Weekly News Update

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Skinny-JeansLike these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

  • With fall approaching, SheFinds suggests some ways to look better in skinny denim.
  • YouLookFab reminds us: focus on fit, not the number on the label — and don't let brands and stylists dictate the way you wear something.
  • POPSUGAR Smart Living rounds up some great ways to get started learning about personal finance (something we've talked about here as well).
  • The Daily Muse tells you what to do before you go to business school. Meanwhile, Ask a Manager (via US News) gives you guidance on how to tell your network you're looking for a job.
  • Wisebread ponders how to delegate (at work and at home).
  • Finally: Lifehacker updates its comparison of the different “read it later” services out there. (And, as a followup to my post on information overload, HUGE thanks to readers who suggested Evernote, which I've read about for years but never tried before to help me dig out from my crippling Pocket list — I'm now using Evernote for articles the way I use Pinterest for pictures, and loving the multiple notebooks and everything else. My Pocket list is now down to less than 600 articles and still shrinking.)

 Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!