Weekly Roundup

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Lots of great fashion articles this week…

– First:  Yes, YES, we were joking. (April Fool's was also the “holiday” we cryptically referred to on Tuesday.)

– Christina Binkley at the WSJ talks to women at hedge funds about their sartorial dilemmas. This, in turn, led to a discussion over at the WSJ's The Juggle (many thanks to Lobbyist for mentioning us in the comments!) about what a minefield it is to dress professionally if you're a woman; both of these articles sparked a conversation at FatWallet about a professional wardrobe if you're working in finance.

– Can dressing properly help you earn 5% more? [The Nieren Blog]

– Forbes Woman also has a new issue out, exploring the ways women executives show personal style and the relationship they have with their high heels.

– Finally: we advise readers on which mild trends are workable for the office over at The Glass Hammer. [The Glass Hammer]

– Here's a great roundup of techniques and tools to be more productive. [Lifehacker]

– One reader asked us if this was a joke — we don't think this is:  8 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into the Day. [Never Say Diet]

– Advice from the New York Law Journal about how to deal with the walking wounded (those laid off but not yet departed). [NY Lawyer, free sub req'd]  (We ran a poll on this a while ago, too.)