The Best Things You’ve Done for Yourself That Have Made You Happier
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Readers had a great comment thread earlier this year about the best things you've done for yourself that have made you happier, and we thought it deserved its own post!
So, what things have you done — big or small — that have improved your life and made you happier? What changes did you make? What did you stop or start doing? We'd love to know!
We've rounded up many readers' answers below — and we've linked to past posts with related info and advice.
The Best Things Readers Have Done for Themselves That Made Them Happier
Improving Physical Health
- Lifting weights
- Getting regular exercise
- Starting an active hobby
- Walking to work or biking to work
- Reducing sugar intake
- Cutting out — or cutting back on — alcohol
- Seeking diagnoses for health problems (we had a whole discussion on where to start if you're exhausted and have no energy)
- Getting more sleep
- Getting massages
- Doing yoga
- Seeing doctors regularly
- Taking vitamins, probiotics or using CBD
{related: little things that make us happy}
Improving Mental Health
Of course, a lot of the things listed above boost your mental health, too!
- Taking medication for anxiety
- Going to therapy
- Meditating
- Making sure to breathe and relax
- Trying to avoid drama
- Choosing to be happy
- Letting go of the small stuff
{related: how to cope with an emotional hangover}
Improving Your Appearance
- Going to a dermatologist for acne treatment
- Getting microneedling for acne scars
{related: what are your best habits? which are habits you're trying to break?}
- Hiring a cleaning service (This was a popular one!)
- Working from home (Another popular one!)
- Making more friends
- Adopting a dog
Readers, if you didn't chime in on that comment thread (or if you did and have more to say!), do tell: What are the best things you've done for yourself that have made you happier?
Stock photo via Stencil.
Okay, this is kind of a funny one: Last week I went to the dentist and got Botox in my jaw muscles to hopefully stop me grinding my teeth all night. The jury is still out on whether that’s going to work (doc said it would be 7-10 days to get the effect and today is Day 7), but I LOOK AMAZING! It tightened my jaw line and got rid of my little jowls. Who knew? So bruxism or no bruxism, I’m calling it a win.
The UK beauty journalist Aluce Hart Davis does a lot to testing and research on beauty treatments and tweakments. About a month ago she did a piece on Instagram about both and a practitioner explained about how to get it in your neck to help teeth grinding and neck muscle clenching/sagging.
She literally posted an update video last night on Instagram, showing her getting a top up to balance out her jaw and spoke about her jaw line getting clearer and cleaner now her neck muscles aren’t pulling at the flesh.
She does all her procedures on camera and gets interviews with the top UK practitioners who talk through how and when they do different things. Her posts are really informative.
Wowzers, I will check that out! Thanks!
I am trying to find this specific tweakment but cannot locate it on the site, so if nyone locates it, please share.
On Alice Hart Davis’s Instagram, the first wrinkle relaxing demo was on the 28th Sept and then the top up was yesterday (second thing on her grid just now). She just calls it wrinkle relaxers (because botox is a brand name) and the doc talks about various uses of them.
Hahaha unintended win!
You sold me, SA, I’m making the appointment today to go get this done. My TMJ specialist recommended it some time ago and I haven’t pulled the trigger, but I will now.
Haha, good luck!! I thought it would be painful but I literally did not feel a thing.
Love it! I got novocaine for a filling on one of my front teeth, and the temporary numbness and swelling made my upper lip look incredible. Was a pretty good argument for fillers.
Could you recommend where you got it done? I’m in LA and have been wanting to get this done. Thanks!
I got it at Green Street Dental in Pasadena but googling around after the fact, it seems like pretty much any place that does Botox will do “jaw slimming” or “jowls” or similar, which seems to be the same thing.
Was it covered by dental or medical insurance? I’m trying to my TMJ treated, and the only oral surgeon supposedly in my medical plan is in Beverly Hills with dubious up-charging reviews.
I’ve been considering asking about this. Long time clencher and would love to feel some muscle relief in my jaw. I may ask my dentist about this now. Thanks!
