Previously, on Corporette…

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Travel back in the Corporette® time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago…

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…

Older Articles with Career Advice

More Work Fashion Advice

Lifestyle Advice for Overachieving Chicks


One Comment

  1. Kat, I can’t beleive it’s been 6 years since I wrote about not being able to afford a cleaning service! Wow, that was SOOOOO long ago, and I was kind of new to my job, and was learning and working my tuchus off. It’s 6 years later and I now do have a cleaning service, and my cleaneing lady does alot for me, including shopping and getting my clotheing cleaned and tailored, tho I do compensate her and her daughter VERY well for keeping my place in showroom condition! Thank god they helped me get through getting rid of my ex. Luz took all of his clotheing that he left, and gave it to her cousin.

    Kat these old posts helps me remember just how far I have come, as well as the rest of the HIVE. Thanks s0 much for pulling these out and reminding us who we were! I just wish I had the same figure as I did in 2012. I now am 15 pounds heavier! FOOEY!

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