Holiday Weekend Open Thread

Something on your mind? Chat about it here.

Ooooh: Nordstrom has a big clearance sale, with 16,949 items on clearance! (They're probably clearing out for the big 2021 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale — preview starts July 6.) I'll try to take a swing through the clearance sale later today, but in the interest of getting the Weekend Open Thread up and running, I'm going to feature these lovely (and highly rated) ballerina flats from Timberland — they remind me so much of the Puma flats readers used to love for commuting (Amazon had one or two in lucky sizes the last time I looked — this is the style I seem to recall readers singing the praises of, but the Adelina style seems to be a lot more popular. I've also heard great things about the Sketchers Cleo… I'll add a little widget below with some of the reader favorites for summer commuting shoes).

These flats were $100, but many colors are now marked down to $60 — they're offered in the light gray pictured, navy, black, brown and taupe. (I particularly like that the black ones have a black sole, instead of a white sole like the other colors — they look much less sporty.) (You can also find them for higher prices at Zappos.)

Do you have fun plans for the long holiday weekend, readers? What big sales are you going to keep an eye on this weekend?

Psst: these are some of the sneaker-flats that have been reader favorites over the years — comfy but still give you more polish than commuting in flip flops, which I did. Also check out our roundups of foldable flats and washable flats!

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Sales of note for 1/1/25 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!):

Sales of note for 1/1/25 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!):

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. For those who shop at Boden, if you get a teacher/student/health care/military discount, is that a one time use thing? I signed up for a teacher discount and used it once for my first order, but now I can’t use the code again, nor can I sign up again. It says “code already expired.”

  2. Here is your weekly reminder to do the thing! I just submitted some paperwork I have been procrastinating for 6 months, it wasn’t hard.

    1. Yes! I got a ceiling fan installed, scheduled an appliance repair, and took care of some minor but annoying work tasks last week! Then I told my husband to Do the Thing and schedule his doctor’s appointment. He did. Feels good. Do the Thing!

    2. Adding to this the occasional reminder to check your state’s “found money” website. Last time I checked I found $100 for my grandmother, and this year we found nearly $1000 in DH’s name. Turns out it was 2 shares of stock sitting in an old bank account that got sold and sold and eventually converted to cash. I think the original bank was ING which turned into…eTrade? then….not sure what but it’s cash now and we found it.

  3. I have a family member who graduated from law school last year and started working at a large law firm. She constantly mentions her salary and how she makes three times more than the rest of us now. I was hoping it was just the excitement of the new job but she’s been working there since January and it hasn’t slowed. I don’t begrudge people earning good money but I’m tired of her talking about how she earns more than me/our family and how she comments on us to being poor (Me and my other family members earn the median salaries or a little more for our area. None of us are rich but we aren’t doing badly. I work in finance and I have a union job with good security and benefits. She grew up middle class with her parents helping her pay for school. She was never poor). She was never like this before but it’s getting old hearing about her $200,000 salary. Advice for getting her to knock it off or helping to realize she is being insufferable? Thanks and happy long weekend everyone.

    1. Tell her it’s obnoxious. I think you can do it in a kind way, “hey cousin, I know we all didn’t grow up with a ton and it’s great your making money now, but you talk about it a lot and it’s pretty off putting for the rest of us. I think you’re going to have people feel negatively toward you if you keep it up.” The TL/dR – use your words nicely.

      1. This is good advice. She is going to rub many, many people the wrong way regardless of their income level.

    2. If she’s making that as a first year associate, just know that her life must be so miserable that is the only thing she has going for her.

      1. $200k is market salary for Big Law first years before bonuses so it doesn’t necessarily imply her firm is super brutal or that she’s killing herself to earn huge bonuses. But yes Big Law in general is pretty tough and people talk about their salary a lot because it’s the only way to make that life feel worth it.

        1. If she mentioned her salary in context of how miserable/hard her job is (ex: I work so many hours but my salary helps me feel better) I wouldn’t find that insufferable.