Left Biglaw- the additional time to myself has vastly improved all relationships
Cut way back on social media – I was never a daily poster but for example keeping 100% of our recent vacation pictures just for us (or sharing a few via text to people who asked) meant I spent 0 time on vacation thinking “this will look so cute on Insta” or “oh this would have such a funny caption.”
Big +1 to both of these! I stopped posting vacation albums on FB around 2017-ish and definitely noticed myself soaking up the trips more (even though I still spend a lot of time taking pictures and put them in albums afterwards). I also imagine other people find me less insufferable now (we have a lot of disposable income and take a lot of luxury vacations) so it’s a win-win. :) Now if I could just get my parents to stop posting cringey pics on social media…
I nearly completely eliminated social media. I have linked in but I don’t check it. I just post job openings occasionally. It makes my whole life better!
Dropped off social media, worked less, took a long weekend at a health spa, buying all the art supplies I want. (It turned out that when I just decided to allocate a good fund for art stuff, there were only a few hundred $$ of things I wanted – I had just been holding off on buying them for years so it seemed like a lot more!)
That’s a good one about the art supplies. Maybe I need to re-tweak my budget. I always want new brushes, but only have a “general” category to spend from.
Go you! that’s a great result!
I bought the gear and other clothing I needed to actually enjoy Winter. Getting outside almost daily makes such a difference to my mood, and with a bunch of snowshoeing, and more urban walking, I didn’t have to fight the winter bulges.
I love updates like this. Enjoying winter is a choice and you made a good one!
Laser eye surgery! For some reason I had it in my head that it was ‘selfish’ to spend that much money on myself but wow being able to see is life-changing and I’m so glad I did it. It makes me happy every single day.
+1, LASIK is life changing. I was scared of it for way too long and my biggest regret is not doing it sooner.
I felt this way about seeing a dermatologist – I thought that was just something for rich people, and I’m not rich. But I finally started seeing someone a few years ago for my adult acne and I would have paid double what I did for the results.
I wake up early and go to the gym before dealing with kids/work. Going to bed early. Being proactive about health issues.
Accepting lower productivity when kids are out of school for COVID-19 testing.
Seeing my friends more is another huge one.
Stopped curling my eyelashes (I would accidentally pinch it too close to an eyelid and that hurt so much), stopped weighing myself daily, stopped worrying about saving a couple of dollars by driving around to find free parking spots in downtown.
Started trying different flavors of tea and taking my dog to doggy playdates at a neighbor’s house and seeing how much joy it brings her to play with her other doggy friends.
Do you have tea flavor recommendations? I recently tried Queen Victoria from Murchie’s and love it so much.
My current favorite tea is Yorkshire Biscuit Brew.
Lost weight!
Got a new bike that’s more stoutly built, has racks, and lower gears than my road bike so I can do everything I need to do without a car.
Regular housekeeping, no question. We used to just call someone in occasionally for cleaning when we started falling behind, but recently committed to a regular schedule and it is worth every penny.
Cut back contact a lot with people who aren’t that nice and apparently enjoy seeing me struggle; couldn’t cut it off all the way because family but definitely happier timing visits such that we all aren’t the same place at the same time, even if it means skipping some holiday gatherings.
Last 2 years not having to do family Christmas visits was life changing for me as well. No comments about my hair needing to be dyed, how much weight I had gained, how I still wasn’t married, etc. I might never do a big family Christmas again. I did a visit in September, and without the expectations and pressure of the holidays it went a lot better than usual.
So much to “people who aren’t that nice and apparently enjoy seeing me struggle.” It’s really coming home how some not-nice people will just attack anything about me or pounce when I show weakness. That’s not friendship; that’s competition.
Started dancing and loved it and have gone all in on it as a hobby. Buying 5000 rhinestones to decorate a dress this weekend!
Just reading “buying 5000 rhinestones” made me smile.
