Previously, on Corporette…
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Travel back in the Corporette time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago. |
One year ago…
- How to Edge Up a Conservative Look
- The Hunt: Work-Appropriate T-Shirts (lots of tees still available)
- The Best Stores in Europe for Professional Clothes (any new suggestions, ladies?
- When Is Red Lipstick Unprofessional?
- How to Celebrate a Win
Two years ago…
- What's the Deal with Short Suits?
- Which Stores and Brands Work Best for Different Body Types?
- Should You Take a New Job While Pregnant?
- How to Network with Older Men
- How to Buy A Condo
Three years ago…
- The Intern With the $9,000 Handbag (a Corporette classic!)
- What to Do When Your Client Hits On You
- The Corporette Review of Silver Linings Insoles (designed to make your shoes less stinky/sweaty)
- Tales from the Wallet: Negotiating a Great Salary
Four years ago…*
- We ran a poll on collared shirts and blazers: do the collars go out or in?
- We offered some advice on how to rock a white blazer (without looking like you work in a a laboratory)
Five years ago…*
- Tool of the Trade: Leechblock
- Awww, cute: we offer some thoughts on the sample sale sites, as they existed back in the dark days of 2008. (We're sure they took our advice to kill the music and other things that hurt the “I'm working, really” experience.) (Also: We've recently updated our ongoing list of sample sale/flash sale/group buying sites, so check 'em out!)
- We pointed readers to one of Sarah Haskins's first videos, introducing us to the “I Have a Masters But Then I Got Married” demographic (find it HERE as of 6/13).
* N.B. Before March 2010, Kat was still anonymous — please excuse the royal “we” in the older posts! :)
Can today be over yet?
That depends, what time zone are you in?
I have a work trip to Paris coming up and I want to tie on a trip to Monaco to indulge my To-Catch-A-Thief fantasies. But what on earth to wear? The movie has skewed my thoughts on this and I am concerned that it will be like my first day of junior high / high school / prom night — so wrapped up in the clothing aspect (and of getting it wrong) that I can’t relax and enjoy. [Somehow I know that LA is more than Entourage and NYC is more than Gossip Girl and England is more than Downton Abbey, but Monaco seems to be a one-dimensional snapshot from a work of fiction from decades ago (other than a few Monte Carlo rap videos I’ve seen).]
All thoughts welcome!
Others may disagree, but my own experience of Monaco was so much in the realm of “no matter what I do I could not dream of fitting in here” that I think you should just wear whatever you are planning to take to Paris and take it for granted that you will stick out as a tourist. Monaco is just so far “out there” that it isn’t even worth worrying about….
Agree, with the caveat that if you do want to go into Monte Carlo, there is a dress code, and I’d make sure you fit that. You’d probably be fine during the day, but at night I know men need to be in jackets.
In the gaming rooms: appropriate dress required. No shorts or flip flops allowed
In the private rooms: after 8pm a jacket is required. No sport shoes allowed
No military or religious uniforms allowed
Thanks everyone! I think that the climates will be wildly different (but then again, I am basing this on a movie) and I’ll be solo and not in work attire.
Maybe it’s like the advice I gave my teenaged cousin about going to NYC for the first time: don’t worry about it, be comfortable, and there isn’t a chance that you’ll stick out in a bad way (she was generally a cute teenager in a good way, not overly touristy, etc.), and have fun!
Threadjack. I need work advice. I am absolutely miserable at work. For quite a while now I have been doing work way beyond my level. I am (my role) on 5 projects (whereas most people are only on 2-3 projects). I do an entirely different job (for which people get paid a lot more money) on another project. Plus another entirely different job (again which = more money) on another project. I am consistenly told that I am vital to the company, a wonderful person to work with, well poised, yada yada. And this year I am the ONLY person who is not getting a raise. See, while I’m told (by my boss) that I do a terrific job, my performance review was crap. I was only judged on 1 aspect of my job and my boss kind of said “meh, you do an okay job at it” in writing but to my face, she told me I was fabulous.
I have already felt that I was severely underpaid. One of my male colleagues was a level below me and three years later I STILL do not make what he did (same degree but I have more 5 years more experience). Another male colleague (who I have replaced on several projects because he did such a crappy job) makes at least $10,000 more than I do. Are you sensing the unfairness factor here.
Plus the work environment is toxic. I get bullied by the big boss, subtely threatened that if I don’t do certain things (like act like a certain person’s secretary) that I won’t be able to get my contracts signed (which would prevent project work from moving forward). So add being the department secretary to the 7 projects…
Add to that the fact that I am currently tied to my company because of school (I’m pursuing my PhD). If I left right now I would not have access to some of the things I need to finish up my dissertation.
So question… do I try to subtely fight back (one of my friends at work told me I really ought to put up a fight, he can’t believe I’m just letting myself be treated like crap). Do I just count down the days until I can leave? And most importantly, how do I manage to get myself through the day to day? How can I keep the motivation to work hard and get everything I can out of what will hopefully be my last year here? I feel like a need a mantra on my computer screen that I can go back to whenever I’m feeling down like this. Because right now I’m so pissed off I can’t concentrate!