Coffee Break: Tail Leather Belt
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Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!
Some of our latest threadjacks include:
- My workload is vastly exceeding my capability — what should I do?
- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
- What colors should I wear with a deep green sweater dress?
- How do you celebrate milestone birthdays?
- How do you account for one-time expenses in your monthly budget?
- If I'm just starting to feel sick from the flu, do I want Tamilfu?
- when to toss old clothes of a different size
- a list of political actions to take right now
- ways to increase your intelligence
- what to wear when getting sworn in as a judge (congrats, reader!)
- how to break into teaching as a second career
Has anyone ever suffered with a chronic runny/stuffy nose? I am always sniffling and forever toting Kleenex around with me everywhere. At night, I’m so stuffed that it’s hard to sleep. This has been ongoing for about a year straight. At first, allergy medication helped to control the sinus issues (I take it year round). If you’ve been in this position, what has worked for you? I have a doctor’s appointment and am intending to ask for steroid nose spray, as some friends have talked of its effectiveness. Interested in others’ experiences.
You can get this otc, try Nasocort or Rhinocort.
I’d love an update on this after your dr appointment as I suffer from the same thing. I tell people I use a pack a day (meaning pocket tissues ha)
I forget why I was always warned against steroid nose spray – either it’s addictive or because it stops working after a while.
Have you tried a diffuser with St. Olbas oil or just your basic vapo rub?
See an ENT though — might be helped by surgery like adenoid removal or some of the sinus surgeries. Ask your doctors about empty nose syndrome before you do anything.
I did some research on this because I thought I’d heard nasal sprays were addictive/ineffective too. Apparently it is the over the counter ones that are not steroids that work only in the beginning and build dependence over time. The steroids you can get by prescription result in lower inflammation over time and can be tapered off easily. Says the internet! Usual caveat that I am not a doctor.
There’s always the lady with the constant nasal drip who was actually losing brain fluid…
Um, EEK.
Saline rinses. Don’t use tap water. But the Neilmed sinus rinse may help.
Otherwise, Flonase. Shoot it to the side, not straight up or you’ll get thrush in your nose. Ask me how I know.
I have year-round allergies and take medication, and I switch my OTC meds every 3-6 months. So I’ll do claritin (loratadine) for 90 days, then zyrtec (cetirizine) for maybe 120, then allegra, then back again. My allergist said you do build immunity to certain allergy meds over time (at least oral, not sure about nasal) so I cycle through them per his instructions. I have some weeks in the spring where I am DYING from tree pollen, but otherwise this has helped me breathe at night/during exercise etc for 7 years now.
Acid reflux — or “silent” acid reflux could be a contributing factor.
I’m not in healthcare.
On the weekend I saw a woman wearing some heels that I ADORE, but I can’t find them anywhere. Here’s a description: they were black velvety material with a tall block heel and a thin band that went around the ankle with a tiny belt-like clasp, round toe. Any ideas? I find my usual black heels so hard to walk in but often block heels look too chunky to wear with certain outfits – these were thin and chic yet looked stable and comfy.
Something like this?
Marc Fisher Imagie (but could only find it in a 10).
These are them! Thanks! Shame about the sizes available (I’m a 7), but I will keep looking now that I have a name for the shoe :)
That was only on 6PM. Might be available elsewhere.
Off Broadway has them in a 7!
Belk has your size – and it’s on sale!!
Naturalizer Gianna
Omg, I had shoes just like this in both brown and black (I think from the Chadwick’s catalog) in the early 2000s. I loved them!
Now I have options to choose from! Thanks everyone.
Valentino had a pair like that — also Cole Haan.
Yes! Cole Haan Larue.
I just have to rant here so I don’t explode. I married into a family where the thought of seeing a kid work hard or struggle is too much for the parents to bear.
Like this: kid goes to college, becomes overwhelmed, completes 3 years, drops out, moves home, finally finishes BA, finds teaching “hard,” then substitute teaches for 10+ years, never moves out or has a real relationship. All the while hearing,”You do so much work. Why don’t you relax and take a break?”
Or Kid 2 gets married, lives with parents “so it won’t be so hard for you taking care of an apartment,” finally moves out, parents help with kid and storing Kid2’s hoarding items (throughout 2-car garage and full basement). Kid2 is encouraged to avoid promotions “because the commute will be so long” (in reality — 10 minute drive vs 30 minute transit commute).