          But when she tells me she could never earn a low salary like me (again I’m not rich but I have a union job and I’m a homeowner) or talk about how poor she was growing up (her parents helped with school, helped with rent for an off campus apartment, as a kid they had out of country vacations etc) I find that insufferable.

    3. I don’t really have any advice, but I’ve been your family member. I had the large law firm job and it was so miserable in all other respects that I focused a lot on the big salary. I tied a lot of my self worth to my salary too, probably as a way to deal with how unhappy I was and how jealous I was of other peoples’ lives. I don’t know if this applies to your family member, but I think it’s common and it wears off eventually. It’s not an excuse for being insufferable though!!

    4. I think you should tell her it’s bad etiquette to discuss your salary. It sounds obvious but she just may not know. My first boyfriend out of college was that way and after I mentioned it to him the behavior stopped.

      1. See, i don’t think this is true for all situations. Making salary and money discussions not taboo has helped inform a lot of women and allowed them to ask for what’s deserved and elevate themselves. It’s certainly a know your audience conversation, and I acknowledge some are still uncomfortable with the topic as a whole, but I don’t think it’s right to say it’s bad etiquette as a blanket statement. The bad etiquette here is her tone deafness to her audience. I make a lot of money by any standard. I love talking about personal finance but also know that when talking to my teacher/nurse/nonprofit friends, I don’t name specific numbers because I recognize it could be off putting to disclose my income.

        1. Agreed. This person sounds obnoxious but “don’t discuss salary ever” has historically really hurt women because it prevents them from learning that their male colleagues are being paid more for the same job. I discussed salary and bonuses (along with hours) very openly with lots of my female colleagues when I was in Big Law and appreciated everyone’s candor. It helped me understand instances in which my firm was short-changing me or other women. That said, it’s tone deaf to brag about making $200k to someone who you know makes much less.

          1. HAHAHA I earn three times as much as you! Is not the kind of conversation that is supposed to help women.

          2. I fully agree, which is why I said OP’s relative sounds obnoxious. I was agreeing with Anon at 4:56 who said don’t tell people never to their discuss salary with others. That’s not a good blanket rule, because there are circumstances where it’s useful and important.

    5. Maybe just put it back on her. Like, “Why do you keep talking about money? It’s so rude.” Or if you don’t want to give her as much of an opening, something to the effect how it seems like her self-worth is tied to what she’s currently earning and how offensive that is.

    6. Congratulate her and advise her to save as much of this as humanly possible, because BigLaw jobs don’t always last, and she will kick herself if she has to leave without a financial cushion.

    7. If she graduated last year, she’s still in the middle of her first year earning that salary. Possibly, she’s still in the “I-can’t-even-believe-it-this-is-amazing” stage, which leads her to marvel about it aloud. If that’s the case, it will probably pass. Or she might be navigating the issue of what’s appropriate to discuss, money-wise, with family (as opposed to non-family members). I have been in that situation of earning a lot more than the people around me, and I thought that among my own family members, I had a safe space to talk about it. Turned out, it was a safe subject with some relatives but not others. You might consider asking your family member’s parent, or someone closer to her, to say something. Such a person could mention the issue delicately and without hard feelings (my dad did that for me and I was glad he did). It’s awkward and I wish it was possible to openly discuss money, but that’s our culture.

      1. Just to clarify — I thought everyone in my family would be happy and proud. I didn’t expect jealousy, nor did I expect anyone to feel like I was trying to compare myself to them or that I was implying that I was better than they were, but that’s how it was taken by some. In short, I was wrong to say anything and once I realized it, I felt terrible about it. –Anon at 9:21 pm.

  4. I just had to share with someone before I burst – I GOT A NEW JOB!
    This new role is a promotion for me, which I’ve been working really hard to get. I’ll also be able to continue to work remotely from a different location than where my company is HQ’d, which was extremely important to me. I’m so excited to get the call, and now I can spend the weekend celebrating my new job and my birthday on Tuesday!

