Previously, on Corporette…

Corp-square-201Travel back in the Corporette time capsule… Here's what was on our minds oh so many moons ago. 

One year ago…

how to plan your career for babies

Two years ago…

Three years ago…

Four years ago…

bespoke dresses for the officeFive years ago…

Six years ago…

Seven years ago…

Eight years ago…*

Nine years ago…*

* N.B. Before March 2010, Kat was still anonymous — please excuse the royal “we” in the older posts! :)

One Comment

  1. Kat, I re-read the grammar rules from last year, and have tried to be better about spelling. I do NOT have this issue at work b/c we have MS Word, and it has spell check’s, and I also have Lynn, who is a professional secretary, with schooling at a secretary school, so she knows to fix my typo’s b/f my breif’s are filed. I am an attorney, not a grammarian, so I just do my best, and it is enough for the manageing partner, who is mostly interested in me cultiveating cleint’s. The new woman who is joining the firm is more of a grammarian, and she went to Colombia Law School, so she will be expected to be good. I am supposed to take her under my wing, and just hope we get along b/c she is very cute, and I do NOT want her poaching my cleints away. FOOEY!

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