I like to say that the best thing I ever did for my marriage was put Solar on the house.
We live in Southern California where days are hot, and electricity is massively expensive. We used to have a silent war on the thermostat – I would raise the thermostat because I didn’t want a big bill, husband would lower it because he was sweltering. With Solar, we can have the house at a reasonable temperature, and the system has completely paid for itself in 4 years.
Stopped GAF. Also, I’m a broken record, but quitting alcohol.
+1 for sobriety.
Can I hijack for a moment – Is it okay to give a mentor within your company a small token gift? We both enjoy fancy chocolates so I thought a small box with a handwritten note would be a good way to say thanks. I do not report to this person but they are very senior to me.
No. Don’t gift up. Just write the note without the chocolates.
This may be just me, but I never never never want workplace gifts. Just a sincere thank you is more than sufficient.
Yup. My assistant keeps giving me gifts even though I keep telling her not to, and I hate it.
Is gifting up always bad? I just went on a belated honeymoon, and my manager sent me a super thoughtful care package from Sephora beforehand with some of her favorite skincare goodies in travel size. While we were traveling I bought her a nice boutique candle (small and $25) as a thank you (and also for covering a handful of projects for me while I was out). Is it inappropriate to give this to her? I haven’t mentioned it yet since we’re both still WFH, so I could keep for myself if needed….but I just felt like it was a nice gesture.
Don’t gift it. Write a nice thank you note instead.
Do not do it. I would not feel good if I gave a thoughtful wedding/celebratory gift to a direct report and they got me a present on their honeymoon.
Don’t do it. Write her a nice note about how much you enjoyed the Sephora package.
1. Marrying my lovely husband, 2. Getting a dog, 3. Going in-house, 4. spending time and money on girls trips, parties, dinner and things that keep me connected to and having fun with my friends.
These are things that make me happy that I do regularly:
Sleep enough
bike with friends
swim with friends
Ride my peloton (buying it was SO worth it)
Play with my dog
These are things I don’t do that having other people do makes me happy
Clean my house
Do my taxes
Any chores/ fix it/ pretty much if I can outsource it, I do
What I am not doing now but should to be happier
Eating more healthily — I am happy when I am pretty inflexible about my diet, which is what it takes for me to get and stay on the thin side
Things that I can’t control even though they may affect my happiness
Ex husband
Pretty much All other people
I got a dog. That means I get outside everyday for meaningful walks (60-90 minutes) and have a delightful companion. I also love taking her to new places (hiking, places around my city, etc.).
Strength training — This is as much a boon to my mental health as it is to my physical, and being strong in middle age has really helped me (e.g., I have avoided injuries, a chronic foot problem no longer bothers me, etc.)
Accepting an invitation into a group of local friends, which means I have a regular and vibrant social life after a long period of near solitude (which I am actually expert at but does not really suit this extrovert).
Does anyone have a current favorite boot/bootie? I’m looking for waterproof, wider toebox, something I can walk a couple of miles in. There are so many choices! I’m eyeing La Canadienne boots, and while they don’t have wide sizes, is the toe box on the wide side? I’m not worried about price for this purchase; I’m looking for something to keep my feet happy. Also open to store recommendations in Manhattan for trying on.
If you’re not looking for fancy, Born Chelsea boot is my workhorse and checks all your boxes.
Highly recommend Blondos.
I put in an inground pool against everyone’s advice. For various reasons, I can rarely travel and I spend a lot of time at home. The pool is a tremendous source of enjoyment and relaxation for me.
Nice! As a fellow water lover in the land-locked Midwest, I applaud this choice.
This is my dream. My in-laws have a pool they rarely use (came with the house) and I use it every day when we visit.
Quitting my old job!
Having a daily cleaning chore!
Trying new foods I’m not 100% sure about!
Saying yes to the people I love!
Accomplishing goals in bits and pieces rather than waiting for the right time to do everything in one go!