  5. What’s your favorite salad dressing to make? I need some healthier/tastier options than store bought…

    1. My standard dressing: a generous tsp of mustard, a bit of honey (0.5-1 tsp?), and 2-3 tbsps oil and vinegar/acid (usually some lemon juice subbed for vinegar). I make half a jam jar full, shake it, and keep it in the fridge.

    2. I love doing a faux Japanese dressing by grating raw carrot and fresh ginger on the microplane, then adding toasted sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, and tamari to taste. I’ve also done it with miso in place of the tamari, which makes a thicker dressing.

    3. I usually do a splash of white wine or basalmic vinegar with a bit of salt and pepper. Evoo if I feel like it.

    4. I never liked homemade vinaigrette until I followed some tv chef’s advice to use a 3 to 1 olive oil to acid ratio, and now I like it. For acid, I also prefer fresh lemon juice over any vinegar I’ve ever tried.

      So, my recipe is a tiny bit of Dijon (and here again I don’t like a lot, just a dab, a good amount of kosher salt and some fresh ground pepper, the acid first, then dribble in the olive oil while whisking.

      If I think to do it, I finely dice about half a shallot and let that sit (“macerate”) in the acid for at least 15 minutes before adding the oil.

    5. I got this from my sister but it’s so easy and yummy and lasts a few days in the fridge: 2/3 cup balsamic vinegar, 1/3 olive oil, 2 tsp raspberry jam, 2 tsp honey and 1 tsp salt but you can add more or less of each ingredient depending on taste

  6. Q for those who buy/sell on Etsy: I ordered some dresses and when they came they were super poorly made and didn’t fit well so I requested to return them. The seller says I should mail them back to her and then she’ll refund my money, minus what she paid to ship them to me. I expected to pay the return shipping but have never heard of a business withholding their original shipping fee from a refund. The listing says you can return items for any reason and doesn’t mention having to reimburse the seller for the original shipping fee. If it were $5 or $10 I wouldn’t want to fight about it, but it’s nearly $50 each way (international). The dresses were only $200 total so once I pay the shipping fees both ways I’m out half the money. Am I crazy to think the seller is wrong here? And if so, what can I do about it?

    1. I’m a little confused – this seems fairly standard. If I order from Lands’ End, I pay $9 shipping, and if I use their return label, it’s another $7 deducted from my refund (unless I am exchanging or ordering something else). Isn’t that normal? It sucks that the shipping charges are so high. Do you mean she gave you “free” shipping but she actually had to pay $50?

      This is why I find myself gravitating to huge retailers like Target, Zappos/Amazon, and Nordstrom where shipping and returns are free or items can be returned in store with no hassle. They have all negotiated rates with shipping services which the small Etsy seller probably can’t do. It’s a shame she sells substandard merchandise.

    2. Nothing you can do. Seller can set their own policies. It’s the risk you take ordering off Etsy. I always look at it as a gamble – maybe it’s great and I score something unique, or maybe it’s terrible and I lose $. I never go into a small retailer purchase thinking I’m dealing with Nordstrom.

    3. If you paid a shipping fee then I would expect not to get that back. I don’t think there’s anything you can do unless she advertised a return policy that said something else.

      1. It was “free shipping” to me. Now she’s deducting that shipping fee from my refund because I’m returning the items.

    4. Next time read the terms before you order. I messed up and ordered something from Etsy that turned out not to be returnable. Thankfully it fits well, but I won’t make the same mistake next time.

    5. Expecting a small artisan to eat the cost of shipping is a bit dense. You’re not dealing with Amazon here.

    6. This kind of thing is why I’m usually sort of “meh” on Etsy. For every time I’ve ordered something without any problems, there is another order (or attempted order) that is the retail equivalent of an animal “rescue” that wants you to submit a copy of your most recent colonoscopy in order to adopt an indoor cat.

