Weekly News Update

Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)

Capitol Hill Style - professional neutralsCapitol Hill Style weighs in on how to look professional without wearing color (such as when you're a Hill staffer and need to sit behind your boss on television).

Forbes Woman wonders about power women and power nemeses. Meanwhile, Harvard Business Review tells you how to say NO to making an introduction.

Jezebel has some truly disgusting stories about jewelry. (The takeaway: don't wear anything “all the time.”)  They also have some great advice for how to “know your era” and shop eBay and vintage stores for clothes that best suit your body shape.

Get Rich Slowly advises on how to use the Internet to cut down on Web-based distractions.

Men's Health rounds up great foods for mood, including what to eat when you're stressed, when you need a brain boost, and when you need to get to sleep.

Learnvest has a good guide for shopping for coworkers. (My $.02:  office culture is HUGE here — I wouldn't get my boss anything unless everyone else in the office were getting gifts for him or her also.)


  1. Warning – do not read that Jezebel story about the jewelry, or especially the accompanying “gross story” link, while you are eating.

    I have known about the “don’t leave your jewelry on/in all the time” thing since high school, when a friend of mine had a smallish ball stud earring grow into her ear, and had to have it cut out – front and back. Take your earrings out when you go to bed, folx.

  2. When I was younger, I hadn’t taken my earrings out in YEARS – simple plain gold hoops and I never had any problems. I feel odd that I didn’t know that it’s common knowledge to remove jewelry on a daily basis.

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