Weekly News Update

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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)

– Simon Doonan, writing for Slate, tackles the “what to wear to work” question (his answer: dress like Faye Dunaway in Network).

Forbes talks beauty and business with Kathy Ireland — does beauty hurt you professionally?

Above the Law talks about the benefits of alcohol for networking events. (One of the Corporette Facebook fans noted that my old trick of alternating a glass of wine with a Diet Coke is a faulty system because the “the carbon dioxide in the soda increases the amount of alcohol that goes into your blood, so you get drunk quicker.”

NPR looks at a new trend: helicopter parents in the workplace. If your mom or dad is calling your boss (or worse, the person you interviewed with), you seriously need to have a conversation with them.

US News & World Report looks at rights in the workplace.

SavvySugar suggests 5 signs you're burned out. Meanwhile, Working Mother has some suggestions for how to fight workday fatigue.

Jezebel sings the praises of the slow cooker, one of my favorite tools for busy women. Meanwhile, WSJ's The Juggle talks about saving money by bringing your lunch to work, something we've talked about before.

Lifehacker notes that if you boost your “working memory” you can focus better on tasks at hand, making time fly by.

The New York Times has tips for avoiding baggage fees.

Re: Corporette Tech Woes: I think we've got the “stack overflow” popup problem that IE7 and IE8 users were having fixed — please let me know if you're still getting it. I'm going to try to looking into the “posting too quickly” error, which I think is a separate issue. The mobile version of the blog should be up and running again also; please let me know if it isn't. Thank you all for your patience and help with this.

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


  1. At this moment, I am eating a burrito at my desk and singing (in my head)…


    I’m a muppet of a man.

    1. If you like that song, listen to other stuff by Flight of the Concords (the dude who wrote that muppets song is also in Flight of the Concords)– <3.
      The songs are so damn catchy & funny!

      1. I love “Inner City Pressure,” “Ladies of the World,” the rap parody song, the Bowie song, and “Prince of Parties.”

    2. I’ve recently become a fan of The Big Bang Theory and saw a clip of that song when Jim Parsons appeared to talk with Jimmy Kimmel. I played it several times. What is it about that song and the performance? :-)

  2. Re: Mobile Version – I am pretty much unable to read Corporette on my iphone since the switch to the mobile version. Am I the only one that is having these issues?

    I noticed the switch a few days ago, and when I tried to load the site on my iphone Safari automatically freezes / crashes or takes ~3 minutes to load the page (and then another ~3 to switch back to “desktop version” option). I miss some good reading during my commute.

    Hope this helps Kat! Thank you!!

    1. Have you tried it today? The mobile version of the site runs via some software on the backend that was turned off while trying to diagnose the “stack overflow” problem; it’s all running now and should be working. TIA!

  3. I love the NPR piece on helicopter parents in the work place.

    Last year I had a graduate student arrive at my lab for an interview for a research position – accompanied by his mother. I was totally shocked. The student was 25 years old, already completed a bachelors degree, and did not seem to know it was inappropriate to bring his mother to the job interview! I said hello, but did not offer her a seat. I then interviewed the student in front of the mother, thanked him ,and never saw him again. No way I would hire a candidate who has a mom that is already meddling! What happens when he runs an experiment wrong or loses data, will I have to follow up with his mother? I don’t care how smart he is, there is too much baggage there (yes, you mom) and plenty of other eager, independent candidates looking to fill the slot.

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