  7. Does anyone have any good push-up challenges? I can barely do one on my toes.

    1. Do more on your knees and on the wall

      Make sure you have good form (your elbows should be going behind you, not out to the sides)

      Do 10 per day every day for a month – even if it takes you 10 minutes the first day (push-up, rest) or 10 min twice per day


      Do a 100 push-up challenge (there’s a free app) and set your goal at 50 / halve everything the first try


      Start doing 20 minutes of arms every day. Do 50 triceps dips, two minute crab walk, free weights, resistance bands, and a helluva lot of planks (elbows and full plank) and/or yoga to build your arm and shoulder muscles and help power through more pushups. There is a big difference between rushed yoga and concentrating on different muscle groups (slow movements) and when I did 5 slow sun salutation flows per morning (maybe 15 min total) it really helped me get more solid in my push-ups

    2. Do negative push ups to build your strength:

      Also, do push ups at an angle. If you can already do one on the ground, start with your hands on a bench and try to do multiples. Then when you can do 10 – 15 there, step down to something lower and repeat. If you have a gym with boxes, you can use those. If you have access to a squat rack, you can put the bar at different heights and place your hands on the bar, moving down to the floor as you gain strength.

  8. I have been desperate to leave my dead-end job for several years, but I’m going to have to put that on pause. I’m having a bunch of complicated health problems, and I need the saved-up PTO and goodwill of my current manager.

    So angry and bitter. I eat carefully, work out, don’t drink or smoke. I’m too young to be so sick. Bad genes suck.

    1. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Being young but suddenly having serious health issues is a shock and takes time to wrap your head around and deal with. I hope things improve and you’re able to return to the job search soon.
      I’m similarly starting to go through some health issues and I feel like it’s not “fair” because I try to stay healthy, so you have commiseration from me. May we both overcome our bad genes :)

    2. You need to drop this framing that if you eat right and exercise everything will be fine, and the flip side framing that illness is the fault of the ill, for not taking proper precautions. We all will have something wrong with us at some point, and it’s likely not going to be our fault. Wear and tear, accidents and genetic quirks impact us all.

    3. I’m so sorry. I had serious health issues when I was 30, and it really felt like my body was betraying me. It was traumatic and led to a lot of anger and depression. It’s been 6 years, and the trauma still manifests in weird ways every now and then. Therapy helps me, so I suggest taking that anger and bitterness seriously and talking it through with someone, either now or when you’re physically healthier.

    4. One of the biggest lies in life is that working out, eating well, and being a “healthy” weight will make you “healthy.” I do all of these things too and was blindsided by cancer in my 30s. And I don’t even have any genetic reason for it. It is just really really bad luck. And frankly it could happen to anyone.

    5. Getting sick sucks! Give yourself space to throw a pity party and go through the grieving stages.

      If you want help framing your job situation, don’t feel one bit sorry to take the leave you need to focus on your health. It sounds like you’ve paid your dues and your saved-up PTO is here to serve you. Also, don’t feel like you can ONLY use your saved up PTO for sick time – if you have a period of time where you can step away for a vacation, do it.

    6. I understand. I have a congenital heart issue that is management and just got news last week that I have a major heart problem that will require open heart surgery (if it doesn’t suddenly kill me, which is unlikely but totally could happen). I have tried so hard to be healthy and to get this news is devastating even though I know—believe me, I know—there are no guarantees. I spent a few days crying, have worked out a plan with my cardiologist, but still. So I feel you. It’s ok to be bitter and angry for a while. Eventually you will focus forward. But I get it and you’re not the only one. Hang in there.

