Office Gadgets That Make Your Life Better

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Whether or not you're an office supplies junkie like I am (I get excited by new planners, cute desk accessories, pens that write really well, and so on), it's always nice to discover office gadgets that make your life better — either at work or in your home office. Readers recently had a good discussion on the topic, and in the past, we've discussed favorite office supplies, affordable, easy office decor ideas, 25 ways to repurpose office supplies, and the best places to get cute office decor. Do tell, readers: What are your favorite office products and knickknacks? 

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Here are five of the best office gadgets that make your life better, including reader picks: 

Whiteboards aren't just for the wall — as recommended by a reader, you can get one to keep handy right on your desk. Quartet, a brand that looks promising, makes a desktop easel, privacy panel, and desktop computer pad, which range from $17 to $99. The boards are made from glass, so they look a bit classier than the one you had on your dorm room door in college. You can also find similar products with spaces to plan your week, which are pretty useful, too. I got my clear acrylic one at HomeGoods, but the only one I can find online at the moment is this one (a bit cutesy for work) for $12.99.

Earlier this year, I bought this cheap metal phone stand from Amazon. Now I always know where my phone is (while I'm at my desk, at least!), and I don't have to keep moving it around as it gets in the way while I'm doing different things. It has an opening for a charging cord, too. (If, like me, you look at your phone too often during the day, you can always just turn the stand around to avoid temptation.) This basic, utilitarian phone stand is only $8.99 (and has 11,000+ reviews), but nicer options include wood, marble, clear acrylic, and more. If you work in an office where cute office supplies are acceptable (or just want something fun for your home), Amazon has these dinosaur and cat stands. 

Ergonomic keyboards are designed to reduce strain on your hands and wrists, and while there's some controversy regarding their effectiveness and safety, I've found that using one feels better and more natural. (It does take a while to get used to typing with your hands in a new position — and then to adjust to using a regular keyboard again if you switch.) One reader-recommended, well-reviewed option is the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse, available at Amazon for $83. (Kat loves hers!) Wirecutter's top pick for the best ergonomic keyboard is the Kinesis Freestyle Edge, for $219. 

{related: better ergonomics at the office}

Do you never get to finish your coffee or tea at work without being interrupted, later finding that your once-hot drink is lukewarm or cold? This Mr. Coffee mug warmer looks like a good solution — it keeps drinks hot for hours and has a conveniently long cord in case you don't have a outlet right next to your desk. It's $10.99 and has thousands of reviews. Bonus recommendation: One reviewer advised using a silicone mug cover like this one (five for $9.99) to keep your coffee even hotter. 

I'd never heard of the RollerMouse before reading a reader's recommendation. The product is made by a company called Contour Design, which specializes in ergonomic products. The RollerMouse makes the mouse more accessible by putting it right in front of your keyboard and is designed to limit the muscles needed to control the mouse and decrease strain on your hand, wrist, and forearm. The mouse, which is pretty pricey, is available at Amazon (model pictured: RollerMouse Free3, $239) as well as from Contour Design.

A Few Other Fun Office Gadgets to Make Your Life Better

Readers, what are your suggestions for office gadgets that make your life better? Do you have any of the products above, or anything similar?


  1. I have a paperweight with a notch where I can put a document upright when typing. Simple but I find it useful

    1. I was just coming here to post this.

      I also use a silicone mug cover to keep my tea hot.

  2. I made a mistake at work, some weeks ago a spread sheet was sent out for us to fill in planned vacation days. I filled out an off day this Friday but forgot to formally ask my boss. The spread sheet was setup by him for all the team so in my mind I think I thought I’d also sent out an email but did not. Of course I could forgo the day off but Im also really exhausted, I would like a break this week. Is this salvageable? FWIW, most people in my team are taking their break now, I’m afraid if I don’t do so later it will be difficult since all will be back and there’s a big project we will be working on together after.

    1. Just be upfront.

      Once husband accepted a job and didn’t tell them we had a safari booked in the next 90 days. Like a 3 week private safari (I am not joking, I don’t know how you can not mention something like that). I ran into his boss and it came up when she asked about vacation time and she was like what??? And she talked to him and in the end let him go.

      But just go talk about it and see what happens. Stuff happens, we are all human.

    2. I am sure it will be fine. We are adults and should understand. I am very open with my direct reports when it comes to PTO. I tell them that if they feel they will not be missed for the days, then go, take off! I do ask, however, that they breif me so that I can, if need be, step in and provide the proper advice to their clients, or in the case of admins, that I can figure out where they are on open projects so that I can defer their work until they return. Just be open with your boss like my direct reports are, and there should NOT be a problem.

  3. I used that exact phone stand and coffee warmer for years in my office, so I can vouch for them as must haves.

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