The Best Places to Meet Up with Prospective Clients (Other than Your Office or Theirs)

The Best Places to Meet Up with Prospective Clients (Other than Your Office or Theirs)

Years ago I had a meeting with a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur, and he made an interesting comment I still find myself thinking about: his preferred place for informal business meetings was hotel lobbies. (Looking back he probably got the idea from this NYT article!) There are obvious advantages to this — they’re nice, public spaces; they usually…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Finding and Joining Professional Organizations
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Finding and Joining Professional Organizations

How do you find out about professional organizations that could be a good fit for you and your goals? How do you decide which organizations to join, whether for networking in your niche, business development/new clients, or just better opportunities? Ladies, what are your best tips for finding worthwhile professional organizations?  Psst: We’ve also looked at volunteering and…

When Your Client Hits On You: How to Deal with Unwanted Sexual Advances at Work
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When Your Client Hits On You: How to Deal with Unwanted Sexual Advances at Work

How should you handle it when your client hits on you? We got an emergency email from reader K, who is getting a bit uncomfortable with a prospective customer and his unwanted sexual advances at work — the client asked her out! I am a [physical product that attaches to buildings*] sales woman. During intermittent conversation with…

Feeling Jealous of a Younger Colleague
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Feeling Jealous of a Younger Colleague

What should you do if you’re feeling envious of a colleague who’s younger than you, seemingly unappreciative of the opportunity you’re giving her, and also — in your opinion — inappropriately flirty at networking events? Reader J wonders: I’m a 40 yr old business development manager at an engineering firm. I’ve formed a group of female colleagues that helps…

modified keyboard that has a big red NO instead of an Enter key
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Should You Say No to Sports at Work?

Your office is planning an athletic event, and you want to stay far, far away. Even if you’re worried about feeling awkward, should you go anyway to take advantage of the networking opportunities? How can you say NO to work-related sporting events, like golf and tennis outings, and what are you missing out on if you do? Reader B…