I am married to Kid3, who I am amazed by. Parents clearly thought he was dumb, so didn’t actively discourange him b/c they never thought he’d encounter any life harder than saying “Do you want fries with that?” But when we visit, they actively discourage everything we do “you work so hard” “your lives are so busy” “you have your kids in lots of activities.” We don’t live nearby (thankfully) and I am from a family so recently poor that if you give us any opportunity to make $/make our lives better/make things better for our kids I’d move heaven and earth to do it. And we’re not superheroes, just two FT working adults with young kids. It is so discouraging though — I don’t want my kids living with me in their 40s b/c they are unsuited to adult responsibilities. I guess that is why none of them are guardians for my kids should something happen to us (because that might be hard, and we know they can’t handle things that are hard).
But ugh. Just ugh.
Sometimes people are just really disappointing. My BFF and sister both live in big cities a plane flight from hometown smaller city. BFF is home 3 times a year even if only for a 4-5 day week and my sister is home like once every two years. It just isn’t a priority for her to be close with my kids (no facetiming interest etc). It used to make me really sad but I realized that her choices are not a reflection on my value. Likewise, I’d suggest you smile, nod and ignore your in-laws.
Good lord, that does sound rough. I kinda hear you – I’m from a family where the kids (my parents’ gen) were treated very unequally (and by extension the grandkids, too). One is still being coddled by Mom (at 60+!). Another was effectively exiled from the home at the age of 12. The ones who have kept their heads down and worked hard to make a living and raise decent kids are never praised for doing so, and the ones who have the most unstable, dependent-on-Mom-and-Dad lives are always being made excuses for and made much of. Squeaky wheel gets the grease type nonsense, I guess. But I share your astonishment at *actively discouraging adult children from getting promotions.* WHAT.
How does Kid 2’s spouse feel about this? Do they share your confusion?
Lordy — I would not raise this at all with Kid2’s spouse. I just smile and nod and never go on the record about anything. It’s like they are from a very different culture than me.
[I do worry what will happen to Kid1 when the parents are no longer around. Maybe go to Kid2’s? The parents are not completely able-bodied due to age, but can’t downsize to a one-level apartment b/c that would be so hard to Kid1. Some day one of them will tumble down the stairs due to the lose railing (too hard to fix) which they need to use b/c the upstairs toilet is broken (too hard to fix or call someone) and that will be such a preventable tragedy.]
Just… WOW. Sounds like parents are semi-successful – how did they make their money?
They don’t even really have money just the luck to live in a RE market that has appreciated bonkers in their lifetime and two govt pensions. Nothing fancy. They don’t get that their math will not be our math.
I hear you. In a similar situation but won’t get into gory details. But I can’t make my parents change, nor do I want to be the person that relies on other’s to help subsidize/run my life. So, I vent to close friends and my husband, limit interactions, and work harder to be independent and instill independence/hard work in my own child. Also – we very clearly outlined legal stuff for our kid and did not give any custody/financial oversight to them people. You may want to have your spouse mentally prepare (or prepare for him to need/want counseling) when his family passes – if it is anything like my family the functional child gets nothing, the rest will be left to the dependent adult child who ‘needs’ the help.
I am an estate planning attorney and can confirm that this does happen on occasion. Thankfully for the good of our society’s values, it’s rare. Almost all parents want to split things equally with a solid chunk varying the degree of control that their children get over inherited wealth.
Wow yes. we understand DH sister will get much more because she quit her full time job to stay home -no kids- because Hard, and she is already setting the stage that despite her DH making a lot of money in a stable union job with big pension, reportedly he “won’t tell her details of pension “ so she may be penniless. Despite everything I see about this guy is him bending over backwards for her and gee yes she quit to stay home. Whatever, we have our own lives and our own money.
I recently moved to the capital city of a state in the Midwest. I used to volunteer with a nonprofit in my last city, and the volunteer coordinator and I went out to lunch a few times. I’d probably call us close acquaintances. I know that she doesn’t have a lot of money. She asked me this morning if she and her husband could stay with me for 4 days – weekend plus Monday – next month when her stepson (they do not have custody) has a sports tournament in my city. They also have an infant, but I don’t know if the infant is coming along or staying with family.
I have a small 1 BR apt. I sleep in a full size bed and have a spare twin mattress I drag into my living room for guests (usually my younger siblings). I know that it’ll be hard for her to afford lodging for 3 nights, but I selfishly want to tell her no, because I like my privacy and don’t have a lot of space. I told her I would check on dates and warned her that it is small – she said small is no problem. I don’t have a conflict, although I could make plans to be gone. Do I suck up the loss of privacy to help out a new ish friend who doesn’t have the resources to pay for other lodging? Or do I say no? I’m new to this area so don’t know someone with a larger house who I could offer instead.
