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Plants, Points, Portions, and More: A Diet Open Thread
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Plants, Points, Portions, and More: A Diet Open Thread

I’ve seen a lot of commenter threads about different diets lately, and I’ve been looking into them myself, so I thought I’d start a diet open thread to collect everyone’s thoughts in one place. At the outset, I just want to remind everyone this isn’t necessarily about weight loss — some people try different diets as…

The Best Clothes If Your Weight Fluctuates

The Best Clothes If Your Weight Fluctuates

What wardrobe items should you invest in if you’re losing (or gaining) weight? What clothes will fit even if you regularly fluctuate by 10-20 lbs? Reader K is seeking weight fluctuation clothes: I have a story idea; the work wardrobe for the weight fluctuator. Me and many of my friends bounce around by 10-20 lbs….