  9. Long Vent ahead- After falling off a too big for me bike borrowed from my father last year, I finally decided it’s time to buy my own bike. Went to only bike shop with 90 min radius of my small town. It mostly caters to ‘Serious’ bikers but has small selection of more casual bikes too. I explained that at this point I’m just starting to look, but want a smaller bike for around town, bike trail type rides. I am not interested in an Electric bike. The man who owns the shop proceeds to explain to me that it’s not the bike that’s the problem, it’s my riding skills. He says It’s not too big, I just don’t know how to pedal correctly, and he’ll show me the right way. Umm, what? I think I know when a bike is too big. The seat is at lowest position but to get on to the seat, I have to stand on the pedals and and hop up to get to the seat. This is how I finally fell last week. I explain this. Guy says “your bike is too big for you”. No sh^^ dude, that’s why I’m here.
    He proceeds to tell me that the bike he has in mind for me is a great bike, can go anywhere, do anything. It’s an E bike. I politely explain, again, that I’m not interested in an E bike. He goes off on rant about saving the planet and how I do not need a car, just this bike and I can finance it, and anyone can afford it. I (want to save environment, but do need a car, live in the cold north with a lot of snow and could only ride at most six months a year, and most importantly CANNOT afford an E bike) tell him, no, I am not interested in the E bike.
    And then the kicker, he says ‘I can see from your defensive stance that you don’t think you want this, but really, it is life changing and you need to have it, which color do you like?”
    Sigh. I do not need this man to make decisions for me. I left then, without a bike. I just wanted a smaller sized basic bike. I doubt he even understands why he lost a potential sale.

    1. You know, Karen (as a spiritual archetype) has a role in life sometimes. I’d be tempted to post this story as a one-star review. Definitely include the “defensive stance” comment.

    2. Well, that sounds trying. Kudos to you for trying to shop at an independent, local store. If there’s really not another in your area, try a large sports store. I believe Walmart also has basic bikes. You could also look on local buy/sell Facebook groups.

      1. Check out the FB page for any local cycling club or triathlon club. Someone is almost certainly trying to sell an entry level road bike, and there is also probably someone who is a total bike-fit-geek who can get you dialed in.

    3. I hate bike shops for this reason. They are all so mansplaining, condescending, and tell me my budget is too low and I don’t know how to ride.

      The only advice I have is to do some research on what you want, then try a few shops that sell what you’re looking for. You’ll eventually find a decent sales rep. This was my strategy for my most recent bike and it worked out well (even if I want to strangle them when I go in for service bc they’re rude to me).

    4. I like to just tell myself guys like this are going extinct. We all try to avoid doing business with guys like this, and I think even a lot of men are sick of men who treat women this way.

    5. If you want new, you can get what you need at a big box store. I got a nice (enough) bike on Craigslist for like $100 that would have been $600 new. It has tires good for cruising around town, gears, and a comfy seat.

      Nowadays id use FB marketplace.

    6. Super frustrating and annoying! That last comment makes me so angry on your behalf, I hate being subjected to those guys.

      Just in case you want some bicycle input for your search in addition to blowing off steam:
      I hate too big/tall bicycles as well. I want to be able to sit – or at least half-sit – on the seat and have one foot on the ground when waiting at a traffic light or similar. I’m 5 foot 6, so often in-between two sizes, and have often been subjected to sales pitches wanting me to buy a bike with 28″ or 29″ wheels, instead of the 26″ I ask for. I know that I feel unsafe on the bigger wheels, and that the frame will be too long, leaving me straining while I ride. I don’t “aspire” to use a man’s bike, I want a proper woman’s bike in my size, suitable for my riding style. I don’t care that the sales guy tells me you can ride faster on bigger wheels. The only way I’ve found to find a bicycle I actually like, is to exclude all bikes with wheels bigger than 26″ from my search. (With correct length from seat to pedal, the 29″ wheel leaves me 1.5″ higher off the ground, and that’s 1.5″ more than I’m comfortable with.)