I should I should add – If I say yes, then I’d sleep on the twin mattress, and leave her and her husband/infant to my bedroom (which does have a door).
No, and please don’t ever offer up friend’s houses either.
I probably wouldn’t share a space that small for someone who is more of an acquaintance. Next time though, don’t say you’re “checking on dates” or that it’s small because that just gives her an opening to say that her dates are flexible or that small doesn’t matter. Practice saying “you know, I’d love to see you when you’re here, but my apartment is too small to host more than one overnight guest so I’m afraid it won’t work for you to stay here. How about Airbnb?”
Say no! This is an unreasonable request and you have no obligation to do this. But say no sooner rather than later so this person can know that and make other plans accordingly.
No no no. It is not selfish to not want to sleep on your floor for an acquaintance.
Also, don’t tell her you’re going to be gone because I bet she’d still ask you to leave a key or something. That’s a bonkers request.
Just say no, you don’t have space. There is literally not enough room for everyone. If you really want to go out of your way, suggest an inexpensive airbnb.
+1 – wayyyy too many people even if they’re just sleeping there.
Say no! You barely know this woman and don’t have room.
I let an acquaintance stay with me once for a job interview. He slept on my couch. I felt guilted into it and I guess it’s not a big deal now but I was uncomfortable the whole time and wish I had had the guts to tell a grown man to get a hotel for one night. I couldn’t imagine being that uncomfortable for 4 days.
Thank you all! I live alone and have always lived alone and was trying to be aware of whether I am simply being too selfish. I will say no and be quicker next time to decline as you pointed out.
Have you even met her husband? I would probably allow an acquaintance and maaaybe her baby to stay with me. I would not allow a couple to stay with me unless I was really, really close to both of them.
I also would not be inclined to do this kind of favor for a friend’s husband, as opposed to the friend herself. If it was her kid’s tournament idk maybe. But this is for her husband’s kid. He needs to figure out how to show up and parent his child in a way that doesn’t involve leaning on his new wife to let him stay with her friends.
If I wore this with the matching jacket, would I look like a flight attendant? This is too much red, right? I’m a biglaw senior associate trying to up my suit game. I’m trying to supplement my few navy and grey suits, which I think they look a little “2nd year law student interviewing for my first biglaw job”, which they kind of actually are.,default,pd.html?omnpp=recently%20viewed,default,pd.html
Politician would come to mind for me before Virgin Atlantic :)
Hahah yes, that’s probably true. Not the look I’m really going for either!
It is a lot all together but they are both great pieces, could you maybe mix and match them with some things you already have?
I have a suit from AT in this color red and I pull out it when I want to feel like a badass – most recently speaking at a CLE that was being simulcast statewide. However, it is a skirt suit that I typically wear with a black top under the jacket – and the slit is a bit much so I also wear the skirt only in the winter with black tights – so that maybe breaks up all the red a bit.
My vote, albeit from a more senior lawyer of a certain age, is to rock the red suit.
Following on Jules’ comment, to my mind the only issue is how old you are. A lot of younger female professionals don’t feel comfortable wearing that much color, much less that bold a color. At 40, I juuuust got comfortable wearing red dresses to work (which is weird, because I have worn orange and fuschia for years, but that is my hangup), but now that I have, I would absolutely wear that suit without a second thought.
Has anyone here tried Suistudio?
My husband LOVES Suit Supply (their men’s brand), and his suits from there have worn very well. But for a number of reasons (limited (although now seeminly expanded!) sizes, looks too bold for me, a more workplace getting ever more casual) I haven’t tried anything myself.
I have a coat from them that I absolutely adore. I just got it this past winter, so I cannot attest to the longevity/durability yet, but so far so good. My partner has several pairs of pants from Suit Supply (men’s line) and loves them. I am a little envious of the men’s side as Suistudio’s offerings suiting-wise seem to be a little more out there for my comfort level. I am always on the look out for well-made suits with interesting details, but that is a fine line to walk before it gets to be too trendy.
What do grown women wear out to a dancing party? My college reunion is coming up (one of the “almost Ivies” so they do it up big to show off) and one night is the class party where people dress up. It’s definitely not black tie, definitely not casual, but a smidge more than cocktail. I am at a loss at what to wear. Anyone want to shop vicariously? I’m mid 30s, large on top pear-ish, and on the shorter end of average height, and a little plump but not heavy (think size 10/12).
A cocktail dress. No such thing as a smidge more than cocktail but not black tie. Wear a fancier cocktail dress.
