How to Look Stylish and Professional at a Business Casual Office
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How to Look Stylish and Professional at a Business Casual Office

When you’re used to dressing conservatively for work and your new office is much less formal, how do you put outfits together to look casual but still professional and stylish? How can you adapt your conservative clothes for a business casual office? Some women would react to a dress-code switch like this with a “Score! Jeans and…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Announcing… our new Guide to Business Casual for Women!

Announcing… our new Guide to Business Casual for Women!

Even though our focus here at Corporette® tends to be on conservative business attire (women’s suits and sheath dresses for the win!), we’ve done a TON of posts over the years offering advice on business casual — so we’re happy to announce our new Guide to Business Casual for Women! We’ve rounded up some of…

Tops to Wear with Jeans to the Office

Tops to Wear with Jeans to the Office

Here’s a question we haven’t discussed in a while: how to wear jeans to work. Reader E writes in wondering specifically which tops to wear with jeans to the office, particularly because her Midwestern BigLaw office has “jean Fridays” in the summer. Sigh. (FYI, we rounded up all our best tips for summer associates here!)…