Coffee Break: Ticket to Ride

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Ticket to Ride - a great board game for grown-upsWhile timing might be a little tight to get this delivered by Thursday, those of you planning to be spending a lot of time with family over the next coming weeks may want to check out our recent post on great board games for grown-ups — including this fun board game, Ticket to Ride. My parents were introduced to this game by dinner guests of theirs — and yet my 6 year old also loves the game. Fun for everyone! It's $39 at Amazon. Ticket To Ride This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/31/25:

  • Ann Taylor – Suiting Event – 30% off suiting + 30% off tops
  • Nordstrom – Cashmere on sale; AllSaints, Free People, Nike, Tory Burch, and Vince up to 60%; beauty deals up to 25% off
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + extra 20 off your $100+ purchase
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Up to 40% off winter layers
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off sweaters and pants
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – End of season clearance, extra 70% off markdown tops + extra 60% off all other markdowns

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


    1. It’s a good game. Even I, who am very reluctant to learn new board games, enjoy this one. Though the city placement on the map is baffling sometimes. Like “Duluth” being placed where St. Paul actually is…

      I also have it as an app game on my phone.

    2. +100. But I would say that Ticket to Ride: Europe is even better – it is more complicated with tunnels, railroads, and a bigger map.

      1. Ohhhh ohhh man I didn’t know this.

        I think the one version of this game I have played wasn’t the original, I think it was eastern europe or something. No tunnels I don’t think, but cities I wasn’t super familiar with.

    3. Good to know. My son loves board games and his birthday is Saturday. He decided not to have a party this year so I promised him family board game night.

    4. We love this game at our house, too. We just bought “Settlers of Catan” yesterday to play over the long weekend. I really wanted “Forbidden Desert” because I love “Forbidden Island”.

  1. Somewhat random multi-part question.
    I’m having a rare moment of feeling like an adult…because I’m planning to replace my sheets, towels, and pillows either on Black Friday or after Christmas and I’m really excited about it! (Let’s just say it’s overdue.)
    Anyway, I’m planning to do this at Bed Bath & Beyond. Any particular brands you’d recommend (or not)? Does anyone know how their sales usually run for Black Friday/after Christmas? I’ve been hoarding those 20% off one item and $5 off $15 coupons that come in the mail and plan to use those too – can I combine them? Like if I get 2 items, can I use 2 20% off and one $5?

    1. Not sure about their upcoming sales, but you can use as many coupons as you have items (so if you had two items, you could use two coupons, but you couldn’t use more than that.) At least the store by my place is incredibly helpful in find the one that’s going to get you the biggest bang for your buck.

    2. Their pillows are crazy overpriced. Go with HomeGoods!

      I think I got some Wamsutta sheets at BBB forever ago and was happy with them for the years I used them (upgraded bed sizes since then). We LOVE the Macy’s charter club 500 thread count solid sheets now though. If you can find them on sale or clearance, they’re sooo soft and delightful.

      As for towels, my only advice is get a few bath sheets! Hard to go back to regular size towels after having the huge size :)

    3. Tuesday Morning has better values in towels and linens. They carry luxury brands like Sferra and Peac0ck Alley. It’s brick & mortar stores only – check if there is one near you.
      Read up on scams related to thread count in sheets – it’s a thing and BB&B was named as one of the offenders.

    4. So I recently bought new sheets at Sam’s Club and I have to tell you they are the nicest sheets I’ve ever purchased. They were on sale, $20 off. They were so soft, even right out of the package and they’re big enough for my king bed. Some fitted sheets aren’t deep enough and keep coming off in the night, but not these. If you have a Sam’s Club nearby, or if you know someone, check them out. I paid under $60 for these sheets (the set!) and I’m going to buy another another set when then go on sale again. They also had great colors too!!

  2. When your boss says “Hey, you guys can go ahead and head out early today! Happy Thanksgiving!” and nobody moves, but you really want to grab your keys and run out the door like you’re in a sitcom.
    I’m done. There is nothing else here to do until Monday. But I guess I’ll sit here for a few minutes so it looks good?

