How to Find Fulfilling Hobbies
I recently read about how having a non-verbal hobby is so important, and started thinking about other needs that hobbies might be/could be fulfilling…
I recently read about how having a non-verbal hobby is so important, and started thinking about other needs that hobbies might be/could be fulfilling…
Several months ago, I was asked to introduce myself to a group by telling everyone “where I found my inspiration, and where I found my quiet.” The second part has stuck with me and I thought would make an interesting discussion here today…
How do you define happiness — and can you choose to be happy?
There’s a famous quote about how you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. As I get older, I definitely have noticed this, both in good and bad ways. From a simple fashion perspective, if all your friends are buying $1,500 purses, you feel like you’re the thrifty one…
There was an interesting article in Forbes about how power women wake up early, and commenters seemed interested in talking about it more, so I thought we should explore in an open thread. How early do you get up? What do you do with the time? Any tips that make it easier to get up…