shape you have to continue to increase the intensity in order to get the same result. If an hour of moderate spin could get your heart-rate up when you were out of shape, once you’re in shape you may have to increase the intensity to get the same heart-rate increase.

      That being said.. the value in mixing up your workouts is that you’ll use different muscles doing barre as you would doing spin, and still a different sent doing the stairmaster, so mixing up your workouts gives you more “coverage” in terms of using different muscle groups and exercising at varying intensities.

    4. I agree adding in strength training is a good idea. Also, the more you do a particular workout, the more efficient your body will get at it and you will then burn fewer calories in the same amount of time. You can of course combat this by increasing pace, resistance, etc. but still not a bad idea to switch it up. Also will help to keep from getting bored!

  4. I have a fab gold faux-leather one that I got on amazon for ~$20, also an 18-month planner. I use it to track my workouts and love doodling in it. For anything else (personal non-workouts or professional) I use my phone.

  5. Google Bullet journal. Super fun.

    Also, I’m the OP who was stressed out by motherhood a few weeks ago (continuing). One big stressor was feeling kinda trapped/my kids making gym time impossible by hating child watch (haven’t been in WEEKS). But bright point, just learned from a gym employee that the child watch area has a lice issue [I guess undisclosed?] this summer that they can’t get rid of.

    And suddenly I’m like, “y’all are the best kids ever. I am so happy you rebuked child watch. Ice cream for you.”

    1. If you need an alternative – I highly suggest a double bike trailer that converts to a jogging stroller. More coverage that a jogging stroller if it rains/to keep kids from dropping things. Stick them in the stroller, hand them a stack of books/sippy cup and go for a run/walk around the neighborhood.

      1. We do a lot of walking/running–I just sometimes want to lift. And our trail system has a park that we can’t pass by without stopping, so if I need cardio, I have to do this elaborate bypass of the park! ;)

        1. Google playground workouts. I feel like a giant dork, but if the playground isn’t too crowded, box jumps/dips/pushups on the steps or benches and pull ups (or at least the negatives) on monkey bars are a great way to get some extra strength training in!

          Ugh, lice. Your kids have an awesome sixth sense.

        2. Ha! This is the very reason that my stroller runs are inevitably fartleks. Dash 1.5 miles to nearest splash pad. Run around splash pad with toddler. Plod home. Also, congratulations on dodging a big fat lice-shaped bullet. Ew.

  6. Two friends of mine are moving to Australia for a year, and I want to give their kids (two boys, ages 2 and 4) something to distract them on the long plane ride from North America. Anyone have ideas?

    1. Static cling “stickers” to temporarily stick on the windows, tray tables, books, etc. My daughter is only 18 months, but she likes the lift-the-flap books. Go to the Dollar Store and get some cheap toys, they’ll be excited to have something new. Teach them to play cat’s cradle? If its a redeye flight, get some child sized neck pillows?

    2. These Melissa and Doug “paint books” that paint with water, color forms, GooglePlay/Itunes gift cards for them to buy apps, headphones (if they don’t have them already), backpack, if you’re really generous, a tablet for each of them (you just missed Prime Day, where the kids’ fires were $66!)

    3. Those markers that only write on the coloring book; stickers; mini plane model toy. We did that move as kids pre-iPads, pre-individual tv screens, with tons of books but today’s parents prob aren’t going to need to lug all that around!

  7. This is a very cute planner but I’m already committed to my Paperblanks habit

  8. Over-achieving chicks, I need your help replacing a clothes iron and a hair dryer. What do you love best? Do I really want a steamer instead of an iron? Do I really need a “professional” hair dryer?

    The hair dryer I currently have has given up the ghost in 7 months despite being highly reviewed on Amazon. And the warranty replacement requires that I pay shipping, so it doesn’t seem worthwhile to me.

  9. I can’t do bound agendas, they have to be ring-bound. Currently I use Inkwell Press inserts in a Carpe Diem ringbound planner, but I’m switching over to Sew Much Crafting for the next year.

    (speaking of stickers: Etsy is simultaneously the best and the WORST. so many amazing sticker shops. so little time.)

  10. I’ve got a Filofax Clipbook. I love it. I’ve got custom diary pages in exactly the configuration I like, blank paper for making notes and lists that I just get rid of and a pocket for receipts. It’s plain and professional looking.

  11. Paging Wildkitten:

    It saddened me to hear that you were fired and then in the joys of finding a new position, realized that maybe your partner wasn’t being as supportive as you’d like. Hope you are doing ok and that you find peace and happiness during so much change.