    1. Ughh I hate that. We’re closing at 2 tomorrow but I know quite a few people who work near me will not be ready to leave at 2, and I’ll be torn between leaving because there’s nothing else I need to do before the long weekend, and lingering in the office a little longer so the overworked coordinators don’t resent me too much.

    2. I’ll admit, I’m usually the jerk still working on early close days at the office. But I actively encourage my direct reports to go. I usually have a few things that are best worked on with no interruptions, and the day before a holiday is usually a good time for that.

  3. I also love this game!

    I think I posted before about try to play this with a guy I dated (who I adore). There are a lot of rules, he is not a details guy, and we had too many cocktails the first time he tried to teach me how to play it (I still won). The second time, we were more sober, I read some of the rules, and I won again. The third time, I read all of the rules and realized we had been doing some things wrong, and I won again! BAHAHA.

    I am friendly with this gentleman and we are supposed to get drinks after Thanksgiving – I may have to suggest we break out TtR!

  4. One of the things I am working hard on this last year is trying to expand my knowledge of history from vantage points that aren’t white Christian. My history classes in high school were based off the same textbooks that were being mocked during the Louisiana voucher issues a few years back (the trail of tears helped bring Native Americans to Christianity, Slavery was not all bad, the Great Depression was not as bad as they made it sound, the problem with Hitler was Socialism, on and on) so my education was sorely lacking.

    I’ve taken the online courses Yale offers on African American history and read a few small primers on Middle Eastern history and really really enjoyed them and learned a ton, but am looking for recommendations form the other smart women here on what I can turn to next. I love to find some solid Native American or Central/South American history told from within that culture or really any other culture that would have been whitewashed out of my education so far. Any ideas? Would love podcasts, audiobooks, or online lectures especially, as I seem to get through those easier than sitting and reading anymore.

    Related but not, has anyone listed to anything lately that gives a good primer to what’s going on in Zimbabwe right now? I realized as I was reading the news that I know very little about what this all means.

    1. Howard Zinn’s A People’s Hustory is a classic alternate US history and well worth the read.

      1. Former high school history teacher here. This is the perfect primer to get you started. Another (shorter) one is Lies My Teacher Told Me.

    2. i applaud your efforts, as i was also raised in Texas schools that taught the same version of “history” as you learned. i never learned about cesar chavez, whose migrant worker movement started an hour away from my school! i may do the same thing as you

      on zimbabwe, there was a good piece on 1a wamu (google it and you’ll get all the shows) on november 16.

    3. This may not be your thing, but I feel like I’ve picked up a lot of this just from reading fiction written from these perspectives. For Native American perspectives, I loved Green Grass Running Water (contemporary and funny) and anything by Louise Ehrdrich (mix of contemporary and historical). Homegoing was also good (Africa). The Late Homecomer is actually nonfiction, but a fantastic memoir written by a Hmong woman. I’m sure there are many more that would fit this theme if you’re interested.

    4. Check out Black Perspectives blog by the African American Intellectual History Society. I follow them on Twitter and have learned so so much.

    5. Will post more tomorrow on the other stuff, but on Zim: the best English-language, internet accessible coverage is probably the Mail & Guardian. It’s South African, and should strike a good balance between truly informed reporting and accessibility (unlike Zimbabwean sources, it won’t assume you already know all the players).

      If you want background reading, Becoming Zimbabwe is a solid general history. Guns & Rain is a classic on the Zimbabwean civil war. If you want to know why both Mugabe and his likely replacement are terrible, read Gukurahundi by Elinor Sisulu (it’s essentially a human rights report about the post-independence massacres). Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight is a fantastic read on white settler culture there – the most readable of these reccommndations, by far.

      Most of my other recommendations on Zim would be an the very-academic end of the spectrum, but happy to add them if you are interested. I have Against the Grain by Geoffrey Nyarota on my reading list – it’s a memoir by a journalist, so I imagine that it would provide a readable recent history, but I can’t actually vouch for it.