    7. I’m not sure where you are located but if it is anywhere near Toronto (or for anyone interested in biking who is near Toronto) there is a bike shop called Bike Pirates that bans cisgender men from the store on Sundays. Only transgender individuals, non-binary individuals and cisgender women are allowed there. No cisgender men work there or can be customers on this day and it is the only day I go there to shop or do repairs. I’ve been biking for over a decade and have always felt comfortable going there because of that policy. If you aren’t in Toronto there might be a place with a similar policy near you.

      1. Woah, not OP but as a fellow Canadian thank you for posting about it! I’ll definitely be checking out that shop next time I’m in the GTA.

        1. The atmosphere there on Sundays is amazing. And it is allowed because the law allows for clubs that take members on the basis of gender (think segregated gyms etc. and they or any other bike store could also have a men only day) and it is only one day a week and they serve everyone the other 6 days. It’s the only bike store I go to.

      2. A close friend of mine owns a bike shop so I am fortunate I can go somewhere without mansplaining, but this is AMAZING

    8. Building off the Pirates Bike comment above, a women-centered bike shop would be good. There’s one in Seattle that is great. From FreeRangeCycle’s website “Woman owned since 1997, specializing in steel bikes, no-BS consultation, and high quality service.”

      I’ve bought all my bikes from Craigslist or FB Marketplace, including 3 for my kids and 3 for me (all except my new eBike). I just got my daughter a used 26″ wheel Electra Townie step through (now owned by Trek) in mint condition from FB Marketplace. She also rode the Specialized Roll step-through which she liked. She has hated every other bike but the step-through, “feet flat on the pavement while on seat” of the Electra Townie allowed her to bike 30 miles the first day.

      Bikes are really scarce still from Covid and the Suez blockage. Most bike shops are low on inventory and have a month wait for repairs, at least here. But once you know what bike you want, you could order it online or get it used. I hope the OP can find the best bike for her soon. Riding is food for my soul and I want all bikers to be happy.

  10. PSA – sue sartor dresses are 25% off through the 4th, the code is summerjoy – they’re still spendy though

      1. What I was going for! ;) I seriously love mine and wish I’d snagged it on sale, it it’s worth every penny.

        1. Which one do you have? I am thinking that a Paloma shorty may be more wearable. Maybe one of the ones with some black in it? But I do love the colors and I love the sleeve length.

          1. I have the Paloma midi in Cinnabar – link to follow. I love the darker pattern, and it would fly in my office. I’m tall so the shortie looks a little too short for me, and the midi hits me perfectly

          2. That is so lovely! It hadn’t spoken to me on my first pass, but it is growing on me. So many questions! I’m 5-4, so I think that the “shorty” would be OK on me (but it’s hard to tell in advance with really flowy skirts). I think that the Hamilton style is definitely going to require heels (whereas my feet require flats or blocky heel boots). I like how so many are paired with sneakers — I don’t have any cute ones, but I can get on board with this trend. The non-shorty Paloma also seems potentially more work-appropriate (it is hard to think of what is appropriate — not pajamas, but I barely remember the office, much less back when suits and panty hose were mandatory). I remember I used to go to church — would definitely wear to that and maybe if we ever have fancy work events.

  11. Paging SFVoter; you asked what could be done about the crime wave in San Francisco. There are now two efforts under way to recall the District Attorney. Ballotpedia has a good summary.

    1. The current SF DA is a controversial figure, but many (including me) think he’s amazing and forward-thinking. There are many factors that contribute to fluctuating crime rates, and media reporting often doesn’t capture them accurately. Blaming this DA may seem to some like a quick and easy fix, but reality is much more nuanced. And recall elections are expensive and rarely successful.

      Ballotpedia summarizes the arguments put forth by the proponents and opponents of recalling Boudin, but we all know how sensationalized those can get. There’s a June 24 article in the Chron that links to a Washington Post article that discusses some of the scurrilous reporting about Boudin – I found both illuminating.

      I looked for the original comment by SFVoter but couldn’t find it. If anyone could refer me to the date it was posted, I would be interested in reading it. Thank you.

