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I always do a roundup of which posts were my most-viewed ones for the year — but I thought I'd start our review posts this year with some of MY favorites. Some of them were fun to write — some of them sparked a great discussion — and some of them were just something that I thought was important we talk about. Ladies, which were your favorite posts? Any I'm forgetting?
- How important are “empowering clothes” for women?
- One of my favorite weekend activities: how to shop your closet.
- What work clothes should you avoid if you don't want to look frumpy? How can you blend a conservative style with a business casual environment?
- Must a blazer BUTTON to fit, we wondered?
- Another great topic: how often do you wash your bras?
- How should you expand your suiting collection? Along similar lines, our Next Step series (on workwear, bags, shoes, and furniture) sparked a lot of great discussions — stay tuned in the New Year for a few more of these.
- How can you be taken seriously if you look young?
- In beauty news, we had some thoughts on professional hairstyles, and I wrote an opus on tinted lip balms.
- How to maintain professional contacts.
- We pondered career plans, and talked about how to deal with imposter syndrome.
- In health news, we had a great conversation about healthy office snacks — and we also talked about how to get started lifting.
- I'm surprised how many Tales from the Wallet made this personal list — but I really enjoyed our discussions about emergency funds, money roadmaps, how to invest $10K, and fashion math.
- Random, but an interesting discussion: how to prepare for emergencies.
- Many thanks to all of my guest posters during my maternity leave! Some of them really sparked great discussions among the readers, including Sweet Hot Justice‘s post on how to fit exercise in, Ruth's post on growing up poor, Belle‘s post on how to CYA, and Kathryn's post on professional image and self-confidence — as a plus-size woman.
Here were my favorites of 2013, as well as my favorites of 2012 and 2010.
Kat, these are some great post’s! My favorite has to be “How to Be Taken Serious When You Look Young” b/c I have ALWAYS had this probelem. Men simply refuse to believe that I am an attorney at law, and always think I am just the dumb blond waiteing for her husband to meet her. (DONT I WISH). I constanteley have to deal with peeople like this and have to explain to them that I am a duly admitted attorney at law who is a member of the bar in Good Standing in the State of New York, New York County, and a partner at a prominent NYC boutique law firm. I now (effective 1/1/15) will be abel to say that I am the CO-CHAIR of the WC department at our Firm. YAY!!! Dad got me this title, and it will mean NEW Busness cards as soon as we move to Madison Avenue — which will be on 2/1. Until then, the manageing partner is makeing me use up my OLD cards which do NOT have the CO-CHAIR desegnation. FOOEY! But I supose that we MUST do what we have to NOT to waste money. I will be getting PERSONAL stationerary with my CO-CHAIR desgnation on it also, so that is a PLUS! I will clue the HIVE in later about my weekend, but want to wish all a VERY Merry Christmas as we all go home to visit family and freinds. YAY!!!!
second wedding etiquette
Threadjack: My friend is engaged for the second time. Her first wedding (which I attended), in our 20s, involved multiple showers, a big bachelorette party, the works. Now she’s divorced and is engaged again, and while she’s saying she would like a smaller wedding, her fiance (for whom this is a first wedding) and his family want to do it up big.
My question is about gift etiquette. I don’t think they will have a registry, but I want to get them something. At the same time, they are in their 30s and she’s been married before, so they already have most of the typical housewares/kitchen-type gifts you’d normally give. What do you recommend? A check? A gift card? Also, what’s the right amount to spend on a second wedding?
Cash or something with their new monogram/initials. You can always decline showers invites if it gets to be too much.
I would caution against this unless you are absolutely sure she is changed her name. I would give however much you are comfortable giving. I think a nice vase/pitcher/frame/typical wedding gift is fine, although I would always give a gift receipt when going off-registry. Or cash. Or a gift card to a store like BBB, Macy’s etc. I think skipping a shower, if she has one, is more than fine, though.
Philanthropy Girl
For my friends who celebrate Christmas, I love gifting a “first Christmas” ornament.