The Hunt: Weatherproof Booties for Work Outfits
What shoes are you wearing if it’s slushy or snowy outside right now? Which weatherproof booties are your favorites for work outfits?
What shoes are you wearing if it’s slushy or snowy outside right now? Which weatherproof booties are your favorites for work outfits?
A stylish lawyer guestposts, sharing her secret to the perfect commuting shoes.
We haven’t gone on a hunt for black knee-high boots in forever — but many retailers have them in their best-seller lists, so let’s find the best boots for work and weekend!
Reader and blogger Siouxsie Law wrote in with a suggestion for a poll about Shape-Up Shoes — as she wrote about the topic here, these things supposedly a) help you exercise muscles you wouldn’t normally, giving you a great lower body, and b) they help your posture by engaging your core. But… are they professional?…
We got an e-mail from reader C, raving about this “Beacon” shoe: The heel is higher than it looks and oh-so-so-comfortable. I bought these to be able to commute in dress pants and heels (my comfy commuting flats only work with skirts b/c all my trousers are tailored to heel-length). From the subway stop, I…