Previously, on Corporette…

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Corp-square-201Travel back in the Corporette time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago.

One year ago…

Two years ago…

Three years ago…

Four years ago…

Five years ago…

Six years ago…

Seven years ago…

Eight years ago…*

and — in May 2008*

*N.B. Before March 2010, Kat was still anonymous — please excuse the royal “we” in the older posts! :)

One Comment

  1. Yay Kat! I re-read my comments on the old p’ost about wearing makeup and getting a greater salary, and I concur 100% with my earlier comments. We women of the hive, as well as women in GENERAL, need to exploit our assets for all they are worth. After all, if LaBron James makes million’s b/c he can DUNK a basketball, we women, who are NOT basketball players, need to do all we can to show MEN (who control this profession) that we are worthy of getting paid equal money for equal work. As a result, I have to work my tuchus off to get my salary, and I earn every penny of it, Dad says. He often tells me that the manageing partner is paying me for my brain, and for my legal skills, which I would NOT have if I did not go to law school, pass the NY Bar, and remain a member of the bar, duly admitted, and in good standeing. So to the rest of the HIVE, do what you can to look good; wear makeup, nice clotheing and make sure the men NOTICE you in any way that is legitimate. And remember, do NOT do anything immoral or illegal. YAY!!

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