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Corp-square-201Travel back in the Corporette® time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago.

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…

Four years ago…

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Lifestyle Advice for Overachieving Chicks


  1. I’m curious on the idea of renting maternity workwear (unless it’s a suit for trial or an interview). Looking at those prices, it seems like buying a capsule wardrobe is a far better use of money, and it can be given to friends, used for subsequent pregnancies, worn postpartum, sold, or donated afterward.

  2. Wow, Kat, again, thank you! I can’t believe it’s been more then 4 years since you asked us how to deal with cleints who hit on us at work! That is the story of my LIFE!
    I went back and went over my p’ost and must report that not much has changed, even tho I am not nearly as cute or svelte as I was 4 years ago. Nontheless, this does NOT stop men, who will pretty go to almost any length to see if they can get something off of us, as women who are still available and might be willing to have $ex with them! FOOEY on them!


    As I wrote back then, “I see that I am not the ONLEY woman who get’s hit on by client’s. FOOEY on men that do this. It shows a TOTAL lack of respect for our PROFESSIONAL STATUS as attorney’s and counselor’s at law. I get this about 3x a year, from NEW client’s who think I am ONLEY there as window dressing and not as a professional. Because of client CONFIENCES, I cannot reveal the name of the company, but after I made my POWERPOOINT presentiation to the company, the COO of the Company came up to me and put his arm around me, slapped me on the tuchus and said he liked what I had to offer. And the manageing partner was sitting right there! The sin of it was that the manageing partner did NOT say he was rude–he was so INTERESTED in me getting the busness that he did NOT care that the guy had slapped me on the tuchus! I think that was totally rude.

    We did get the business, and since then, I have told the COO he was VERY inappropriate in slapping me on the tuchus. That is something that ONLEY my husband will be abel to do. FOOEY on men like that.”

    Now I must just remember that what I did was right then, and follow the same path each time a man wants to do inappropriate stuff with me.

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