    6. I’m a big fan of the ‘Stuff You Missed in History Class’ podcast, which isn’t going to get SUPER in detail on any subject, but has given me a multitude of people and events to do more research on myself that I’d never even heard of. They do shownotes on their episodes with lots of resources you can dig deeper into.

  5. How do people feel about LinkedIn recommendations? I’ve been asked to do one and for a variety of reasons I would rather not. I like the person that asked me and think her work is fine but if I go down this road I’m likely to get a lot of requests. What are your thoughts?

    1. (Presuming this is true) You could say that you don’t give LinkedIn recommendations but are happy to serve as a reference in the future.

      1. This is great advice. I don’t see value in LI recommendations – too many I’ve seen are reciprocal and therefore suspect.

    2. I have no real opinion, thought the manageing partner told me NOT to use linked in profesionally. He had a few NEGATIVE review’s from ex-cleint’s and he couldnt get rid of them so he decided to get rid of his LINKED in profile entirely! He also thought that his ex-wife gave him a negative review on YELP which is out there also. It hasnt hurt our billeables, though b/c I am still required to do my 7200 hours and the manageing partner is thinking that I should do 8000 next year. FOOEY! I do not have time to do that AND find a guy to marry me. He is already married to Margie, so he does NOT have this probelem.

    3. What goes around comes around – I’m firmly in the camp of help others and it will be beneficial in the long run for everyone. I don’t understand hesitating if you like this person.

  6. My family’s favorite is Quelf. You have to be willing to be a complete idiot, which is why it’s so much fun to play with my nephews. We laugh until we cry. I’m not able to go for Christmas this year, so I was thinking about sending them a new game. Anybody know about Five Second Rule? It sounds fun.

  7. What would you do if you found out your nanny is the victim of domestic abuse but won’t leave her partner? Asking for a friend – but there’s obviously concern that the abuser could come to the house when the nanny is home with the children. And concern that if she lets her go, if the nanny changed her mind and wanted to leave she may not be financially able to do so. Would you keep her on? My friend asked me for advice and I’m at a loss.

    1. Honestly, if I knew for sure that was the situation? I would let her go immediately.

      Maybe that is cold, but my children come first. Given the seemingly endless stream of stories about violent men killing their significant others and often whomever seems to be in their way, I would absent myself from that situation. Also, as I recall, when an abused woman takes steps to leave is when she is most at risk to be killed by her partner, so I would let her go and change the locks now.

      1. For sure the situation. Dad of the kids is an ER doc and was there when she came in – and when the police came in to take her statement.

        1. I am so sorry to hear that – it is so awful. But I stand by my thoughts above.

          1. My previous post is in mod for some reason but I’m coming back to say I’d also consider trying to get a restraining order against the abuser to protect my home and family.

          2. I don’t think the family would have a basis for getting a restraining order against the abuser if the abuser has never threatened/contacted the family. Of course if the nanny had one then that would apply to the kids while they were with her.

      2. I would let her go, too, and change the locks.

        And I would also help the nanny in any way I could including giving her a very large severance payment — enough to get away if she wants to.

    2. Oh man this is so hard. A former boyfriend of mine actually was in this situation. He was too young to remember but his mom told me that their nanny’s (ex?) boyfriend came to their house and was shouting at the nanny from outside to come out. She didn’t come out, hid the kids, and called the police; and he shot himself on their lawn as the police came. Again, the kids don’t remember (they were still babies) but the mom told me they were very shaken by it. The kept the nanny on but she quit soon after. His mom told me that was the only time they wished they hadn’t lived in a ranch house because he could have hopped the fence and come around the house, getting close to the kids’s bedrooms.

  8. Vent ahead… I called my boss at 12:45 from my cell phone, while I was at lunch, with questions about Project A, which was a high priority/rush job from the client. I didn’t hear back from him, which is normal. I made a few more phone calls while I was at lunch to coordinate Project A, got back to the office and took care of it and copied Boss.

