Previously, on Corporette…

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Travel back in the Corporette time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago.

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…*

Four years ago…*

* N.B. Before March 2010, Kat was still anonymous — please excuse the royal “we” in the older posts! :)


  1. I like this “Previously….” post that Kat does.

    Looking through: ■How to React When Presented with a “Gentlemanly” Limp Handshake, I saw a post by Bluejay (2/29/2012 at 9:20am) that said:
    “And I hate when people assume I’m not Latina because my name doesn’t “sound” Latina. So maybe you shouldn’t be so judgy.”

    But, I distinctly remember an earlier post by someone called Bluejay posting about having Russian-Jewish heritage and having silly people come up and make nasty Anti-Semitic jokes in her presence.

    Are there two different posters under the same handle of “Bluejay” or did I miss something about one poster having an “American melting pot” family heritage? :-)

    1. To be honest, I’m not sure what you would have “missed” (we don’t all post EVERYTHING about ourselves) and the idea that it would be of note that one poster had “American melting pot” heritage and posted is just silly.

      1. Wow, you are quite the hostile jerk aren’t you?

        Why is it wrong to want to know if there are different posters using the same handle? It can get confusing. There are some posters I enjoy following, and if there is another poster under the same handle, I start getting mixed up.

        And stop projecting that I’m trying to make an issue out of mixed heritage. That could be one explanation – that someone is many different heritages, and in different posts, have addressed issues relevant to a specific ethnic heritage. Either that, or there are different posters posting under the same name.

        1. It is a little weird that you are asking about someone’s heritage. There are people that post here from all over the world, and posters don’t have to identify as an “American melting pot.” I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but I did find that question odd and a little aggressive.

          1. The post didn’t sound like an inquisition that was focused on race. I don’t think the OP is actually all that interested in “Bluejay” ethnic heritage, just awkwardly trying to lay out alternate reasons why there seems to be a disconnect.

            As in: if someone has posted a lot saying she’s Jewish and also Irish, it’s odd to see someone under the same handle to post a vigorous comment about being Latina. Speaking as an American, most Americans identify by one or two ethnicities — not saying this is how it should be, but just observing that that’s my experience– so it can seem jarring for a third to come up. Makes one think there’s more than one person using the same moniker.

            So I hear you on the inquisition, but it sounds more like an inquisition based on what might be an inconsistency. You know, of the sort that ELLENWatch would be all over if the subject matter were, um, “ELLEN.”

            Seriously, people have their hackles up too much about race / ethnicity here. I remember the pre-emptive smackdown that was issued in the keloids discussion. And you know, just as it’s really bad form and racist to assume that the default audience is always white, it’s just as bad form and off-putting to pre-emptively scold someone for something you suspect they’ll do. I prefer innocent until proven guilty myself.

          2. OP here, I was casting about for a polite, PC way to indicate multi-ethnic heritage and used “American melting pot.” Is that out-dated? I am old enough to be the parent of some posters here, so perhaps I am out-dated.

            I’m less interested in any particular poster’s ethnicity than my admittedly clumsy sleuthing of whether there are overlaps in handle-use or attempts to disguise identity as Blonde Lawyer suggests. I think there’ve been other cases where posters here have figured out that Handle X and Handle Y are the same person, or that there are several posters using the same Handle N, and that’s what I was getting at.

            Again, no, of course people don’t have to disclose everything, but I don’t understand the pattern of “disclosing stuff” and then getting defensive about it when people start knitting the pieces together.

    2. I like it too, having only recently discovered this site! I am reading through the comments on “The Professional Implications of Bitchface” and the discussion is fascinating. It never occurred to me that guys never get commanded to smile by passing strangers but I’ve always been mildly annoyed when it happens to me. (I have a perma-frown, apparently.) I usually respond by pulling a grotesque face with a very exaggerated smile and my tongue hanging out to the side with a vacant-and-ignorantly-blissful look on my face.

    3. Sometimes I change details about myself on here to try to stay a bit more anonymous. Maybe she wanted to ran about her name not sounding Jewish and people being rude but didn’t want to out herself (especially if she provided a lot of personal info in the past) and chose to go w/ Latina instead. The issue is still the same either way.

  2. Stuck in moderation.
    I like it too, having only recently discovered this site! I am reading through the comments on “The Professional Implications of B****face” and the discussion is fascinating. It never occurred to me that guys never get commanded to smile by passing strangers but I’ve always been mildly annoyed when it happens to me. (I have a perma-frown, apparently.) I usually respond by pulling a grotesque face with a very exaggerated smile and my tongue hanging out to the side with a vacant-and-ignorantly-blissful look on my face.

    1. Our culture teaches women and men that women are supposed to fill in the gaps of male insecurity.

      Women are expected to laugh at a man’s stupid unfunny jokes; the ones who don’t are called “cold” or “b*tches.”

      Women are expected to do the conversational scutwork — the glue of nodding, assenting, saying, “really? how wonderful, etc.” and talk-filler but get condemned if they express strong opinions.

      I’m always amazed at how so many women will agree with the above comments and then turn around and let their daughters be cheerleaders or some other such role that props up men’s egos. Seriously, if they’re good at gymnastics, let them be gymnasts where they are the focus, not the squealing people jumping up and down to show their underwear on the sidelines.

      1. My daughter cheerleads for her school’s womens soccer team. That post was very rude. Her underwear has never shown, and gymnastics is a totally different sport than cheerleading. Obviously, you have never seen a cheerleading competition. It is seriously impressive and requires athletic feats. And boys participate as well. (About 30% boys)

        1. Oh calm down, yes, yes, there are exceptions, but the reality is professional cheerleading is exactly as I’ve described it. Obviously, you’ve never seen a pro football game.

          There are many things that require athletic prowess, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be exploitative. Not all cheerleading is, but seriously, what most people think of as cheerleading is “dancing girls as eye-candy for men.”

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