Weekly News Update

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A white square with text "weekly news update," surrounded by book spines as a border
  • The Wall Street Journal talked to women of various ages in NYC about their ideal handbags.
  • The Washington Post looked at how freckles have moved from an object of teasing to trendy.
  • CNBC explained how to become more self-aware, which — among other benefits — can help you succeed at work (from June but still worth a share!).
  • The New York Times published an essay by an organizational psychologist titled, “Women Know Exactly What They’re Doing When They Use ‘Weak Language.'”
  • The New York Times also gave advice on what to do if you're unhappy in your job but aren’t in a position to leave.
  • ABC News reported that maternal care deserts overlap with lack of abortion access (video above story autoplays).
  • NPR shared how hot weather can affect your mood and productivity.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from Points in Case, with “My High School Classmate Bought a House — It's Haunted, but I'm Still Jealous.”

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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One Comment

  1. Reading that NYT article about women’s speech: I had a *marriage therapist* get her panties in a wad over the fact that I am direct. She literally said that it made her uncomfortable that I am a woman and “direct.” Not mean, not nasty, not snappish; direct. She spent half of our time policing my language, except the times when I would say, “Well, how else would you describe this?”, and then she would stop chastising me.

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