Not sure if I’m way over budget or way under (there are some great options at $2k). I would go with something colorful – it’s a celebration!
Anyone have a massage chair that you love? Make/model? (Anyone bought one and been disappointed?)
Home decor question! We need to repaint the exterior of our house this spring. House is a one-story ranch with a lot of real estate devoted to garage doors. (Wish it were different, but that’s my reality.) I’m torn between two options:
1) Have garage doors painted to match the main exterior color, which is SW Warm Stone, a medium tan/brown.
2) Have garage doors painted to match the soffits/fascia, which are close to SW Urbane Bronze, a dark brown with gray undertones. Trim color around the doors is white.
Currently, our garage doors are a close, but not exact, match to the SW Warm Stone house color. So, I already have a good idea of what Option 1 looks like. The pro side is that it doesn’t make our garage doors unnecessarily stand out. But, I’ve also considered that painting the doors dark might add more contrast and character — but it could be too much?
If the garage doors weren’t in excellent condition, I’d replace them with something more modern/sleek, but I cannot justify getting rid of perfectly good doors. Insulated doors aren’t cheap!
Match the doors to the house.
+1. I hate my garage door less since I had it painted to match the siding.
Keep them the same color. Don’t make something you don’t like stand out. Contrast isn’t character.
Has anyone on here ever had a breast augmentation? Am looking into it, and not sure what I’m looking for: anecdata, thoughts on recovery? Did people notice that you had it done? I’m tall, and would be going from an A to a C-ish, so not a huge change, but would be more in proportion to my frame.
I had one done 13+ years ago. Saline, under the muscle. I am also tall and was a B before, about a D now. Sounds big, but on my frame I think I look more proportional now. They were well done and look pretty soft and natural. People who didn’t know me before likely can’t tell (maybe in a swimsuit, who knows). Recovery was not too bad from what I recall. More tightness in the chest than pain. The worst part for me was not being able to wear a bra for a while after the surgery. I got mine done in late fall and live in the Midwest, so I was able to wear a tank top under a sweater and be fine. I got mine done on a Tuesday and was back at work (office job) the following Monday. I’m really happy with my results. I haven’t had any issues with mine and have not needed to have them repaired/replaced (yet!). And I’ve successfully bre@stfed two babies.
I had breast cancer 12 years ago and my reconstruction experience is far far worse than any augmentation surgery, so I’m no help there.
I would ask a lot of details about the recovery (try asking the nurses, don’t let them rush you otherwise you end up with fun surprises AFTER the surgery)–what undergarments can/can’t you wear, activity restrictions, how much help you will need and for how long, etc. It will help you decide what time of year you want to get it done.
Going from an A to a C cup probably won’t stand out too much to other people, except for those you know, but will make clothes more fun (I’m guessing based on my experience). I’m 5’8″ and went from a B to a D and was surprised I didn’t get more comments from female acquaintances (who I felt like were close enough to me to say something, but either weren’t actually that close or didn’t notice). You will have to replace many of your shirts, though, and, of course, your bras.
Finally, rupturing is a real thing. I sort of blew it off and, sure enough, right at 10 years one of mine ruptured (showed up on an MRI, I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed, I have silicone). The replacement surgery wasn’t a huge deal but wasn’t fun and costs money (even though mine is covered under insurance). And it supposedly happens every 10 years… fun. Another small note about choosing a size, the change up to a D was fun and didn’t feel overdone at all, so I was kind of itching to go up another size when they ruptured. I did (went up to a DD two years ago) and kind of regret it. No huge emotional regret, just kind of didn’t need it, don’t feel like it made a real difference in how I look but it did mean replacing shirts and bras, which is a pain. Do be prepared, though, that they supposedly look bigger right after surgery due to the swelling.
I keep thinking of more stuff…choose a good surgeon!! One who does lots of breast surgeries, not lots of face surgeries and some breast surgeries. My original surgeon did a GREAT job and I regularly get comments from doctors about how good they look for being reconstructed.
I had one done about 3 years ago, and I love it. I went bigger than you are planning on going but not huge. The first day of the recovery was the worst, because of the tight compression bandage. I took the weekend off and went back to work. It’s sooo nice now to not have to wear super padded bras just so clothes fit right. It’s not for everyone, but I routinely say its some of the best money I’ve spent.
Be prepared. Every person I know who has had a b00b job has shown me her t1ts. I’m like, dude, you never flashed me before … why now?
In all seriousness, you do you. If it makes you happy, go for it.