    At 4:15, Boss called me, upset that I hadn’t gone to his office when I “knew he was looking for me,” and he had input on Project B. I had no idea he was looking for me–I had completed Project A and had no way of knowing he wanted to work on Project B today. It turns out, he called me back about 5 minutes after I called him, but on my office phone, not the cell phone that I had called him from. He didn’t leave a voicemail, didn’t send a text or email, didn’t ask his secretary to follow up with me, didn’t ask my secretary to take a message, didn’t call back later, didn’t poke his head in my office when he passed by 2 hours later.

    Our phones have a small indicator for missed calls, but they’re extremely easy to miss, especially when the phone is in “idle” mode to save power. Apparently, there’s no way to prevent the phone from going into “idle” or increasing the contrast. I’ve moved my phone to a more prominent place on my desk, but I’m annoyed that Boss thinks it’s normal to have a missed call suffice for a message that you’re supposed to go see him. He’s not going to change, and it’s not worth talking to him about it.

    1. That is ridiculous. Truly. Who even checks their work missed calls?

      I would find a way to gently suggest that an email is the best way to get a quick response and leave it at that.

      1. Thank you for saying that that is ridiculous. Sometimes we get so used to the ridiculousness of bosses, co-workers, family members, etc., that an outside perspective is good.

        I’ll see if there’s an opportunity to suggest he take an additional step to get in touch. A voicemail would be fine–then I get a big, blinking red light plus an email with the VM attached.

        I’m meeting a former coworker (not from this job, but same industry) for happy hour this evening. We’re each other’s “blow off steam and gossip about ridiculous people we work with” buddies.

  9. I will be working on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until about midnight and am sad, but should get some freedom after that! Hoping for minimal work Thurs-Sun.

  10. I just looked at the previous post about board games for adults – does anyone have a good list sorted by age for younger kids? Thanks!

    1. 3 years onwards – Monster Chase
      4 years – Carla Cat, Bee alert, Loch ness
      5 years – Ribbit
      6 years – Ticket to Ride My First Journey, Chabirynte, Coconuts
      8-10 years – Tikcet to Ride (basic US version is the easiest), Ghost Blitz (the rules can be modified for younger players, though), King of Tokyo, Forbidden Island, Kingdomino, Jaipur, Takenoko, Love letter, Smallworld, Splendor, 7 wonders
      10-12+ – Sheriff of Notthingham

      1. A few other suggestions – the Gamewright games have been successful for us. We like Feed the Kitty for very very young children. Sleeping Queens and Sushi Go are fun for kids in the 5-8 range and I like them too!

  11. Idk if anyone is still reading but.. I bought a tulle skirt in the desert rose color for a casual December wedding and maybe holiday parties, but I have no idea how to style it. Any suggestions? I tried a sweater like the one in the ad (link to follow) but it seemed too bulky. Maybe a different sweater? A blouse? I can’t figure it out.

    1. Spitballing, because I have a similar skirt but have not managed the courage to wear it in public yet: black silk camisole with moto jacket? Tucked in button-down shirt (chambrey or white or other coordinating color) with heels? Pink striped boatneck long-sleeve shirt? Black turtleneck, nude-for-you booties?

    2. Slim fitting turtleneck sweater, maybe in merino for warmth and since it has a smooth texture that won’t compete with the skirt. Very high heels. Minimal jewelry. Make the skirt the focal point.

    3. I love this. I would wear a thin, tissue-style black turtle neck or body suit tucked in.

  12. Can anyone help guide me through the process of finding a reputable inpatient treatment facility? A family member has agreed to seek medically supervised treatment for a sleeping pill addiction but does not want to go to the facility in our hometown. I don’t even know where to start. We are in a central/southeast state but open to other locations, particularly Florida. Hoping to have him check in Friday and so far not having luck getting in touch with his psychiatrist.

    1. Does your employer have Employee Assistance Program? That would be my 1st call.

  13. Am I the only one shocked about by what I read about Charlie Rose? Charlie is 75 years old, even older then my dad, and I can NOT understand why young women would be interested in him romantically. I know that some women from other countries like older men with money b/c if they get MARRIED, then when the guy passes away, they inherit all the money, but in the US, really, we want a relationship that will lead to children! FOOEY on anything else!

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