    1. I did NOT know that. Men MUST be suportive when you get fired, which should mean doeing the dishes, laundry, cleaneing and whatever else. When I was workeing serveing supeenies, and hateing it, my Alan was NOT suportive at all. He just liked to do what HE wanted to do and did NOT care that I was being being sexueally harased at work. And once I got my GOOD job, he kept trying to make me feel bad b/c he was goeing for his CPA. Of course that all fell flat when he got fired himself, and I was VERY suportive to him. FOOEY on him b/c he never gave me credit for being suportive to him. I still do NOT have a boyfreind, but if all I had was Sheketovits, I did NOT loose much, Dad says, and he is right! YAY!!!!

  12. I love the poppin collection. They are simple, there are a ton of colors, a few sizes and they have an area where you can mark off whether it’s done, an action item, important, etc. Upped my productivity a lot with these.

    1. Yes, I’ve migrated to an all-digital system, but when I used a paper planner, I loved my Moleskine. I had the weekly layout with the week on the left page and a lined notes page on the right, plus monthly pages in the front. I used it to keep track of reading and assignments during law school.

    2. Also a Moleskine fan. I just can’t seem to warm up to electronic lists and calendaring.

  13. I need some advice on how to move forward with a friend. I’m a domestic violence survivor, so I understand how hard it is to get away and stay away. Last year, I helped my friend to get away from her abuser. She seemed to be doing great. Unbeknownst to me, apparently she started seeing him again. Over the weekend she asked if I wanted to go to the bars near my place and if she could spend the night after. I had to get up early, so I told her I’d meet her at a bar near her place. That’s when she told me she had just broken up with him that day and needed a place to stay.

    I’m angry and scared and sad all at the same time. I’m so sad for her that she’s going to have to go through the breakup process again – the courts, the cops, the constant vigilance. I’m also selfishly angry she asked for a place to stay without telling me that this guy was involved. If she needs a place to stay, it has to be a shelter that is capable of handling this level of danger. I think she sees me as a safe haven because she knows I would call the cops if I so much as thought I saw his face, but the fact that she’s TOLD him what I think of him means that she’s made me a target for his rage. He recently tried to reach out to me via a burner.

    I want to stand by my friend, but I’m also really struggling to hold it together on a lot of levels. Thoughts, advice, resources?

    1. No advice really just been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. I think my friend thinks if she says “blonde lawyer thinks you are wrong when…” he will suddenly come to his senses. Instead he gets more mad at her for talking about her problems with anyone else, makes him want to alienate her from me, and makes me a future target of his rage. Luckily, my friend’s abuser is more of the emotional sort than the physical sort but ugh.

  14. Independent consultants: Any thoughts on helpful trainings/books/blogs you’ve liked?

  15. We have a person staying with us who is leaving a bad relationship. This is a non relative.

    They had been together two years and he has the house. Now, I know her finances are strained and she doesn’t want to be living with us forever. I’m also vaguely certain she’s hoping he will shape up and they can get back together so she’d rather live with us then get her own place.

    What’s a reasonable timeline for her to make other arrangements? This is not a rent issue. We just want our house back.

    1. This is a question you should discuss with her. Let her know your position i.e. if you have a specific time frame in mind. You can also ask her to make a contribution towards your household e.g. utilities, or chores if you are not charging her rent, whatever feels reasonable to you. Also be honest, I am in this situation but for other reasons and the one thing I would not want is for a host to be uncomfortable but they are not telling you. It usually shows in other ways.

    2. I went through something similar recently so I feel your pain. It was supposed to be for a month and ended up being four months. Ouch. The thing I learned was that as long as it was comfortable for this person to be at my house, there was no incentive to actually make other arrangements.

      If I had it to do over again, I’d have set a firm date and stuck to it no matter what. I think a month is generous, two months is more than generous. Two weeks might be pushing it depending on the housing market where you are.

      And I echo asking for some kind of contribution so she has some skin in the game. Also make it clear what it’s okay to use and not use. My houseguest drank every drop of alcohol in the house and didn’t replace it even after I mentioned it. Not cool.

    3. How long can you go without feeling guilty for kicking her out or, conversely, being so irritated it harms the relationship? I am introvert in a small apartment, so my timeline might be shorter than others’. For a very good friend, 30 days would be my max, and that’s for a friend who I knew would be up a creek without the help. If I had more space or a friendlier disposition, I might be able to handle longer. This assumes your friend is the ideal houseguest — no eating my last cookie or leaving stuff everywhere.

  16. A friend pointed out that my current pencil case is really worn out. I am looking for an affordable replacement, any recommendations? The pouch would be for stationery, USB stick, and the occasional lip balm.