Married my husband, had my daughter, therapy, medicating my mental illness, and giving myself the gift at 40 of being wrong – I no longer always had to be right. All life-changing.
Anxiety/depression medication, moving back to my hometown, leaving a toxic job, saying no to things I don’t want to do.
Stopping cat fostering. I am burned out. I cannot give anymore. I need a calm, quiet, clean home or else the inside of my head is a bad place to be.
Giving in to Pokemon. I can’t believe how much fun it is to play the game with my five year old.
Buying a Tesla. We can take our dog to National parks now. He just stays in the car on “dog mode” while we hike trails we can’t take him on. The car reports internal climate continuously. Only problematic when there is bad reception but we have two different carriers and this is rarely an issue (we also don’t hike far because the five year old).
Having two blankets on our bed per the recommendation of this board. The years of interrupted sleep trying to un-burrito my husband for my half are a faraway bad dream.
Omg the two-duvet solution was our big win this year too. Highly recommend.
I’d still be worried about someone seeing your dog in the car and trying to break a window to “save” it. I left my dog in a car once to run into a CVS for maybe 5-10 minutes in ~60 degree weather, there was literally no way she was going to die or even get uncomfortably hot. And when I got back to the car someone was trying to break in to “rescue” my dog. In some states there are laws that good Samaritans who damage your car trying to free a pet aren’t liable for any damage they cause.
Tesla’s have a big screen in them (visible externally) that reads something along the lines of “My owner will be back shortly. The temperature inside the car is currently X degrees” when they are in dog mode. So I would hope this is unlikely.
– Deleted the LinkedIn app from my phone as well as all the email notifications (too much mindless scrolling in downtime where I’d see things that made me anxious. Now I just look at it on my computer, maybe once a week or so.
– I deleted every account I was following on Instagram other than a few close friends and then only added back in the ones where I would go search for their account to see what was going on with them. I had brainlessly followed way too many accounts for stuff that wasn’t relevant or made me anxious.
– Made a commitment to spend time outside each day, even if it’s only 15-30 minutes
– Bought new hiking boots I really didn’t “need,” but they are a vast improvement over my old ones and I am motivated to go hiking more now on the trails near my house, which makes me happier and more relaxed.
Finally got diagnosed and treated for adhd at age 37. Massive, massive change for the better. I can’t believe I spent so many years thinking I was lazy and useless and struggling so hard every day.
I need to look into this again. I now have contraindications for the meds that actually worked for me, but boy am I struggling.
On a recent episode of Life Kit podcast, Oliver Burkeman talks about how rather than asking if something makes us happy, we should ask “Will this choice enlarge me or diminish me?” This was such a light bulb moment for me because sometimes I feel like this constant quest for happiness doesn’t give proper weight to the idea that 1) happiness is fleeting, and 2) there are so many things that are difficult and not fun, but which are ultimately very fulfilling- like many aspects of parenting.
I’m going to check out this podcast. Thanks!
Absolutely. I come from a culture where the word for “happiness” refers to an event or a short state of mind. The chase of perpetual happiness (at least as portrayed in the news / on social media in the US) is fascinating to me.
getting into MJ edibles instead of drinking.
I signed up for group and private tennis lessons, and making time to do something for myself instead of my kid or my ridiculously demanding job has been wonderful. Also, reconnecting with friends this fall (lots of outdoor restaurant meals or walks) has been a big mood lifter.
Eyebrow micro blading. It may even edge LASIK for me just because I’ve had eye issues with LASIK.
oooo I have been thinking about this for a while — how bad did it hurt? Does it hurt more/less than threading? I can’t do wax because I always have an allergic reaction. The pain of microblading is what’s holding me back (plus researching where to get it).
Changing from being a trial attorney to an appellate one, way less stress for the same $. Avoiding fair-weather friends who just seem to compete with you. Ditching caffeine and alcohol. Getting back into therapy. Resting more.
Deleting instagram, walking/hiking with my dog, stop counting calories, running, and very simple but sitting outside