Previously, on Corporette…

Travel back in the Corporette time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago.

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…*

Four years ago…*

* N.B. Before March 2010, Kat was still anonymous — please excuse the royal “we” in the older posts! :)


  1. Does anyone have guidance as to what “casual attire” means in Dallas? It’s a 6pm engagement party – being in Chicago I just feel like I have no clue what southern women expect “casual” to mean, haha..

    1. I’d wear a dress, just not a fancy dress, or a cute skirt/top, but not jeans

      1. seconded. I made the mistake of wearing jeans + cute top to a “casual” event in north carolina. to the locals, casual meant lilly shift dress.

    2. Casual in Dallas could include jeans. It depends on wear the party is. At someone’s house? Likely jeans will be appropriate with a cute top, blazer, heels, etc. At a hotel or country club? I’d err on the side of skirt or dress. At a restaurant? I’d look up the place online and then plan accordingly.

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