      1. Agreed – Boudin is trying to reverse a bad course here and the problem shouldn’t be pinned on him.

      2. Is declining to prosecute virtually all DUIs and domestic violence complaints forward thinking?

      3. I don’t think it’s nearly as nuanced as you’re saying. And I’m not the OP. Chesa Boudin falls far short of “amazing,” on most metrics. He may be a forward thinker, but he is not moving things forward in his current role, and he is not setting up structures to enable that in the future for his successors. He is careening from one self-made crisis to another, focused solely on deflecting blame and surviving the day; as a result, most of the office’s most talented employees (and the ones who hold institutional memory) have either left or been fired. His administration is dysfunctional and political, and the citizens of SF are worse for it.

      1. This. I don’t see what a DA is supposed to about it either. When the perpetrators are people who were arrested, tried, and served prison time already for past crimes, as far as I can tell, our justice system did what it’s designed to do. Whether our justice system is garbage is another question.

        1. The SF Police Department and Mayor are frustrated with the SF DA because he is refusing to charge most offenders, and refusing to request bail. So there is a massive wave of entirely preventable crime surging through the city.

          1. I can see why that’s frustrating then, if he’s not even kicking the can down the road like usual.

  12. I’m looking for low maintenance and durable outdoor furniture and am considering aluminum. Anyone have personal experience to share? Does it get hot in the summer? Is it really rust free?

    1. I’m pretty sure we have the painted aluminum sets that Home Depot sells each year and they have been great for seven years now and going strong. No rust. We do have the cushions that go with them so the direct skin exposure to the aluminum is just on the arms but I’ve never had an issue

    2. Any metal furniture will get hot. As with cooking, aluminum will not retain heat to the extent that iron does. I have both aluminum and iron furniture (big outdoor spaces) and the aluminum does not rust so it is a good choice for uncovered spaces where there will be rain and condensation.

  13. Any tips for how to succeed as a lateral associate? It’s my firm time switching firms and I’m super nervous. What if I don’t make any friends and no one likes me and I look like a dummy since I don’t know anything about this very slightly different practice area? I feel like I have first day of school jitters.

  14. I’ve been interested for awhile in documenting my family’s history. I have a pretty terrible memory and want to start getting stories written down, identifying people in photos, etc before those memories are lost. Any suggestions on how to get started? Any concerns about the major websites from a privacy / selling your data perspective?

    1. Please do it and leave it for future generations! I used Ancestry and do not have too many concerns because it is basically public anyway – one of my distant cousins put together that side of my family tree as well as I could have.

  15. My cousin is working on a collegiate dissertation via an online method (don’t know if it’s always online or just due to c0vid) so she meets with her committee via email and a tutor via z00m, etc. Normally, she would go to her last tutoring session and bring a gift or something as this person really put in a lot of extra time with her. Normally, after graduation she would bring thank you gifts to the committee members. However, this is now online and everyone is working from home. She obviously can’t ask for home addresses so now what? Should she send an email gift card as a thank you? If so, to where and what amount? Should she just email a thank you?

    Insights appreciated!

    1. No gifts are necessary- a card or a thank you email is plenty. I’m a professor and gifts are actually a little awkward because anything too big will feel like you’re trying to buy a better grade or letter of rec, plus if she’s at a state school there might be actual legal restrictions on what a professor can accept. I’ll sometimes have students give me a giftcard in the ~$10-20 range, usually for coffee, or some sort of office/desk thing that makes sense given our field of study, and I accept those no problem, but it’s honestly better to just write a detailed thank you. And if the professor doesn’t have tenure, she’s at a school that cares about teaching, and was really exceptional, sending an email explaining what a great job they did to their department chair might not be out of line either (this is definitely situation dependent, though- spending too much time on teaching is seen as a negative in some places).

    2. For the committee I would just email a nice thank you letter. A gift is unnecessary even in normal times. For the tutor can she send an e-gift card?

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