I did it about 7 years ago and it was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I’m very pear shaped and even at a size 8 on bottom was nearly completely flat and bony up top. I got 370cc and am now a DD-E cup, but my band size is small so they aren’t as big as that makes it sound. I just look in proportion, though I’m still smaller on top it’s only one size difference so I can finally wear dresses.
People could tell at the time, but only a few rude/drunk people have called me out on it to my face. I don’t think new people I meet can tell. I found I actually don’t dress to show off my chest so generally unless I’m in a swimsuit it’s not obvious. However, as I don’t really have any natural tissue/fat there, it’s quite obvious in a swimsuit as it’s all implant. They also feel like an implant for the same reasons. I was single at the time and guys found it to be a novelty, in the end the right guy doesn’t care (or hasn’t said so to my face haha).
I used my judgement with who I told, and will talk about it with very few people. I’ve been in enough conversations with people who don’t know I’ve had it done to understand that most people in my circles pass judgement on it. To be honest I don’t care what people think because I truly did this for me. I know what I went through as a teenager/young woman and the impact that it had on me, I was the one struggling to find outfits for special occasions because no dress would fit. Of the people I have spoken to, only women in the same situation seem to truly understand and support it, even if they wouldn’t make the same choice themselves. Your situation might be different, but I found I don’t want to discuss it and at this stage it’s basically something I forget about most of the time.
My advice: go with the better surgeon, even if it costs more. Have someone to wait on you hand and foot for a week or so. I couldn’t open sliding doors or the fridge for a few weeks. I assume they will have issues or need replacing so I put away about $1000 a year (more at the start) to cover that.
Please help me shop for my husband! (And before someone says “let him do it, he’s a big boy”, he is working on it too but is also super clueless and without the amazing resource of this board). He is starting a new job and needs a new wardrobe (he’s been working from home). Tech company in PNW, relaxed dress code. It looks like most guys in that line of work (and at the interview) are wearing dark jeans and either long sleeve henleys or collared shirts (no, I am not the collared shirt poster). I didn’t catch what the shoes are. So what shoes do men wear with this “uniform”? Not sneakers, right? Like loafers or oxfords? Or brogues with the white soles? I just don’t know what’s “in” right now. Thanks!
He is also very hard to fit sleeved shirts because he is skinny but has very long arms. Does anyone have recommendations for brands that have longer sleeves but are cut slim through the torso? Thanks!!
I see these on at least half of the guys on staff at my university, where the prevailing dress seems similar to what you describe:
They’re not “in” or “out” but seem to be so comfortable they’re pretty much ubiquitous here.
Shirts: try the Banana Republic Grant slim fit. It has long arms but slim through the torso. I think they make it in a variety of patterns so your husband can choose not to look so “buttoned up”.
Allbirds, chukka boots, Ecco leather sneakers, Clarks’ Atticus oxfords are what I see a lot on the guys I work with, in that order. So, yes. Fancy sneakers, hipster boots, or oxfords with a white sole.
I have been dating a very nice man for a bit over a year. We have a lot of common interests. We’re both attorneys in similar practice areas, he is very nice to me, he is very handsome and smart, we are both early 40s divorcees, and I like him very much. I enjoy spending time with him, and spend most evenings and weekends with him. It is a very conflict free, loving, caring relationship.
The issue – He is very (very) religious and belongs to Christian church that some would consider not mainstream (think along the lines of Mormonism but not that), and always carries his prayer book with him and reads from it throughout the day. We are not in a part of the country where being religious is the norm and my friends tend to think he is a fanatic. I will go with him to services because he is very into it, but I am just not religious. We are able to have intelligent discussions about religion and he swears it is not a problem that I am not religious. I have agreed to be fine having a non-physical relationship because of his religion.
He asked me to marry him, but I am hesitating. Anyone been in this situation that can give some guidance? What are the problems that are going to come up? Assume no kids.
What are the expectations that his religion holds for wives?
How religious is his family?
If his family is not particularly religious, where does his interest come from?
You should probably repost in the morning. I’m guessing you got stuck in mod.
If you are not interested in $ex, go for it. At least I do NOT think he will cheat on you, if he carries a BIBLE with him and reads it. Otherwise he would be a hyppocrite. You have a shot now, but face it, none of us are getting any better looking with time. While he would NOT be my cup of tea, as I do enjoy good $ex with the right guy, you seem to be OK with being celabate. So go Grab him while you can! YAY!!!!
Awesome information about the tail leather belt. It’s very helpful info for purchase tail leather belt. Thanks for great guidance.