    1. I have no advice but I cannot imagine a situation where I, or anyone I am friends with, would utter the words “You know, your pencil case is really worn out…”

      1. +1, that’s an odd thing to point out :) Take a look at Cuyana – they have some really nice ones…

    2. I like esty for the variety of available make-up pouches that can be used as pencil cases. My company recently moved to a ‘hoteling’ arrangement and I’ve found them really useful to keep the small things contained since I don’t have a permanent desk to stash daily work supplies.

  17. Does anyone have experience renting a spare room on air bnb?

    I’m in a reasonably good financial situation but my emergency fund is not what I would like it to be. I have barely 6 months of living expenses, but I live in an older home and I’m concerned about unexpected and disastrously expensive repairs happening simultaneously with an unexpected gap in employment. I’m also in the energy industry and have been in a state of mild panic for some time about the prospect of getting laid off. I don’t want to take on a roommate full time because I have grown to love living alone. But my spare room is just sitting there, and I’ve been considering renting it out short term on air bnb.

    Any advice?

    1. I have a friend who does this and has had great experiences. They mostly stick to long term arrangements (i.e. a few weeks/months) with traveling nurses.

    2. Late but I have a friend that does this. She screens people carefully but has had no issues, makes quite a bit of money, and has gotten to know some interesting folks.

  18. Gallery leather planners are my preference. Quality, structure, and price are all suitable.

    The ” family planner” and ” professional” ones have half-hourly increments, which I like. There is also room for ” to do” at the end of each day, where I list bullet-style, my priorities or notes for the day. The “professional” has my preferred size and format, but, even as a married person with no children, I prefer the ” family” one for the structure it provides plus the fun color selection.

    Have previously used and other trendy ones. Prefer bound to spiral rings which inevitably get squished for me.

    Just got a new one which starts in August! ( cue erasable pen geekiness)

  19. I’m late, but I’ll put a plug in for Circa planners. I’ve used on for the past decade, and adore it. You can customize them. The add-ons from the ARC line at Staples fit perfectly, so you don’t have to pay top dollar for page markers and post it notes. The initial set up might be some money, but the yearly refills are not that much.

  20. My summer associate program ends this Friday, and I am not sure how to handle goodbyes. Do I stop by their offices and say goodbye? Do I do handwritten notes? Or will an email suffice? My program is not rotational so I’ve worked with a few attorneys in the first week or two that I haven’t seen since. Do I do goodbyes for everyone I’ve worked with, or do I draw a line somewhere?

    1. Stop by everyone’s office on your last day. If you aren’t able to catch someone, shoot them an email. No handwritten note is necessary.

    2. It’s nice to stop by, but I would trust your gut on people who you only worked with briefly. If they’re busy partners and worked with a lot of summers, I think an email would suffice. I ended up doing a handwritten note for my associate mentor (six years ago), but I’m not sure that was necessary; I felt just as appreciated when my summer mentee just did a heartfelt in-person thank you.

  21. I am attempting to convert to a digital planner, however, I highly recommend Dapper Desk (the men’s version of the Simplified Planner), Graphic Image leather planners, and Moleskine planners.

  22. Very late to this but someone here (Wildkitten??) recommended She Plans planners. I got one. I love it. I keep replacing it. Highly recommended. It has a space for to-do lists for the day, and having the to do list option on top of the planner is what makes it a homerun for me.

  23. I have to have a vertical layout planner (like an appointment book where I can easily look across the week and see which days have lunch plans, for example) which really narrows the options. I tried Erin Condren but the price is stupid, and it does make you feel like a mommy blogger. I found this on Etsy and I love it– SHP Planners is the store name on Etsy.

  24. Another late addition, I know, but I use the Get to Workbook planner and love it. I actually buy the pages unpunched and add them to my regular binder. I love the vertical layout pages. It was a toss up between the She Plan planners listed above and this one when I first started a couple of years ago but I went with this one and then this year I went with the unbound pages and added them to a leather planner I already had from a previous system. I think that is the perfect solution for me. I don’t like timed calendar pages but I like making lists so this is perfect for me.

  25. I too fell into the Erin Condren hype; spent close to $80 on a planner. This included accessories that I ended up seeing similar ones at the Dollar Store and Staples…for a lot less. I ended up using it only for a few months and realized it just wasn’t working for me. The rings were too big; it made writing close to the rings difficult and the over-all size of the planner was also large for what I needed. I now use Moleskine for note taking and a $15 “month at a view” planner, with a few “task” lines that works best for me.

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